الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


نموذج توصيه انجليزي (فريش)

نموذج توصيه انجليزي (فريش)


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4611 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة AbDuLrAoOf
    ملف مرفق 14894التوصيه الاولى

    I am pleased to write to you about names who applied t your school foe graduate studies. Mr.names was a student in school's name at University's name. While he was in school's name , he took course with me. He scored an grade .His participation during the semester reflected a high level of responsibility and diligence. I also knew names in some other social occations. He is friendly disciplined and shows exceptional leadership qualities. I do recommend names for your consideration.

    التوصية الثانية

    I have known names as an undergraduate student in my course class at University's name. As a student, he was a hard working individual and showed leadership. His punctuality and class participation as remarkable. I found him to be alert and strive to achieve what he is set to do.

    He received a grade of grade in my course which puts him in the top 10% of the students in my class.

    On a personal note, he has a well rounded likeable chracter, inner motivated, and a warm indivdual. I believe he will be a leader with tremendous potncial. This is an asset in any graduate program in the field. If you need further information about this person, please let me know.

    Dr. ***********

    التوصية الثالثه

    names was one of my students in the school's name at University's name . In class, he was a good standing, hard working and reliable student. He showed above average performance plus excellent preparation and participataion. After graduation, it happened that I became to know names an a personal level. He shows exceptional manner and attitude.
    From my academic and personal relationship with names, I believe that he has the capability, willingness and dedication to continue her postgraduate studies indeed, I strongly recommend names to pursue the graduate study.

    Dr. *******

    التوصية الرابعة

    names attended a course class with me in the # semester during his undergraduate study at University's name
    names is a promising gentlewoman with a fine personality. He attended classes regularly a s submitted his assignments on time and in an orderly fashion. He was highly motivated and participated actively in the assigned team work.
    I recommend her for graduate study.
    If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

    الباقي انكم تنتبهو للاسماء مسبوقه بمستر او مس او وتيفر ,, اسم الجامعه .. اسم الكليه ,, اسم الماده .. الدرجه الي اخدتوها
    اعدروني على عدم وضوح الصورة لآني اخدتها بكامي الشخصي

    بنااااااات ترى هالتوصيات للاولاد انتبهوا عدلوا بدال he حطوا she وبدال his اعتقد حطوا her

    انتبهوا ترجموها بقوقل وعدلوها عشان تنفع لك ........يعطيك الف عافيه اخوي وما قصرت
    7 "
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