الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Canada to visit or study websites links

Canada to visit or study websites links


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية رتبة العلم
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    • Sep 2006

    June 19th, 2007, 10:17 PM

    Sallam Alikum.

    Good Morning/Evening/Afternoon
    These are some helpful links to discover Canada
    Web Links

    Government of Canada Internet site.

    The Department of Citizenship and Immigration to obtain a Canadian visa and student authorization.

    The Canadian Tourism Commission offers information on Canada’s tourism and information.

    The Web site of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) provides a list of colleges programs and links to all accredited technical and vocational colleges in Canada.

    The Association of Universities & Colleges of Canada (AUCC) provides complete information on all accredited Canadian universities and degree-granting colleges. This site includes a searchable list of university programs and links to all universities in Canada and colleges.

    The Association of Canadian Medical Colleges (ACMC) provides information and links to medical schools in Canada.

    The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada provides complete and current information on all accredited medical specialty programs in Canada.

    The Medical Council of Canada provides information on the location, dates and times of the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examinations (MCCEE) that must be taken to obtain a medical licenses in Canada

    The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials can assist anyone trying to assess their educational, professional and occupational credentials by referring them to the appropriate bodies

    The Canadian Education Centres Network provides information about Canadian postsecondary institutions to help international students

    Resource for learning information products.

    Best Regards
  2. يعطيك العافيه...........

    الله يبارك فيك يارب

    حقيقة رائع رائع جداً

    استمر بهذا التألق عزيزي
    مشكور وان شاء الله تستفيدوا

    وش السالفة
    قاعد فيها مايدري وش الطبخة<<<<
    يا طويل العمر هذي مواقع جهات حكومية وخدمية تستفيد من المعلومات الموجودة فيها عذرا لانها باللغة الانجليزية

    اخوي فاهد هذي عدة روابط لعدة جهات حكومية وخاصة .

    مشكور اخوي haramin
    الله يحيك اخوي شد بلد والله ييسر امرك في هاليفاكس
    7 "

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