الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية أم الوليد
    أم الوليد

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    أم الوليد كندا

    أم الوليد , أنثى. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى كندا , تخصصى طالب , بجامعة جامعة الملك سعود
    • جامعة الملك سعود
    • طالب
    • أنثى
    • الرياض, halifax
    • السعودية
    • Nov 2007

    October 26th, 2010, 03:42 PM

    Hi All,
    I have to write a paper on the most important characteristics of a 'good' language learner. If you see yourself as a good language learner, I will be really grateful if you could participate in this simple interview as much as you can
    part of my assignment is to interview a number of language learners.
    <style>@font-face { font-family: "SimSun"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }ol { margin-bottom: 0cm; }ul { margin-bottom: 0cm; }</style>

    Participant and language experience

    1. Tell me about the languages you speak. (First language, other languages)

    .................................................. ............................

    2. Tell me about how you began learning English and when.
    .................................................. ............................

    Motivation and attitudes

    3. What were your reasons for learning English? (What did you want to achieve? Did this change?)

    .................................................. ............................

    Social context and learning opportunities

    4. What role did teachers and peers play in your learning?

    .................................................. ............................

    5. Can you tell me about what it was that encouraged your continued learning?
    .................................................. ............................

    6. What opportunities were there for you to engage with English outside the classroom?
    .................................................. ............................

    7. Tell me about yourself as a learner:

    .................................................. ............................
    .................................................. ............................
    *Aspects of personality that influence you:
    .................................................. ............................
    *Learning preferences:
    .................................................. ............................
    *Strategies you use:
    .................................................. ............................
    8. In what way did this influence your learning?
    .................................................. ............................
    9. How did your previous experience influence your learning of English?
    .................................................. ............................

    Linguistic and non-linguistic outcomes

    10. What have been the outcomes for you in learning English? *Level of proficiency:

    *Personal achievements:
    .................................................. ............................

    * How you feel about it:
    .................................................. ............................

    Thank you for helping with my research

  2. المشاركة علي والترجمة عليك ^_*
    أهم الأشياء اللي ساعدتني في تعلم اللغة هو الفضول منذ الصغر، مفتون بألعاب الكمبيوتر من كان عمري 6 سنوات ودايم انشب لي في احد المراحل << " من جد بزر " ومالي الا ابثر ابوي وش معنى هذي ووش معنى هذي << يبي يخلص المرحلة.

    امي كانت تهاوشني اذا جلست على الكمبيوتر وابوي كان بالعكس عاجبه اني اسأله.
    الشيء الثاني اللي خلاني اتعلم الأنقليزي هو الأفلام وبعد ثورة الأنترنت صرت مظطر اشارك في المنتديات الخاصة بالشركة اللي انتجت القيمز اللي طايح فيها <<"للحين بزر " وتحسنت عندي الكتابة من وقتها ولله الحمد.

    بالنسبة للقرامر، انا أشهد للمعهد اللي درست فيه في كندا، نفعني وصحح الأخطاء اللي كانت عندي.

    بالتوفيق ..
    7 "
  3. for me
    listening to movies , songs has the biggest impact on my learning progress

    also reading, but I am not from those people who will read every things just

    to learn the language. I am kind of person who will read what she likes and

    what is interesting for her

    after that it comes practicing the language by speaking and writing

    when I was in Saudi Arabia

    I used to speak with myself( don't laugh)

    also in my thinking, I try to think in English

    and that's gave me the courage to speak with others

    for writing
    for me personally, it was the most difficult skills to learn and improve by

    However, I started to write the way I speak and that worked very fine for me
    until I cam to Canada, I start to learn how to write formally
    and the way a native would write because their speaking is slightly different from their writing

    so I think the best way to learn writing skills is by taking writing classes, or by reading academic subject which follows the formal writing forms

    وبس كثرنا حشي بس حبيت افيدك

    لاني من النوع الي مغتره شوي بلغتها وان اغلب لغتي كانت من شغلي على حالي قبل ماجي كندا
    واظن اي احد ممكن يتعلمها بطريقه الي انا تعلمتها
    وطبعا لساتي ادرسها ماخلصت منها بس ماظن اني سيئه ابدا
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الـسـاحـر
    المشاركة علي والترجمة عليك ^_*
    أهم الأشياء اللي ساعدتني في تعلم اللغة هو الفضول منذ الصغر، مفتون بألعاب الكمبيوتر من كان عمري 6 سنوات ودايم انشب لي في احد المراحل << " من جد بزر " ومالي الا ابثر ابوي وش معنى هذي ووش معنى هذي << يبي يخلص المرحلة.

    امي كانت تهاوشني اذا جلست على الكمبيوتر وابوي كان بالعكس عاجبه اني اسأله.
    الشيء الثاني اللي خلاني اتعلم الأنقليزي هو الأفلام وبعد ثورة الأنترنت صرت مظطر اشارك في المنتديات الخاصة بالشركة اللي انتجت القيمز اللي طايح فيها <<"للحين بزر " وتحسنت عندي الكتابة من وقتها ولله الحمد.

    بالنسبة للقرامر، انا أشهد للمعهد اللي درست فيه في كندا، نفعني وصحح الأخطاء اللي كانت عندي.

    بالتوفيق ..
    Thanks a lot for your response and sorry I need to use English instead of Arabic because it will help me in writing my research. Anyways, so you are curious about learning English or what? what are the characteristics that you see most important if I want to learn English?
    I can see that you use English to communicate, so, do you consider communication as an important characteristic of a good language learner?
    Thanks again

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة منعطف خطير
    امممممم كنت اسمعهم من انا صغيرة واتكلم معهم البيئة طبعا وصلت 10 سنوات صرت اتكلم مثلهم

    لكن لغة الجامعات الاكاديمية لازم تندرس لان الشات مافادني بشيء ولا لساني الطويل معهم الي يفيد هون يدك وماتنجز لك

    عودي تكتبي كل يوم قصة اليوم وش حصل لك خلال شهر بتصبحين شاطرة

    سلام عليكم

    Thank you sister for your feedbacks, I understand from what you have written that you spend a lot of time talking and listening to Native Speakers. I will be happy if you can describe a good language learner, for instantce, motivated, communicate alot...etc.
    Aceept my best wishes.
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الغـ صدى ـربة
    for me
    listening to movies , songs has the biggest impact on my learning progress

    also reading, but I am not from those people who will read every things just

    to learn the language. I am kind of person who will read what she likes and

    what is interesting for her

    after that it comes practicing the language by speaking and writing

    when I was in Saudi Arabia

    I used to speak with myself( don't laugh)

    also in my thinking, I try to think in English

    and that's gave me the courage to speak with others

    for writing
    for me personally, it was the most difficult skills to learn and improve by

    However, I started to write the way I speak and that worked very fine for me
    until I cam to Canada, I start to learn how to write formally
    and the way a native would write because their speaking is slightly different from their writing

    so I think the best way to learn writing skills is by taking writing classes, or by reading academic subject which follows the formal writing forms

    وبس كثرنا حشي بس حبيت افيدك

    لاني من النوع الي مغتره شوي بلغتها وان اغلب لغتي كانت من شغلي على حالي قبل ماجي كندا
    واظن اي احد ممكن يتعلمها بطريقه الي انا تعلمتها
    وطبعا لساتي ادرسها ماخلصت منها بس ماظن اني سيئه ابدا
    I really appreciate your help and I am glad that you use English to reply because I need to see how good your English is. Could you please tell me when did you start to learn English? one more thing, can you list three charateristics of a good language learner from your experience. Thanks again

    waiting for your responses all
    7 "
  5. Hi, I will list some important points that I think it is helpful in learning languages, I have applied most of them:
    1- DON`T feel embarrassed when you make mistakes. everybody learns from his or her mistakes. in other words, if you don`t make mistake, you will never ever learn.
    2- Try to immerse yourself in English language. watching movies, listening to the news and so on
    3- learn from indigenous speakers. NOT from your friends
    4- Reading helps to improve your vocabulary as well as you writing. so you should find anything that you like to read whether it`s a story or a book or whatever.

    I hope that is helpful for you, and wish you luck with your assignment.
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة كاراكاس
    Hi, I will list some important points that I think it is helpful in learning languages, I have applied most of them:
    1- DON`T feel embarrassed when you make mistakes. everybody learns from his or her mistakes. in other words, if you don`t make mistake, you will never ever learn.
    2- Try to immerse yourself in English language. watching movies, listening to the news and so on
    3- learn from indigenous speakers. NOT from your friends
    4- Reading helps to improve your vocabulary as well as you writing. so you should find anything that you like to read whether it`s a story or a book or whatever.

    I hope that is helpful for you, and wish you luck with your assignment.

    Well done
    your response is really useful for me
    thank you
    7 "
  7. ohh you were evaluating me :P

    when did you start to learn English?
    like all Saudi from intermediate school

    one more thing, can you list three characteristics of a good language learner from your experience

    actually it is a hard question to answer
    because in learning any thing in the world, there is no stander for a good learner's character
    and I think it is the same for learning a second language
    also maybe you are a good learner right know and you learn a language quickly, but 10 years later, you may not learn the same as today
    and that's not because you get old, but because your goals in life has changed

    what I am trying to say is that it is not the character that makes you a good learner, but it is the conditions that surround you;also,your goals and your reason for learning this language

    For example, If I were studying a language just because I want to be able to speak it, I wont be as good as a person who learns it because he wants to attend a university that speak this language, or because he needs it for his job

    I hope you get my point
    7 "
  8. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الغـ صدى ـربة
    ohh you were evaluating me :P

    when did you start to learn English?
    like all Saudi from intermediate school

    one more thing, can you list three characteristics of a good language learner from your experience

    actually it is a hard question to answer
    because in learning any thing in the world, there is no stander for the a good learner's character
    and I think it is the same for learning a second language
    also maybe you are a good learner right know and you learn a language quickly, but 10 years later, you may not learn the same as today
    and that's not because you get old, but because your goals in life changed

    what I am trying to say is that it is not the character that makes you a good learner, but it is the conditions that surround you;also,your goals and your reason for learning this language

    For example, If I were studying a language just because I want to be able to speak it, I wont be as good as a person who learns it because he wants to attend a university that speak this language, or because he needs it for his job

    I hope you get my point

    I totally agree with you but usually there is a pattern that people share in their way to learn a language. Actually, I did some changes to my topic to make it clearer to you all. Once again thank you and you did a great job.
    7 "
  9. Sorry sister, I didn't give you the answers for the whole questions

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أم الوليد
    <STYLE>@font-face { font-family: "SimSun"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }ol { margin-bottom: 0cm; }ul { margin-bottom: 0cm; }</STYLE>

    Participant and language experience

    1. Tell me about the languages you speak. (First language, other languages)

    Arabic as a first language and English as a second

    .................................................. ............................

    2. Tell me about how you began learning English and when.

    practically I started in march of 2009 , In Toronto at a private school
    .................................................. ............................

    Motivation and attitudes

    3. What were your reasons for learning English? (What did you want to achieve? Did this change?)

    I wanted to study in any university where the English is the official language , I achieved my goal by the way.

    .................................................. ............................

    Social context and learning opportunities

    4. What role did teachers and peers play in your learning?

    Honestly they played vital roles such as motivating me, and correcting my mistakes
    .................................................. ............................

    5. Can you tell me about what it was that encouraged your continued learning?

    my future career

    .................................................. ............................

    6. What opportunities were there for you to engage with English outside the classroom?

    making friends
    .................................................. ............................

    7. Tell me about yourself as a learner:

    loving what I am doing

    .................................................. ............................


    Shy to some extent
    .................................................. ............................

    *Aspects of personality that influence you:
    I am not sure about what you mean

    .................................................. ............................

    *Learning preferences:

    learn by reading
    .................................................. ............................

    *Strategies you use:

    answered already.
    .................................................. ...........................

    8. In what way did this influence your learning?

    too much.
    .................................................. ............................

    9. How did your previous experience influence your learning of English?

    find the right way to achieve something
    .................................................. ............................

    Linguistic and non-linguistic outcomes

    10. What have been the outcomes for you in learning English? *Level of proficiency:

    maybe 7.5 out of 10

    *Personal achievements:
    study at university in Canada

    .................................................. ............................

    * How you feel about it:
    not satisfied and never be

    .................................................. ............................

    Thank you for helping with my research

    7 "

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