الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


توصيات الجامعات

توصيات الجامعات


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5048 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية حلــمْ~

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    حلــمْ~ كندا

    حلــمْ~ , أنثى. مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member. من كندا , مبتعث فى كندا , تخصصى ! , بجامعة !!
    • !!
    • !
    • أنثى
    • تورنتو, اونتاريو
    • كندا
    • Sep 2009

    June 22nd, 2010, 12:41 AM

    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

    اريد من الاعضاء الكرام التفضل بمساعدتي ..~

    ابحث عن التوصيات الخاصه بتخصصSpeech-Language Pathologist ( اخصائي تخاطب)

    وعلى هالرابط http://www.speechandhearing.ca/en/consumer-info/links/104-universities-and-educational-programs

    قائمه الجامعات التي تدرس هالتخصص..~
    لكن لم اعرف كيفيه الحصول عليها !!

    انتظر المساعدهـ بالحصول على التوصيات,,


  2. وعليكم السلام ورحمته وبركاته ..

    هلا اختي ..

    اتفضلي كل جامعة .. وتوصياتها المطلوبة .. حسب قائمة الجامعات الي طلبتيها بالموقع :

    جامعة البرتا :
    f. a letter of reference from each of three referees at least 2 of which should be academic references. (Letters should be submitted directly from the referee to the Admissions Committee, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, or sealed in an
    envelope signed on the closure by the referee),

    جامعة اليو بي سي :

    Note: You may submit as many references as you like. The numbers here are minimum requirements. Contact three (3) individuals who can provide references for you. Two must be academic references, and one must a clinical, professional or personal reference (see below). All references must come directly from the referees to the School of Audiology and Speech Sciences. The envelope’s seal must be signed by the referee.

    • Academic References:Two (2) references should be academic and, if possible, given by full-time faculty who taught you in the last two years of your university work. During the online application process you will be asked to provide your referees email address. The on-line system will send your referee instructions for completing their reference electronically. However, you have the option to instead send your referee the Report on Applicant for Admission to Graduate Studies and follow instructions on the form.
    • Clinical/Professional/Personal Reference:One (1) reference can be clinical or personal. These should be non-academic references only, and may be typed on personal stationery or letterhead paper and mailed directly to the School. For this reference to be considered official, the envelope’s seal must be signed by the referee.

    3) جامعة دلهاوسي :
    روحي الرابط التالي : http://dalgrad.dal.ca/forms/docs/Conf_ref.pdf

    4) جامعة اوتاوا :

    الرابط التالي :

    5) جامعة تورنتو : طالبين 2 رفرنس :

    . Academic References

    Applicants must arrange to have two academic Confidential Reference Forms (see ORPAS application form) sent directly to ORPAS. If a separate letter of reference is included as an attachment to the reference form, it should be written on university letterhead and signed by the referee, indicating name, academic rank, and telephone number or e-mail address. Please note that referees must be full-time faculty members with a rank of assistant professor or higher. Letters of reference from teaching assistants are not acceptable.

    If you have been out of the university environment for 5 years or more, we will accept one letter from an employer. However, it is important for you to obtain at least one reference letter from a professor who can evaluate your academic skills.

    Clinical Reference

    Applicants must obtain a clinical reference from the primary supervisor of their speech-language pathology experience. A Clinical Reference Form is included in the ORPAS application. Applicants should give it to the clinical supervisor for completion. The completed Clinical Reference Form should be forwarded directly to ORPAS by the supervisor. Applicants who have completed undergraduate degrees in communication disorders may have their clinical coordinator forward the Clinical Reference Form to ORPAS.

    Some applicants may have completed more than one supervised clinical experience in a speech-language pathology setting. Usually, an applicant will have completed a second experience because the clientele in the first setting was limited to a single population or age group. The applicant may submit more than one Clinical Reference Form.

    6) جامعة ويسترن اونتاريو :

    اسفة .. جامعة مونتريال فرنسية .. ومافهمت للموقع ..

    واخيرا جامعة مكغيل /


    • Two (2) official transcripts or certified copies of your complete university-level academic record must be sent to McGill by all universities previously attended.
    • Transcripts must be confidential and sent directly from the institution, or in a sealed envelope.
    • If the transcript does not indicate that a degree has been conferred or certified (notarized), a copy of the degree certificate (diploma) will also be required.
    • Transcripts in languages other than English or French must be accompanied by an English or French translation provided by the institution issuing the transcript or by a certified translator.

    موفقة لكل خير يارب ..

    7 "
  3. السلام عليكم ..
    بعض الجامعات لديها نموذج خاص بالتوصيات .. كما اوردت ذلك الاخت نونا في الرد السابق أعلاه .. ومنها جامعة دالهاوسي
    انا ادرس في جامعة دالهاوسي حاليا .. واتذكر اني قدمت لهم نماذج توصيات مكتوبة مباشرة مع الدكاترة اللي درسوني ..
    يعني ما استخدمت نماذجهم الموجودة على الموقع الالكتروني .. والحمدلله مشيت الامور وحصلت القبول ..

    تمنياتي لك وللجميع بالتوفيق ..
    7 "

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