الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


TOEFL and GRE نصائح من تجربه. الكتب متاحه ومجانا الي يريد التحضير

TOEFL and GRE نصائح من تجربه. الكتب متاحه ومجانا الي يريد التحضير


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 2602 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية SE.Hassan

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    SE.Hassan غير معرف

    SE.Hassan , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. , تخصصى Software Engineering
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    • Software Engineering
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    • غير معرف
    • Jun 2015

    March 13th, 2017, 04:07 PM

    السلام عليكم.

    أود من هذا الموضوع انا اختصر تجربتي في اختبار TOEFL و GRE وكيف اني حظرت لها وانا بالسعوديه. واسمحولي انا اكتبها بالانجليزي لاني بكل صراحه فضيع بالكتابه عربيا.

    From this point, I would be very happy to talk about my tough journey that has taken me into an unprecedented stage. I know how difficult could be to wandering in this path while the English language is not our mother tongue that we don't speak smoothly in daily basis. I decided before months that I should prepare to overcome two of the most obstacles that we encounter once we swiftly thought about academic degree in USA. However, the first came to my mind is to travel into the U.S. and prepare there until I got the desired scores. Of course, it is very costly and time-wasting, given how long it will take to achieve it. Instead, I took an audacious decision that required from me to stick here in Saudi Arabia and study both TOEFL and GRE. It's was not funny at all, partly because I'm an employee and I had to find a spot in my schedule. Therefore, 6 hours daily was a suffice for me to boost my language. Please not that,it is not easy at all, it took from me multiple times to reach both scores in TOEFL and GRE. That is to say, it is rough experience, but how determined you are, it totally depends. at the end you CAN ACHIEVE it.

    Here is what I have done to reach my TOEFL and GRE score. I welcome you (Lol) to the tumultuous experience, but you are going to excessively enjoy it. Just keep your effort constant and pray for a good score. I keep saying this over and over, engage yourself in English as much as you can. The following bellow are the resources that helped me significantly - it shaped my skills in reading, writing and listening.
    To begin with, I have read through a bunch of websites, and what I could say is that it has accelerated my skills in grasping the articles thoroughly and in very reasonable time-frame.
    New York Times - www.nytimes.com - you have to subscribe for 7 or less dollars every month. There you can read through news, arts, business, and magazine sections. In essence, read everything, you will put your heals on the jargon of NYT, Magazine section will also help you in GMAT/GRE as it helped me in GRE.
    Scientific American - www.scientificamerican.com - Hmm, this is a priceless website. There are a lot of scientific topics. I'm sure it will widen your horizon and knowledge scientifically. and therefore, it should help you in your exam.
    Smithsonian Magazine - smithsonianmag.com - I guess Smithsonian is a museum in US spectrum. It is originally rich in history, arts and science. They have a good topics written perfectly and cohesively which match what you will encounter in reading section for TOEFL and GRE.
    Others, like National Geographic and its spectacular magazine section (nationalgeographic.com), and New Yorker (newyorker.com) are also fairly good to hone your skills in reading.
    If you want to challenge yourself in reading, www.Aldaily.com is a website that posts everyday a variety of articles from different sources. This website helped me specially in GRE verbal section.
    Furthermore, listening was the interesting and amazing part in my preparation. Listen in where/when ever you are - whether commuting, playing or developing codes - just keep your ears rings constantly. The following the sources unimaginably has helped me boosting my abilities in listening.
    NPR station - Podcasts : NPR - is a widely popular in USA, and honestly you will never get bored. Listen to it while you are driving or cocking or whatever activity. It is basically a good practice to you.
    Lectures in science and different disciplines - http://www.openculture.com/2006/10/university_podc.html - It will make you familiar with different topics in actual lectures.
    Cosmos series - Watch Online Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey - Watch Series - I highly recommend this program series. It will cultivate your abilities in understanding English in academic circle. Listen to all the episodes.
    Moreover, writing part at the beginning was the worst part, I wasn't practicing continuously - LAZY if you will. But it become such a habit after I have adapted it tenaciously. You have to write everyday, I'm not kidding at all. You will see the stark contrast and favorable consequences after a couple of months, just push yourself, don't shy away The following is where I have honed my skills in writing essays.
    Again and again, go to NYT, but now for learning blog at the beginning - https://www.nytimes.com/section/learning. I might overstate and exaggerate, but it is true. NYT is a school for everyone who seeks to become an intellectual and involved in mental dialogue. Learning blog, regularly writes an article and asks for your opinion. Also, you are not captivated or restricted by a learning blog, there are generally comments section in most of articles in NYT , you are allowed I guess 200-250 words to write down.
    Italki - italk.net - This website is a good for learner who wants other to correct their both metaphorical, grammatical mistakes. You can write your essays, and ask other to help. I assume you are allowed to put your thoughts in about 300 words.
    Finally, be confident about your abilities while your are preparing, don't be horrified or anxious while you are studying. Just enjoy it.
    Please don't hesitate if you need help, just send a private message and I will respond!

    أعتذر عن الكتابه باللغه الانجليزيه. بالنهايه بامكانك التحضير هنا وراح تستمتع بالتجربه, توفر فلوس ووقت. انا عندي قناعه مهما كان المعهد الي يدرسك, لا يهم, المهم هو شغفك وحبك للتعليم والدراسه وتحقيق مستقبلك. من هذا المنطلق, اقدر اقولك وانا مقتنع جدا بامكانك تحقيقها بدون معهد اذا لغتك اقل من المتوسط!

    عندي كتب لل TOEFL & GRE جدا مهمه وساعدتني لاجتياز الاختبار والحصول على الدرجه المطلوبه. كتب GRE من افضل الكتب وطالبها من Amazon لان المكتبات هنا لا توفر. للامانه كتابين من كتب GRE مشخمط من الجلده للجلده, بس الاسئله الي فيه بتساعدك كثير.

    ألى يبغى الكتب يتواصل معي على الخاص, لا اريد الا دعاء من ظهر الغيب. رجاء اذا ماراح تفتح الكتب لا تتواصل معي, الكتب الي جاد والى يبغى يدرس ويعدي الاختبارين.


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