الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


لمن يريد مساعدة في مراسلة المعاهد او استفسار بخصص المعاهد او ايميل للمعهد وترجمه

لمن يريد مساعدة في مراسلة المعاهد او استفسار بخصص المعاهد او ايميل للمعهد وترجمه


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4510 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    الموضوع جدا رائع بارك الله فيك ويسرلك كل امورك ويفرج همك

    ممكن لو سمحت تساعدني في مراسلة المعهد التابع لجامعة اركنساس بمدينةFayetteville اللي هوSpring International Language Center - University of Arkansas‏
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  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة lotus.da
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    الموضوع جدا رائع بارك الله فيك ويسرلك كل امورك ويفرج همك

    ممكن لو سمحت تساعدني في مراسلة المعهد التابع لجامعة اركنساس بمدينةFayetteville اللي هوSpring International Language Center - University of Arkansas‏
    وش الي تبين تقولينه لهم
    واذا فية مشكله متعلقة بالتسجيل اوكي علمينا
    7 "
  3. اخوي نايف الله يجزيك بالخير على كل المساعدات اللي تقدمها للجميع
    بسألك اذا تعرف عن هالمعاهد شي من ناحية التعليم فيها ومن اي مستوى يبدء تدريس اللغه فيها
    Intensive English Language Program University of Southern Maine
    English Language Program
    Purdue University - Calumet
    Berkeley English Academy

    Berkeley English Academy

    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ام ملك
    الله يوفقك ياررب ويجزززززززززاك خيرررر طيب مافي احد يبي يسااعد مبتعثي كندااا
    مو مشكلة, هاتي اسم المعهد او الجامعة الي فيها المعهد وكلنا بنساعدك ولا يهمك

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سومة
    اخوي نايف الله يجزيك بالخير على كل المساعدات اللي تقدمها للجميع
    بسألك اذا تعرف عن هالمعاهد شي من ناحية التعليم فيها ومن اي مستوى يبدء تدريس اللغه فيها
    Intensive English Language Program University of Southern Maine

    English Language Program
    Purdue University - Calumet
    Berkeley English Academy

    Berkeley English Academy

    اعطيني وقت لحد السبت ان شالله وارد عليك
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  5. لو سمحت ابي تترجم لي هذا النص وهو وصلني بعد وصول الا I-20

    Warm greetings from San Diego!

    I have attached your invoice for the Intensive Academic program beginning June 2012.

    If you will be sponsored by a scholarship through an embassy or other government agency, please make sure that you have provided your Official Financial Guarantee letter to our office before the first day of registration. The Financial Guarantee needs to be addressed to “University of California, San Diego” and include the student’s Full Name, Scholarship/Cultural/Mission ID number, Dates of Scholarship Coverage, and Advisor Information. Financial Guarantee letters stating ‘For Admission Purposes Only’ will not be accepted at registration, as they are not the Official Financial Guarantee letter required for funding. Students may not attend classes until they have submitted their official Financial Guarantee letter.

    Bank Wire Instructions
    I’ve also attached our bank wire instructions, in case you wish to make the payment in that manner. Please note that you must include in your payment any fees charged by your bank for sending a bank wire. Please check with your bank to know what those additional fees are. If the bank wire fees are deducted by the bank, then we must charge the balance to the student upon arrival at UCSD. Also, please send me the information requested in the attached bank-wire transfer instructions under “When money has been transferred”. This is a very important step, because it allows us to identify the payment at UCSD’s bank wire department.

    PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS A REQUIRED FEE OF $25 USD FOR ALL BANK WIRE PAYMENTS to cover the fees which are subtracted by U.S. banks before payment arrives at UC San Diego. This fee will be charged only one time per bank wire payment.

    Paying By Credit Card?
    If you are paying by credit card, please send the information to our secure fax machine at (858) 534-5703, attention Stacy Warneke. The majority of credit cards have a daily limit which an individual is allowed to charge. Always check with your credit card company about your daily charge limit before faxing your credit card information to us.

    Please note thatthe invoice reflects the official start-date of classes, not the program start-date beginning with Orientation week as published in our brochure. All new students must arrive by our program Orientation start-date (the published brochure date) to receive the necessary testing and orientation.

    Mandatory Medical Insurance -(Please see NEW attached Medical Verification Form)
    Students are required to have the attached form completed by their insurance company, including the name and contact information of the company representative completing the form as well as the OfficialStamp of the Medical Insurance Company. It must clearly show coverage dates for the duration of the student’s program at UC San Diego, and it must have the following minimum required coverage amounts: $250,000 USD per illness or injury; $25,000 USD for medical evacuation; $10,000 USD for repatriation of remains. The deductible should not exceed $75 USD per illness or injury and coverage must be at 100% after the deductible. Clear instructions for reimbursement must be explained in English on the document from the medical insurance company. Students must provide us with completed form, 30 days before the student’s program registration. Otherwise, the student will be required to purchase UCSD insurance at the time of registration.

    Missing Payments or Medical Insurance = Delayed Class Start
    The University is required to verify funds received and medical insurance before students can attend classes. In order to make the registration process as efficient and smooth as possible for our students, we request that you send all fees and tuition, including medical insurance, to us 30 days before the first day of the program start-date. This allows enough time for receipt and proper crediting of your payment to your account before the program start-date.
    Thank you in advance for your support in providing your payment and medical insurance information to us as soon as possible.
    If I can be of any further assistance, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

    Kind regards,

    حسب مافهمت يبون ضمان مالي باسم المعهد ؟؟؟
    7 "
  6. جزاك الله خيرا أخي على مجهودك

    لدي سؤال : أنا أريد التقديم على معهد American English Institute التابع لـ University of Oregon

    ولكن واجهتني مشكلة في عنوان البريد المطلوب ، طبعا ليست لدي الخبرة الكافية لمعرفة كيفية الارسال وماهو المفروض علي أن أكتبه

    هل المطلوب عنوان صندوق البريد السعودي مع الشارع والحي وما إلى ذلك ! أم عنوان DHL في مدينتي وكيف يمكنني الحصول عليه

    أرجو أن توضح لي هذه النقطة بالتفصيل وشكرا

    هذا رابط التقديم على المعهد المقصود Welcome To AEI فقرة Current mailing address and permanent address

    7 "
  7. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Mrs. Rasho
    جزاك الله خيرا أخي على مجهودك

    لدي سؤال : أنا أريد التقديم على معهد American English Institute التابع لـ University of Oregon

    ولكن واجهتني مشكلة في عنوان البريد المطلوب ، طبعا ليست لدي الخبرة الكافية لمعرفة كيفية الارسال وماهو المفروض علي أن أكتبه

    هل المطلوب عنوان صندوق البريد السعودي مع الشارع والحي وما إلى ذلك ! أم عنوان DHL في مدينتي وكيف يمكنني الحصول عليه

    أرجو أن توضح لي هذه النقطة بالتفصيل وشكرا

    هذا رابط التقديم على المعهد المقصود Welcome To AEI فقرة Current mailing address and permanent address

    اي عنوان مطلوب بالابليكاشن هو يكون عنوانك مثلا السكن وصندوق البريد والشارع والحي والمدينة وكل شي
    وماله علاقة بالـــ DHL
    بعد ماتخصلين النموذج الاول بيطلع واحد ثاني اطبعية وارسلية لهم وبعد الدفع اذا تبين بالبطاقة الائتمانية او ارسلي الشيك باسمهم مع الي بترسلينة من النموذج جزء 2

    اتمنى فهمتي علي
    7 "
  8. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة @دمعه فرح@
    لو سمحت ابي تترجم لي هذا النص وهو وصلني بعد وصول الا I-20

    Warm greetings from San Diego!

    I have attached your invoice for the Intensive Academic program beginning June 2012.

    If you will be sponsored by a scholarship through an embassy or other government agency, please make sure that you have provided your Official Financial Guarantee letter to our office before the first day of registration. The Financial Guarantee needs to be addressed to “University of California, San Diego” and include the student’s Full Name, Scholarship/Cultural/Mission ID number, Dates of Scholarship Coverage, and Advisor Information. Financial Guarantee letters stating ‘For Admission Purposes Only’ will not be accepted at registration, as they are not the Official Financial Guarantee letter required for funding. Students may not attend classes until they have submitted their official Financial Guarantee letter.

    Bank Wire Instructions
    I’ve also attached our bank wire instructions, in case you wish to make the payment in that manner. Please note that you must include in your payment any fees charged by your bank for sending a bank wire. Please check with your bank to know what those additional fees are. If the bank wire fees are deducted by the bank, then we must charge the balance to the student upon arrival at UCSD. Also, please send me the information requested in the attached bank-wire transfer instructions under “When money has been transferred”. This is a very important step, because it allows us to identify the payment at UCSD’s bank wire department.

    PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS A REQUIRED FEE OF $25 USD FOR ALL BANK WIRE PAYMENTS to cover the fees which are subtracted by U.S. banks before payment arrives at UC San Diego. This fee will be charged only one time per bank wire payment.

    Paying By Credit Card?
    If you are paying by credit card, please send the information to our secure fax machine at (858) 534-5703, attention Stacy Warneke. The majority of credit cards have a daily limit which an individual is allowed to charge. Always check with your credit card company about your daily charge limit before faxing your credit card information to us.

    Please note thatthe invoice reflects the official start-date of classes, not the program start-date beginning with Orientation week as published in our brochure. All new students must arrive by our program Orientation start-date (the published brochure date) to receive the necessary testing and orientation.

    Mandatory Medical Insurance -(Please see NEW attached Medical Verification Form)
    Students are required to have the attached form completed by their insurance company, including the name and contact information of the company representative completing the form as well as the OfficialStamp of the Medical Insurance Company. It must clearly show coverage dates for the duration of the student’s program at UC San Diego, and it must have the following minimum required coverage amounts: $250,000 USD per illness or injury; $25,000 USD for medical evacuation; $10,000 USD for repatriation of remains. The deductible should not exceed $75 USD per illness or injury and coverage must be at 100% after the deductible. Clear instructions for reimbursement must be explained in English on the document from the medical insurance company. Students must provide us with completed form, 30 days before the student’s program registration. Otherwise, the student will be required to purchase UCSD insurance at the time of registration.

    Missing Payments or Medical Insurance = Delayed Class Start
    The University is required to verify funds received and medical insurance before students can attend classes. In order to make the registration process as efficient and smooth as possible for our students, we request that you send all fees and tuition, including medical insurance, to us 30 days before the first day of the program start-date. This allows enough time for receipt and proper crediting of your payment to your account before the program start-date.
    Thank you in advance for your support in providing your payment and medical insurance information to us as soon as possible.
    If I can be of any further assistance, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

    Kind regards,

    حسب مافهمت يبون ضمان مالي باسم المعهد ؟؟؟
    انتي وصلك الـــ I-20 ؟

    اذا صح مبروك عليك خلاص انتهينا

    يقولك يا طيولة العمر طريقة الدفع للمعهد اذا انتي مبتعثة لازم الضمان المالي باسمهم قبل اول يوم من الدراسة ولا مافي دراسة. طبعا هنا مافي اي مشكلة بس انتي لازم تحرضين انك تروحين هناك قبل الدراسة بوقت كافي عشان تتأكدين ان الضمان المالي الي باسمهم وصلهم
    طبعا الضمان المالي هذا الي معنا حاليا مايعتبر ضمان مالي لانه مو موجود اسم المعهد وغير كذا هم كاتبين للقبول فقط

    الي بعدها لو حبيتي تدفعين لهم فلوس بالتحويل او البطاقة وبعدين يقولون لك عن التأمين الطبي وهذا مو مشكلة لان بمجرد يجيك الضمان بيكون معاه كل اوراقك ومن ضنها التأمين الطبي

    بس نصيحة لك عشان مايصير لك مشاكل مع المعهد لازم الضمان المالي يرسل من الملحقية للمعهد او انتي تاخذنية بنفسك الي تشوفين انه انسب واضمن لك
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