الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


تجمع طلاب كندا ( المرحلة 8)

تجمع طلاب كندا ( المرحلة 8)


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4297 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة emad alkhuwesyah
    السلام عليكم ..

    اممم ياجماعة ، جامعة بريتش كولومبيا تعطيني قبول مشروط ؟ ^^
    اخوي عماد جامعة فكتوريا تعطي قبول مشروط في شباب اعرفهم اتواصلوا مع دكتور في القسم وحصلوا عن طريقة على قبول مشروط

    انت حاول ان تتواصل مع اي دكتور وهو يساعدك

    - - - مشاركة محدثة - - -

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ديسمبريه
    يعطيكم العافية على الموضوع،
    مسألة قبول الجامعات حقيقة خوفتني! انا مقدمة ع الماستر و نفسي في تورنتو أو فانكوفر.

    الله يسهل أمورنا يا رب
    لو خايفه من مسالة القبولات

    حولي على امريكا القبولات اسهل هناك بالتوفيق
    7 "
  2. مقدم ع دكتوراه في الهندسه الكهربائيه ،، وللان ماقبالي مدينه معينه < ماعرف شي بكندا

    حصلت ع الماستر السنه الماضيه في بريطانيا

    (( فيه احد ! او تعرفون احد فكندا دكتوراه في الهندسه الكهربائيه ؟ < ياليت بطريقه اتواصل وياه ))

    بالتوفيق يا اصدقائي ،
    7 "
  3. انا موجودة في تورتنو اللي عنده اي سؤال يتفضل..وقبول الماستر صعب في بعض التخصصات مو كلها وشخصيا افضل كندا اكتر من امريكا وعلى فكرة في جامعات بيدوا قبول مشروط بكالوريوس او ماستر انا شخصيا اتعاملت معاهم بمجرد تخلص اللغة عندهم تقدر تبدا دراسة...اللي حابب يسالني انا حاضرة بالتوفيق للجميع!
    7 "
  4. السلام عليكم ..

    الي اعرفه ان جامعة بريتش كولومبيا تعطي قبول مشروط للبكالوريوس ..

    لكن ايش شروط قبول الهندسة الكيميائية فيها ؟!

    وايش الجامعات والمعاهد الكويسة في ولاية بريتش كولومبيا الي تدرس هندسة كيميائية ؟

    الله يعطيك العافية .

    - - - مشاركة محدثة - - -

    السلام عليكم ..

    الي اعرفه ان جامعة بريتش كولومبيا تعطي قبول مشروط للبكالوريوس ..

    لكن ايش شروط قبول الهندية الكيميائية فيها ؟!

    وايش الجامعات والمعاهد الكويسة في ولاية بريتش كولومبيا الي تدرس هندسة كيميائية ؟

    الله يعطيك العافية .
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Eng-abdullah
    مقدم ع دكتوراه في الهندسه الكهربائيه ،، وللان ماقبالي مدينه معينه < ماعرف شي بكندا

    حصلت ع الماستر السنه الماضيه في بريطانيا

    (( فيه احد ! او تعرفون احد فكندا دكتوراه في الهندسه الكهربائيه ؟ < ياليت بطريقه اتواصل وياه ))

    بالتوفيق يا اصدقائي ،

    جامعة واترلو فيها طلبة دكتوراه سعودين في الهندسه الكهربائيه وجامعه قويه في ذا التخصص

    - - - مشاركة محدثة - - -

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Eng-abdullah
    مقدم ع دكتوراه في الهندسه الكهربائيه ،، وللان ماقبالي مدينه معينه < ماعرف شي بكندا

    حصلت ع الماستر السنه الماضيه في بريطانيا

    (( فيه احد ! او تعرفون احد فكندا دكتوراه في الهندسه الكهربائيه ؟ < ياليت بطريقه اتواصل وياه ))

    بالتوفيق يا اصدقائي ،

    جامعة واترلو فيها طلبة دكتوراه سعودين في الهندسه الكهربائيه وجامعه قويه في ذا التخصص
    7 "
  6. Emad
    عندهم قبول مشروط ونسخت المعلومات من موقع الجامعة
    Conditional Admission Program

    For academically outstanding students who do not yet meet UBC's English Language Admission Standard
    Students who have a strong record of academic achievement but do not yet meet the UBC English language requirement may be eligible for the Conditional Admission Program (CAP), which offers English language preparation leading to undergraduate degree programs.
    Students admitted through the Conditional Admission Program (CAP) are accepted into their undergraduate program on the condition that they successfully complete the UBC Continuing Studies Intensive English Program (IEP).
    Who is eligible?

    Students applying for conditional admission to a UBC undergraduate program must have:

    1. a strong academic record (apart from English language scores) and should rank in the top 50% of students admitted into the prior year's undergraduate program.
    2. met the minimum competence score for entry to the Conditional Admission Program. You can view the minimum scores you need on the English Language Proficiency Index webpage (refer to the right-hand column).

    How do I apply for CAP?

    Apply online to the Conditional Admission Program (CAP).
    When is the application deadline?

    The recommended application deadline for CAP is January 31, 2012.
    PLEASE NOTE: Contact Undergraduate Admissions in Enrolment Services, or emailcap.admissions@ubc.ca if you require additional time to complete your CAP application.
    For entry into an undergraduate program beginning in:

    • September 2012, you must successfully complete the IEP portion of CAP by the end of August, 2012.
    • September 2013, you must successfully complete the IEP portion of CAP by theend of August, 2013.

    What is the Intensive English Program (IEP)?

    The Intensive English Program is offered through the UBC Continuing Studies English Language Institute in either an 8-week accelerated session (starting in July) or a 16-week regular session (starting in January, May or September).
    The IEP offers:

    • training in academic English in a university setting
    • 28-hours of instruction each week and a maximum of 16 students per class
    • an English-only policy to help you learn more effectively
    • the confidence of knowing you have been accepted into your program once you pass
    • the ability to apply for a study permit on the basis that you have been conditionally admitted to UBC

    When do I register for the IEP?

    Once you have been accepted to CAP, you will be required to register for the Intensive English Program (IEP) through the UBC Continuing Studies, English Language Institute (ELI).
    How do I pass the IEP?

    Conditionally admitted students must complete three courses – Speaking/Listening, Reading, and Writing – at Level 600 and must achieve at least 75% in each course. You may complete these requirements in either an 8-week accelerated session, or a 16-week regular session. However, you have up to twelve months to meet these requirements. You can learn more about the Continuing Studies Intensive English Program online.
    What about the Language Proficiency Index (LPI)?

    Meeting the LPI is not a requirement for admission to UBC. However, you must meet the LPI requirement if you need to take one or more first-year English courses as part of your undergraduate program. You can meet the LPI requirement by passing the LPI test or qualifying for an exemption. You must meet the LPI requirement by the LPI deadline, and before taking a first-year English course. Detailed information about LPI requirements and deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar.
    English Foundation Program (EFP)

    See the English Foundation Program at UBC's Okanagan campus.
    7 "
  7. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sam7191
    عندهم قبول مشروط ونسخت المعلومات من موقع الجامعة
    Conditional Admission Program

    For academically outstanding students who do not yet meet UBC's English Language Admission Standard
    Students who have a strong record of academic achievement but do not yet meet the UBC English language requirement may be eligible for the Conditional Admission Program (CAP), which offers English language preparation leading to undergraduate degree programs.
    Students admitted through the Conditional Admission Program (CAP) are accepted into their undergraduate program on the condition that they successfully complete the UBC Continuing Studies Intensive English Program (IEP).
    Who is eligible?

    Students applying for conditional admission to a UBC undergraduate program must have:
    1. a strong academic record (apart from English language scores) and should rank in the top 50% of students admitted into the prior year's undergraduate program.
    2. met the minimum competence score for entry to the Conditional Admission Program. You can view the minimum scores you need on the English Language Proficiency Index webpage (refer to the right-hand column).

    How do I apply for CAP?

    Apply online to the Conditional Admission Program (CAP).
    When is the application deadline?

    The recommended application deadline for CAP is January 31, 2012.
    PLEASE NOTE: Contact Undergraduate Admissions in Enrolment Services, or emailcap.admissions@ubc.ca if you require additional time to complete your CAP application.
    For entry into an undergraduate program beginning in:

    • September 2012, you must successfully complete the IEP portion of CAP by the end of August, 2012.
    • September 2013, you must successfully complete the IEP portion of CAP by theend of August, 2013.

    What is the Intensive English Program (IEP)?

    The Intensive English Program is offered through the UBC Continuing Studies English Language Institute in either an 8-week accelerated session (starting in July) or a 16-week regular session (starting in January, May or September).
    The IEP offers:

    • training in academic English in a university setting
    • 28-hours of instruction each week and a maximum of 16 students per class
    • an English-only policy to help you learn more effectively
    • the confidence of knowing you have been accepted into your program once you pass
    • the ability to apply for a study permit on the basis that you have been conditionally admitted to UBC

    When do I register for the IEP?

    Once you have been accepted to CAP, you will be required to register for the Intensive English Program (IEP) through the UBC Continuing Studies, English Language Institute (ELI).
    How do I pass the IEP?

    Conditionally admitted students must complete three courses – Speaking/Listening, Reading, and Writing – at Level 600 and must achieve at least 75% in each course. You may complete these requirements in either an 8-week accelerated session, or a 16-week regular session. However, you have up to twelve months to meet these requirements. You can learn more about the Continuing Studies Intensive English Program online.
    What about the Language Proficiency Index (LPI)?

    Meeting the LPI is not a requirement for admission to UBC. However, you must meet the LPI requirement if you need to take one or more first-year English courses as part of your undergraduate program. You can meet the LPI requirement by passing the LPI test or qualifying for an exemption. You must meet the LPI requirement by the LPI deadline, and before taking a first-year English course. Detailed information about LPI requirements and deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar.
    English Foundation Program (EFP)

    See the English Foundation Program at UBC's Okanagan campus.
    مشكور اخوي ، طيب ايش الجامعات تدرس هندسة كيميائية في ولاية بريتش كولومبيا ؟
    7 "
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