الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


نصائح باللغه الانجليزيه انشاالله تستفيدو

نصائح باللغه الانجليزيه انشاالله تستفيدو


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4872 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية *toto

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    *toto الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    *toto , أنثى. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى فيزياء , بجامعة كلية التربيه
    • كلية التربيه
    • فيزياء
    • أنثى
    • المملكه العربيه السعوديه, المدينه المنوره
    • السعودية
    • Aug 2010

    December 24th, 2010, 06:04 PM

    How To Improve My Listening

    Before anything with listening avoid Listening to songs as a way of learning. It's absolutely wrong and will confuse you . With songs Neither the grammar nor the pronunciation correct .

    *start by listening to cartoon movies , Why ?
    because the words used in cartoons are meant for children, So they are easy and clear to get also the speakers speed are not too fast ,

    Listen to the cartoons carefully , and remember you're not doing it for fun , don't focus on the graphic , focus on the sound, How the words are pronounce and try to understand what is going on , what are they saying and why.

    DO NOT start by doing this with real movies , you won't manage nor learn , why ?
    the words used in real movies are slang and street words ,also different accents are sued in movies not mentioning how fast they speak,

    all this will not help beginners nor the students learning and will make them feel down and lose hope.

    How To improve my Speaking

    I won't say much about speaking because it's almost the same as listening .
    Repeat what you hear in the cartoon movies , ( don't be like a parrot ) repeat with understanding .Pronounce each word correctly and carefully with understanding to the meaning of course.
    * Try to speak to your friends , nurses , teachers using English, if you couldn't or did not find than speak to the mirror , !
    *record your voice and find where are your errors and work on fixing them

    How to Improve My Writing

    for writing , before anything you need to know the rules Of Writing . click here to download them
    *buy an empty note and start writing your memories every day before sleeping ,
    apply what you learn and follow the rules of writing ,
    don't worry if you have mistakes at the beginning or don't think if you're typing in the right way or no , just keep writing every day and whenever you learn something new wither it's a new word or new grammar just apply it
    try to read short stories then write these stories again and compare between the original stories and yours.

    How to Improve My Reading

    read loudly , and apply what I've said in Speaking
    THIS is an mportant advice , Most of you are English student and you're expected to be able to read fast "scan " with understanding . The most effective way i found and had helped me a lot is , "Japaneses movies " why and how !!
    try to get a Japaneses movie ( this time it does not matter , real or cartoon) As long as it's translated to English , Do your best to read the translation at the bottom of the movie before they disappear , ( this might be hard thing to do at the beginning ) but it only take little time before you can manage this skill , ready quietly don't use your tun nor pronounce the words , Remember with this you're learning how to scan and this is very Important skill for all English , Engineers , and other studies Students

    How To Chose Your Vocabulary

    * DO NOT chose words you don't need or you won't probably use . Chose the words from the nature around you , this way you can easily revise your vocabulary every day without the need of any book or note
    * Look around you ( left and right , up and down ) anything you see You should know it's name and how it's pronounce .
    when you're walking at the street also look around ,anything you see you should know it's name and how it's pronounce
    This way is the best to gain a lot of words in a short time without forgotten . How can you forget what around you 24 hours !!
    Do this every where , while you having dinner ,lunch or breakfast ,look at the food and be sure to learn it's name,

    Most importantly is that you revise these words ,you don't need to hold a book or note , everything will be in front of you , revise these words every day till they become part of your life

    How to learn Grammar

    My Advice is to avoid using books at the beginning , what to do then !!
    many wish to hire a private teachers, some can , But many can't. Why hiring a teacher and wast a lot of money while you can get the best teachers in the world for free ??
    where and how ??
    The answer to that is one word or maybe two:s ( YOUTUB ) .
    The youtub have almost all the English grammar explain by many qualified teachers .
    search for the teacher that suit you and feel OK about.
    always watch the video before reading the lessons from the book

    How To Prepare For An Interview

    ONE BIG MISTAKES MANY student does,
    Know that you will be Interviewed before you get any job, Don't wait for the time , prepare from now , (Simply if you waited , big chances that you will not get the job )
    Whatever your major is , whatever you're applying for is , You must know ( How to talk about your self, The skills you got , ) you have to practice on these thing from the time you read this message ,

    Now Here Is the Most important this , you want to get the job ?? you want to pass the Interviewer , Then MAKE SURE TO DOWNLOAD THIS FILE AND LISTEN TO IT CAREFULLY OVER AND OVER , YOUR FUTURE MIGHT DEPEND ON THIS FILE.

    How to learn English, These are some tips that may help you in English language proficiency:

    1 - spoke without fear

    The biggest problem faced by most people to learn the new language is fear, where worried they will not say sentences properly or so stupid that they would show they do not talk at all. Do not do this at all. Fastest way to learn anything is to practice repeatedly until understood correctly. Like anything, learning English requires practice, leaving no small fear that prevents you get what you want.

    2 - Use all your sources

    Even if you are studying English at the School of languages, this does not mean you can not learn outside the classroom. The use of many different sources and methods and tools possible as far as possible, this will allow you to learn more quickly where there are many different ways you can improve Ingelezek, so do not restrict yourself only source of one or two. And the Internet is already a great source to learn anything, but the best and ideal language learner.

    3 - the lowest yourself in English

    The best way to learn English is to take yourself. Without comment in English, put books in English throughout your room, listened to English radio programs, and saw the news as well as movies and English channels. Spoke English with your friends wherever you go. The more English article, which takes you more, the more you learn the speed of the English and even better to start "thinking in English."

    4 - Listen to native speakers of English as much as possible

    Some teachers should learn good English English a second language before they can teach. And in any case, there are several reasons why schools prefer to hire Tdthoa English people. One reason for this is that people have the speakers natural fluency in Taktabhm pushing students to try to be known. Whenever approached students (Darcoa English as a foreign or second language) of how to pronounce or address speakers of the language as people become more reassured and convinced of this.

    5 - See the film and television England

    This is not a happy way to learn the language, but is very effective. By watching English films (especially those containing the ****s that you hear English), you can expand that base Mvrdatk Taattaba dialogues and representatives. If heard the news, you also hear the different dialects.

    6 - listened to English music

    Music can be a very effective means of learning English. In fact, the music used in most cases, a way to improve understanding. And with that, the best way to learn is to get the lyrics (words) to hear songs and sing while trying to read the artist. And there are several good sites on the Internet where you can find more words to songs. And in this way can exercise listening and reading at the same time.

    7 - Zakir, where available

    You can only Mmakrp through the branches of the English language - such as vocabulary and grammatical rules and to the solution of exercises - to improve your language already, especially in learning any new language.

    8 - Answer the exercises and examinations

    Many people believed that the solution and answer tests and exercises are not fun enough. In any case, you can resolve through the exercises you answer tests to improve Ingelezatk. One of the best reasons to resolve many of the exercises and tests is that it gives you to compare your grades present and future. In most cases, your result from the test yesterday, I answered him with another answered him a month ago or six months will give you an opportunity to see how much they learned. If you do not check yourself never, never will be known on the amount of your progress. Start now to answer some exercises and tests, then returned the ball after a few days to identify how much I learned. Material in this manner and certainly will make some progress in English.

    9 - register yourself

    Some people do not like to hear another individual to voice tapes. But such tests, it is better to compare Ocrttk from time to time. Perhaps you like your progress achieved by the extent that you did not care to hear your voice.

    10 - listened to the English language

    This, we mean, speaking on the phone or listen to radio or audio books or CD-ROM in English. This is different from watching television or movies because you can not see the person speaking to you. Says many English language learners to speak on the phone, one of the most difficult things and they are the only way to improve this skill is tireless practice

  2. هههههههههههههههههههههههه

    لا تسوين الحركات ذي الحين حنا ما ندري ايش السالفة

    بس كلها كم شهر واجي اتفلسف بعد

    الحين انتى تقولين نصيحة وتقولها انجليزي

    لا استفدنا 100 ب100

    الله معانا لين نتفلسف الموضوع boring and very boring

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