الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


وش الفرق بين(Master ....CBB - RSC - MSC - MA - MS...

وش الفرق بين(Master ....CBB - RSC - MSC - MA - MS...


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية mauser

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    mauser اليابان

    mauser , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى اليابان , تخصصى علوم الحاسب الالي , بجامعة University of Tokyo
    • University of Tokyo
    • علوم الحاسب الالي
    • ذكر
    • japan, تحت التطوير
    • السعودية
    • Aug 2010

    November 27th, 2010, 11:59 PM

    تحية طيبه للجميع

    اخواني انا ان شاء الله اريد اكمل دراستي ماجستير علوم الحاسب الالي

    لفت انتباهي انواع درجة الماجستير (اذا صحة هذه التسمية )
    Master .M.S
    Master CBB
    Master RSC
    Master MSC
    Master CS
    Master PHD

    واذا هناك انواع اخراى يليت تذكرونها حتى اعرفها .

    وش النوع اللي يناسب تخصصي (علوم الحاسب الالي)ومعترف فيه بالسعودية ؟ هل هو Master.M.S ؟مهمه هذه النقطة

    في انتظاركم يالغالين
  2. هذه الاختصارات اخذتها من احد المواقع العربية وان شاء الله تكون وافية وكافية

    A.B. Artium Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Arts)

    A.M. Artium Magister (Master of Arts)

    B.A. Bachelor of Arts

    B.A.A.E. Bachelor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

    B.A.E. Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering, Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering, Bachelor of Architectural Engineering, Bachelor of Art Education

    B.A.S. Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Art and Science

    B.A.U.P. Bachelor of Arts in Urban Planning

    B.C.E. Bachelor of Civil Engineering

    B.Ch. Bachelor of Chemistry

    B.Ch.E. Bachelor of Chemical Engineering

    B.C.L. Bachelor of Canon Law, Bachelor of Civil Law

    B.C.P. Bachelor of City Planning

    B.D. Bachelor of Divinity

    B.E. Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Engineering

    B.Ed. Bachelor of Education

    B.F.A. Bachelor of Fine Arts
    B.I.E. Bachelor of Industrial Engineering

    B.L.A. Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

    B.Lit. Bachelor of Literature

    B.M. Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Medicine

    B.M.Ed. Bachelor of Music Education

    B.M.S. Bachelor of Marine Science

    B.Pharm. Bachelor of Pharmacy

    B.S. Bachelor of Science

    B.S.N. Bachelor of Science in Nursing

    B.S.O.T. Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy

    B.S.U.P. Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning

    B.S.W. Bachelor of Social Work

    B.U.P. Bachelor of Urban Planning

    D.B. Divinitatis Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Divinity)

    D.B.A. Doctor of Business Administration

    D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic

    D.C.M. Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine

    D.C.M. Doctor of Church Music

    D.D. Divinitatis Doctor (Doctor of Divinity)

    D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery

    D.M.A. Doctor of Musical Arts

    D.M.D. Doctor of Dental Medicine

    D.Min. Doctor of Ministry

    D.Miss. Doctor of Missiology

    D.M.S. Doctor of Medical Science

    D.N.S. Doctor of Nursing Science

    D.O. Doctor of Osteopathy

    D.P.H. Doctor of Public Health

    D.P.M. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine

    D.Sc. Doctor of Science (usually honorary)

    D.S.W. Doctor of Social Welfare, Doctor of Social Work

    D.V.M. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

    Ed.D. Doctor of Education

    J.D. Juris Doctor (Doctor of Law)

    L.H.D. Litterarum Humaniorum Doctor (Doctor of Humanities)

    Litt.D. Litterarum Doctor (Doctor of Letters)

    LL.B. Legum Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Laws)

    LL.D. Legum Doctor (Doctor of Laws)

    M.A. Master of Arts

    M.A.P. Master of Arts in Planning

    M.A.U.P. Master of Arts in Urban Planning

    M.B.A. Master of Business Administration

    M.C.E. Master of Christian Education, Master of Civil Engineering

    M.C.M. Master of Church Music

    M.C.P. Master of City Planning

    M.C.S. Master of Computer Science

    M.D. Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Medicine)

    M.Div. Master of Divinity

    M.Ed. Master of Education

    M.E.P. Master of Environmental Planning

    M.F.A. Master of Fine Arts

    M.H.A. Master of Health Administration

    M.H.S. Master of Health Science

    M.H.S.A. Master of Health Services Administration

    M.I.S. Master of Information Science

    M.L.A. Master of Landscape Architecture

    M.L.S. Master of Library Science

    M.M. Master of Music

    M.M.C. Master of Mass Communication

    M.M.E. Master of Mechanical Engineering

    M.M.Ed. Master of Music Education

    M.Mus. Master of Music

    M.O.H. Master of Occupational Health

    M.P.A. Master of Public Administration

    M.P.H. Master of Public Health

    M.R.E. Master of Religious Education

    M.R.P. Master of Regional Planning

    M.S. Master of Science

    M.S.J. Master of Science in Journalism

    M.S.M. Master of Sacred Music

    M.S.N. Master of Science in Nursing

    M.S.O.T. Master of Science in Occupational Therapy

    M.S.P. Master of Science in Planning

    M.S.P.H. Master of Science in Public Health

    M.S.W. Master of Social Work

    M.Th. Master of Theology
    M.T.S. Master of Theological Studies

    Nuc.E. Nuclear Engineer

    O.D. Doctor of Optometry

    Ph.B. Philosophiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Philosophy)

    Ph.D. Philosophiae Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy)

    Ph.G. Graduate in Pharmacy

    Pharm.D. Doctor of Pharmacy

    Pod.D. Doctor of Podiatry

    Psy.D. Doctor of Psychology

    S.B. Scientiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Science)

    S.D. Doctor of Science

    S.J.D. Doctor of Juridical Science, Doctor of the Science of Law

    S.M. Scientiae Magister (Master of Science)

    S.M.D. Doctor of Sacred Music

    S.Sc.D. Doctor of Social Science

    S.T.B. Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Sacred Theology)

    S.T.M. Sacrae Theologiae Magister (Master of Sacred Theology)

    Th.B. Theologicae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Theology)

    Th.D. Theologicae Doctor (Doctor of Theology)

    Th.M. Theologicae Magister (Master of Theology
    7 "
  3. hattan122 , وفيت وكفيت يالغالي

    هناك شهادات غير معترف فيها او يكون مستواة في المملكة اقل . ياليت تذكرون اخواني الشهادات او الدرجة المعترف فيها بالمملكة ما يكون مستواها اقل خاصة لماجستير علوم الحاسب الالي . حتى اكون على بينة عن تقديمي على الجامعة

    في انتظاركم
    7 "

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