الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


||تجـــــمع صيـــــادلة المستقــــبل ||

||تجـــــمع صيـــــادلة المستقــــبل ||


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4986 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة d7oom_07
    سجل معـــآآآكـ واحد نفر صيدله...

    ان شآآآآآءالله يآآآآرب.....كندا

    وشكرا عالموضوع الجميل يا جميل,,,,,,

    اهلين اخوي دحووم

    ان شالله صيدلاني باذن الله على كندا ..

    وحياكم الموضوع موضوعكم .. مشكورين عالتفاعل
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة لا تخليني لحالي
    معكم باذن الله
    بكالوريس صيدلة الاكلينكية في امريكا

    اهلين اخوي ..

    ان شالله ما راح تكوون لحالك وراح تقابل اصحاب كويسين وتستفيدوا من بعض في امريكا ..

    بكلوريا صيدلة يعني فارم دي ها ؟؟

    الله يوفقك ان شالله وتتخصص اكلينك فارمسي يارب ..
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة turky92
    موضوع جميل ومهم لطلاب الصيدلة

    انا اخترت صيدلة امريكا انا ما احب الكمياء كله من استاذي بالثنوي بس انا ممتاز بالكمياء واحب الفيزياء وترى الصيدلة فيها فيزياء بعد

    بس عندي استفسار انت مواليد 93 وشلون تبين تروحين معنا
    اهلين اخووي ..

    الكيميا والله حلوة بس بعض الاساتذة استغفر الله يكرهوا الطلاب فيها .. ايوا كمان في رياضيات واحصاء وطبعا احياء..

    ندرسهم اول سنتين ..

    وبخصوص 93 انا درست بمدارس مصرية .. هما يقبلوا اي احد

    بالتوفيق ان شالله
    7 "
  4. مـقـآلآت لـ PharmD من wiki ، لـ كـندآ و أمـريكـآ


    In Canada the PharmD program is offered in both English and French. Currently in Canada the PharmD program is a post-baccalaureate program. Students enrolled in the program must have graduated from a CCAPP (Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs) or an ACPE (Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education) school with an accredited teaching program or must have passed the PEBC (Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada) Evaluating and Qualifying examinations. As of fall 2007, the PharmD program is offered at the Université de Montréal (in French) and is the first Canadian university to give this program instead of the baccalaureate program in pharmacy. The PharmD program was offered as a graduate program.

    United States

    In the United States, the PharmD. (Doctor of Pharmacy) degree is a professional degree that prepares the graduate for pharmacy practice. It is awarded after four years of pharmacy school, including one year of practice experience. Most states require students take an entry test[1] (PCAT) and complete 60-90 credit hours (2–3 years) of university coursework in the sciences, mathematics, composition and humanities before entry into a professional program. Many pharmacy students complete a bachelors degree before entry to pharmacy school.
    Total time: 2–4 years undergraduate (Associate or Bachelor degree), 4 years professional (PharmD), optional 1–3 years of specialization (residency/fellowship).
    Previously, in the United States, the bachelor's degree in pharmacy was the first-professional degree for pharmacy practice. Some schools and colleges of pharmacy offered a post-baccalaureate graduate Pharm.D. degree. These graduate level degrees became prevalent in US programs in the late 1960s.
    In 1990, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) mandated that a doctor of pharmacy degree would be the new first-professional degree. Currently all accredited schools and colleges of pharmacy in the US offer the Pharm.D. degree. Many also offer post-Pharm.D. graduate programs in specialized areas of the profession.
    The current PharmD degree curriculum is very different than that of the prior BS in pharmacy and now includes extensive didactic clinical preparation and a full year of hands-on practice experience.
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ghassan m
    فـآرم دي , بـ كندآ إن شـآء الله
    تـم إخـتيآر كـندآ , لـقوة التخصصآت الطبيـة فيـهآ + تعـآمل شعـب كـندآ ..

    مرحبا دكتور ..

    صحيح كلامك كندا قوية بتخصصاتها .. وما شالله الشعب فرندلي واجتماعيين ..

    الله يوفقك وينولك اللي ببالك

    بالتوفيق الله ييسر دربك
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ghassan m
    مـقـآلآت لـ PharmD من wiki ، لـ كـندآ و أمـريكـآ


    In Canada the PharmD program is offered in both English and French. Currently in Canada the PharmD program is a post-baccalaureate program. Students enrolled in the program must have graduated from a CCAPP (Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs) or an ACPE (Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education) school with an accredited teaching program or must have passed the PEBC (Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada) Evaluating and Qualifying examinations. As of fall 2007, the PharmD program is offered at the Université de Montréal (in French) and is the first Canadian university to give this program instead of the baccalaureate program in pharmacy. The PharmD program was offered as a graduate program.

    United States

    In the United States, the PharmD. (Doctor of Pharmacy) degree is a professional degree that prepares the graduate for pharmacy practice. It is awarded after four years of pharmacy school, including one year of practice experience. Most states require students take an entry test[1] (PCAT) and complete 60-90 credit hours (2–3 years) of university coursework in the sciences, mathematics, composition and humanities before entry into a professional program. Many pharmacy students complete a bachelors degree before entry to pharmacy school.
    Total time: 2–4 years undergraduate (Associate or Bachelor degree), 4 years professional (PharmD), optional 1–3 years of specialization (residency/fellowship).
    Previously, in the United States, the bachelor's degree in pharmacy was the first-professional degree for pharmacy practice. Some schools and colleges of pharmacy offered a post-baccalaureate graduate Pharm.D. degree. These graduate level degrees became prevalent in US programs in the late 1960s.
    In 1990, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) mandated that a doctor of pharmacy degree would be the new first-professional degree. Currently all accredited schools and colleges of pharmacy in the US offer the Pharm.D. degree. Many also offer post-Pharm.D. graduate programs in specialized areas of the profession.

    The current PharmD degree curriculum is very different than that of the prior BS in pharmacy and now includes extensive didactic clinical preparation and a full year of hands-on practice experience.

    تقرير جدا رائع
    عن تخصص اروع .. يعطيك العافيه وجزاك الله خير
    7 "
  7. توضيح طبيعة الدراسة بشكل عام؟ (نظري أم عملي / حفظ أو فهم) وغيره ..

    الدراسة تكون نظرية وعملية ست سنوات ( على حسب الجامعة ) وبعدها تطبيق في المستشفى والدراسة باللغة الانجليزية .

    ما هي المؤهلات والإمكانيات التي يتطلبها ؟ ( مادية ومعنوية )
    شهادة الثانوية العامه بمعدل فوق 90% والمواد العلمية والانجليزي وطبعا اهم شي ميول الشخص للتخصص نفسه وابداعه فيه .

    ما هي المقررات الرئيسية في هذا التخصص؟
    جميع المواد العلمية كيمياء , فيزياء , احياء وغيرها والتركيز على دراسة الادويه وكل مايختص بالادوية والامراض وحركية الدواء في الجسم ومتابعة المريض ودراسة الحالات المرضيه .

    ما هو مستقبله العملي أو الوظيفي؟
    يتخرج بمسمى دكتور صيدلي بدرجة الفارم دي .

    7 "
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