الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


شباب بالله احد يقول لي ايش معنى هذي الرسالة

شباب بالله احد يقول لي ايش معنى هذي الرسالة


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4828 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية لؤي البلوي
    لؤي البلوي

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    لؤي البلوي الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    لؤي البلوي , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى بكالريوس صيدلة , بجامعة جامعة كليمسون
    • جامعة كليمسون
    • بكالريوس صيدلة
    • ذكر
    • كليمسون, ساوث كارولينا
    • السعودية
    • Aug 2010

    February 4th, 2011, 03:48 PM

    جتني اليوم رسالة على الاميل وابغا اعرف هل هي تعني قبول جامعة ولا لا

    Find your future at Winthrop University

    Whatever major you should choose to pursue at Winthrop we are committed to your
    education. You will study in interactive classes that are set on personal
    attention. You will join the classroom experience through class presentations,
    group projects, field trips and research papers. Our classroom experiences are
    designed to prepare you for life after graduation and we want to help you to
    succeed and reach your dreams.

    As a student at Winthrop University you will be given full access to the Career
    Center, which is focused on your success after graduation. Career Services
    provides the resources and the programs for students to develop the necessary
    skills to conduct effective career searches and make informed career decisions.
    Services include career guidance, professional development workshops, resume
    building, mock interviews, internship assistance, employment fairs, and much

    To find out more information on career services please visit the following
    link: http://www.winthrop.edu/careers.

    It is not too late to apply. The application can be downloaded from our
    website at Winthrop University: International Center.

    Please let me know if you should have any further questions and I look forward
    to receiving your application.

    Best regards,

    Frederik Schlingemann

    International Recruiter

    Winthrop University

    E-mail: Schlingemann@winthrop.edu

    Phone: +1 (803) 323-3395

    Fax: +1 (803) 323-2340

    “Our students say it best; "Winthrop has prepared me for life. People are
    friendly and with professors that have taught around the world the Winthrop
    experience is truly once in a lifetime. Most classes include discussions,
    projects and require team work. Through social clubs and through events
    organized by the International Center I was able to grow and prepare myself for
    the road ahead’.
    Jiaying Ling, China, Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Class of 2010.

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