الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


مساعدة Statement of Purpose for Master degree

مساعدة Statement of Purpose for Master degree


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية غفوات

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    غفوات المملكة المتحدة

    غفوات , أنثى. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى المملكة المتحدة , تخصصى R , بجامعة no
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    • uk, uk
    • السعودية
    • Sep 2012

    September 23rd, 2012, 03:16 PM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    مساء الخير ، كل عام والجميع والوطن بخير

    انا طالبه مبتعثه لمرحلة الماجستير

    مطلوب مني Statement of Purpose من أجل قبول الجامعه المشروط .. لم يسبق لي كتابة ستيتمنت ولغتي ضعيفه نوعا ما والوقت ماهو في صالحي أبدا
    أرجو ممن لديه الخبره في هذا الشأن إفادتي وفقكم الله لكل مايحب ويرضى

    شكرا جزيلا
  2. اول شي لازم تقريبا تكون صفحة تقريبا وحده مكونه من ٤٥٠ كلمة او حسب ما تطلبه الجامعه واغلب الناس تنصحك بذكر قصة عنك بالبداية وانتي صغيره مثلا شدتك لهالتخصص الخ الخ الخ وايش هدفك وطموحك بالمستقبل عن طريق هالجامعه تقدرين تاخذين وتحصلين ما ككنتي تتمنينه بهالمجال واليكي امثلة عدة تفضلي

    طبعا هو كتبها وواحد وراه عدلها

    Physical Therapy Education: PT - Statement of Purpose

    In recent years a lot ofsome events have [s]occurred that [/s]have inspired me to go to University of St. Augustine and become a physical therapist. Recent injuries have taught me the importance of physical therapy and have brought to light my interest in the human physiology. My experience in working with patients thus far as a physical therapy technician has shown me a real connection that . I enjoy in working with and helping other people in the rehabilitation process. I have also learned from several of my peers that an education in physical therapy from St. Augustine is what I need to meet my life's goals to help other people in the rehabilitation process.
    My first experience in dealing with physical therapy came after a serious shoulder injury. At that time I learned the healing capabilities and rehabilitation benefits of physical therapy. Very early into my own therapy, I became a nuisance to my therapist with all my inquiries about different muscles and their recruitments via certain exercises. I was amazed to see how my therapist could simply look at my motions, feel my joints, and explain to me the specific involvements of each muscle and how they are more or less effective. This experience developed into my drive and desire to become a physical therapist.
    I have a strong drive to motivate others around me, whether it pertains to general exercise, athletics, or academics. My patientsthatwith whom I work with every day remind me of how I am able to balance being their friend while focusing on their rehabilitation. I feel that having this ability helps build a connection between me and my patient that drives the patient to work harder. I aspire to be the therapist patients request, follow, and visit to show me their wellbeing and recovery.
    I see it as my greatest method to still interact and drive others to a better physical life. If it is necessary for me to advance to the next level of my education, I will go back to school to strengthen the areas in which I am weakest, and I will try again. Perseverance is necessary for both academics and life, and nothing worth having is easy to obtain. I feel that given the opportunity to be a part of the University of St Augustine I will excel in both my academic life and my career. And given this opportunity in my career field I will represent a well rounded education from the University.
    I chose the University of St. Augustine because it provides a high successful board exam results for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) and from the experience from my work team, the most prepared graduates for a variety of clinical settings. After personally working with an alumnus of St. Augustine I have witnessed that their skills in both practice and explanation to the patient were founded on a very thorough/extensive knowledge of which I have only otherwise witnessed after therapists attend years of continuing education courses (CUE).
    I look forward to meeting the faculty and being a part of the student body that shapes therapy as it is a practice based on the science of healing and the art of caring.

    I made some changes check if they ar ok, but I Recommend you to try to check the organization of the paragraphs, because I was a bit lost on your ideas
    Wish you luck

    Lorena Costilla
    7 "
  3. مثال اخر واياكم والنسخ واللصق لو كشفوك رفضوك واي نسخ بامريكا من النت بالبحوث ممكن توصل للطرد والرسوب ولكن انا اجيب امثلة للتوعية والتثقيف

    sop-physical therapy

    Statement of Purpose

    “Reason is man’s only means of perceiving reality, his only source of knowledge, his only guide to action and his basic means of survival.” Reason being at the base of my convictions, a lot of thought goes into each action of my life.

    One such action that of choosing a career in Physiotherapy is also well thought over. From all the options available, I found that Physiotherapy offers the most challenging endeavors I can ever attempt. I felt that the modern day society is indebted to the Physiotherapists of yesteryears for the development it has seen. Right from my childhood, I was fascinated by the Physiotherapy skills and their application to practice. To quench the thirst of knowing the rationale behind such systems, I made it a habit to visit different hospitals & search for solutions. By such habits I developed my abilities of understanding various skills that underpin the education and training of health care professionals.

    Physiotherapy is a noble and challenging discipline. It is an established and regulated profession, with some specific professional aspects of clinical practice and education, indicative of diversity in social, economic and political contexts. But it is clearly a single profession and the first professional qualification, obtained in any country, represents the completion of a curriculum that qualifies the physiotherapist to use his professional title and to practice as an independent professional.

    The more I have learnt about the Physiotherapy world though my interest and by pursuing bachelors of physiotherapy from Srinivas college of physiotherapy, Mangalore, the more I have discovered my ignorance and my thirst for knowledge remains unquenched. I feel Graduate study is the only way I can hone my skills, expand my knowledge and gain a new insight into the subject. I would love to learn, scrutinize and solve unexplored issues in the field of Physiotherapy.

    I would like to carry out application base research and make original scientific contributions to my field of study and to industry in general. Ideally, I would love to join doctoral program after completing the MS program. Thereafter I would like to continue my research and apply what I have learnt in industry, both in US and in my motherland.

    All my school and college life, academic performance is outstanding. I have consistently stood in the school and college. My academic pursuits have not however, prevented me from participating in various extra-curricular activities. I have taken part in various activities. I am a regular participant in dance competitions, singing competition, miming and have won several prizes. These activities have led to the development of a multifaceted personality and have equipped me with strong interpersonal skills.

    I will never hide my talents, if I am silent, I am forgotten. If I do not advance, I will fall back. If I walk away from my challenge today, my self-esteem will forever be scarred and if I cease to grow even little, I will become smaller. I reject the stationary position because it is always the beginning of the end. The above philosophy has played an important role in the shaping of my objectives and framing of my plans for the future.

    I do believe that Graduate studies at your reputed University will help me in achieving my career objectives. I would love to be a part of your University family. It is my desire to have a mutually beneficial association with your University so as to meet a common platform of excellence where I can contribute my best. I am sure that you will find my application and qualification suitable for admitting me at your renowned University for graduate studies.

    To get an admission in reputed institution like yours will be a “Dream come true” for me and I assure you that it will always be my endeavor to contribute positively to the department/University and keep its image as high as ever with my sincere and devoted pursuit of study.

    I look forward to a very fruitful association in your encouraging and competitive environment of academic excellence.

    Yours truly,

    - - - مشاركة محدثة - - -

    مثال اخر واياكم والنسخ واللصق لو كشفوك رفضوك واي نسخ بامريكا من النت بالبحوث ممكن توصل للطرد والرسوب ولكن انا اجيب امثلة للتوعية والتثقيف


    Statement of Purpose

    “Reason is man’s only means of perceiving reality, his only source of knowledge, his only guide to action and his basic means of survival.” Reason being at the base of my convictions, a lot of thought goes into each action of my life.

    One such action that of choosing a career in Physiotherapy is also well thought over. From all the options available, I found that Physiotherapy offers the most challenging endeavors I can ever attempt. I felt that the modern day society is indebted to the Physiotherapists of yesteryears for the development it has seen. Right from my childhood, I was fascinated by the Physiotherapy skills and their application to practice. To quench the thirst of knowing the rationale behind such systems, I made it a habit to visit different hospitals & search for solutions. By such habits I developed my abilities of understanding various skills that underpin the education and training of health care professionals.

    Physiotherapy is a noble and challenging discipline. It is an established and regulated profession, with some specific professional aspects of clinical practice and education, indicative of diversity in social, economic and political contexts. But it is clearly a single profession and the first professional qualification, obtained in any country, represents the completion of a curriculum that qualifies the physiotherapist to use his professional title and to practice as an independent professional.

    The more I have learnt about the Physiotherapy world though my interest and by pursuing bachelors of physiotherapy from Srinivas college of physiotherapy, Mangalore, the more I have discovered my ignorance and my thirst for knowledge remains unquenched. I feel Graduate study is the only way I can hone my skills, expand my knowledge and gain a new insight into the subject. I would love to learn, scrutinize and solve unexplored issues in the field of Physiotherapy.

    I would like to carry out application base research and make original scientific contributions to my field of study and to industry in general. Ideally, I would love to join doctoral program after completing the MS program. Thereafter I would like to continue my research and apply what I have learnt in industry, both in US and in my motherland.

    All my school and college life, academic performance is outstanding. I have consistently stood in the school and college. My academic pursuits have not however, prevented me from participating in various extra-curricular activities. I have taken part in various activities. I am a regular participant in dance competitions, singing competition, miming and have won several prizes. These activities have led to the development of a multifaceted personality and have equipped me with strong interpersonal skills.

    I will never hide my talents, if I am silent, I am forgotten. If I do not advance, I will fall back. If I walk away from my challenge today, my self-esteem will forever be scarred and if I cease to grow even little, I will become smaller. I reject the stationary position because it is always the beginning of the end. The above philosophy has played an important role in the shaping of my objectives and framing of my plans for the future.

    I do believe that Graduate studies at your reputed University will help me in achieving my career objectives. I would love to be a part of your University family. It is my desire to have a mutually beneficial association with your University so as to meet a common platform of excellence where I can contribute my best. I am sure that you will find my application and qualification suitable for admitting me at your renowned University for graduate studies.

    To get an admission in reputed institution like yours will be a “Dream come true” for me and I assure you that it will always be my endeavor to contribute positively to the department/University and keep its image as high as ever with my sincere and devoted pursuit of study.

    I look forward to a very fruitful association in your encouraging and competitive environment of academic excellence.

    Yours truly,
    7 "
  4. Statement of Purpose-- Physical Therapy

    Uploaded by manwith1goal on Apr 23, 2008
    I first became exposed to physical therapy while working at a fitness gym as a personal trainer assisting members reach their health and fitness goals. During the past two summers, I also coached high school girls and boys basketball for my church league. In this position, I accepted the responsibility of being a role model to these children as well as teaching them about physical health. My interest in teaching physical health is parallel with a curiosity of a world where preventive medicine reigns in our society. As I prepare myself academically for the field of physical therapy I often think about the benefits, both individual and collective, of injury rehabilitation. With this in mind, I look forward to being a part of the entire process as a physical therapist.
    While the science of physical therapy fascinates me, it is the personal connection of the field that draws me toward the profession. I want to help people lives by improving their health and their quality of life, as well as having the chance to teach them preventive measures. Teaching patients the importance of the physical therapy is essential to their successful recovery. As an associate in a physical therapy clinic, I learned that educating the patient allowed for them to become more involved in their reconditioning and rehabilitation and thus, speeded up the healing process.
    The field of physical therapy is what I have been laboring and striving for since I was in high school. I have an enthusiasm for helping others achieve their physical goals and I am motivated and eager to acquire the knowledge necessary in order to exercise this passion. A major part of a physical therapists™ job is treating physical ailments, but equally as important it is about having empathy and care for the actual client. I know that physical therapy is a perfect career for me because I have the drive and passion to change lives through this interpersonal profession.
    7 "

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