الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


help me , please

help me , please


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4808 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية shadowiness

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    shadowiness الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    shadowiness , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى INFOTECH AND COMPUTING , بجامعة GRADUATE
    • ذكر
    • live in Madinah, as mentioned above
    • السعودية
    • Aug 2010

    February 25th, 2011, 10:15 PM

    how r u all

    i hope u all always fine

    indeed , i have some questions for who really knows answers and has a real experience , but before asking u , let me tell u things which i think should be taken into account

    i have a B.A of science in infromation technology and comupting

    i am planning to study Master Degree in computer science / information security

    all my lifelong's been to K.S.A , Maddinah , I have no experience of being abroad that is why i sometimes feel afried of , i am married and has a daughter

    i am a candidate for working in U.S.A , NYC as a diplomat

    i am thinking of how possible to study telecommunication or network engineering as B.A degree

    actually , what i need u to teel me is as follows

    is it possible to compromise between Master degree , B.A degree , family and work the same time
    if so , please tell me how much time i need to finish my B.A degree specially i have already another one " how much credit hours will be transferred from my old B.A

    thank you for reading , and ur advice in advance . i am looking forward to hearing from brothers and sisters

  2. والله وضعك شوي معقد وليس بالكثير

    ولكن نصيحتي لك

    استمر في دراسة امن المعلومات لاني انا راح ادرسه بإذن الله

    فتوكل على الله وكمل فيها

    انا حاليا عندي هندسة شبكات وابغا اكمل ماستر هندسة شبكات وامن معلومات

    يعني زي وضعك تقريبا لكن انا ودي ادرس بالطريقة العكس

    لكن الفرق بيني وبينك انك عندك مسؤولية وانا ما عندي نهائيا

    فما اقول الا الله يوفقك دنيا واخرة

    وانا بصراحة اشتغلت في جهة حكومية لفترة اربع سنين في قسم تقنية المعلومات بهذه الجهة

    وتخصيصا اشتغلت في الشبكات

    تبغاني اعطيك نصيحة لوجه الله تعالى

    لا تدرس اي شيء يخص الشبكات في الجامعات

    ابدأ بــ CCNA من شركة سيسكو
    وابدأ بــ MCSA من ميكروسوفت

    هذه دورات

    والله انها تجيب لك الوظيفة اكثر من شهادة الجامعة وانا هذه خطتي

    طبعا خطتي اني اخذ سمستر الجماعة مع دورة من سيسكو ودورة من ميكروسوفت

    والحمد لله املك الان CCNA و MCSA

    والخطة الجاية السمستر الجاي إن شاء الله

    CCNP و MCSE وبإذن الله تجي وبحاول ولو لفحط الى ان اقول بس

    فأنت كذا خليك

    شهادة والبقية دورات وسويلها آبديت

    لان وربي الشركات الان تقولك ايش عندك دورات عملية

    ما نبغا حق الجامعات هذه الا لتحديد الراتب فقط

    لان الجامعة تدرسك اشياء وربي ما تواجهها نهائيا في العمل

    وانا من الناس اللي درست اشياء قسم بالله ما واجهتها خلال اربع سنين من عملي

    لذلك هذه ضريبة الدراسة الجامعة لكنها مهمة

    انصحك تكمل ماستر في امن المعلومات

    وتدخل في عالم الشبكات لكن بالدورات

    وربي راح تدعيلي

    وإسأل مجرب ولا تسأل طبيب

    وفقك ربي إن شاء الله
    7 "
  3. medo-chan

    thank u for response , u'r right and i strongly agree with u on that courses which are more specialized in networks and security are better than study of networks and telecommunication as B.A degree

    but , i am still insisting on studying B.A in networks , and security, as MS degree , so what do u think of how much credits hourse i have to study in my new B.A , in other words , how many years i have to study

    thank u for ur interest and reply , and thank u for ur advice

    waiting for others
    7 "
  4. First of all, the issue and fears of being or studying abroad will disappear
    once you get there safely. Of course days will settle everything and you will get adapted when time runs unless you think that you don't have the ability to live in a very open liberal community

    Regarding the 2nd bachelor that you would like to obtain, i think it is not a good idea and unnecessary. It is quite impossible to be able to handle a family, a job and 2 studies at the same time. Because the Master study will need alot of time for researching, reading, discussing sessions, presentations and assignments.
    On the other hand, The bachelor degree is tougher and will consume your time and effort at the college since the bachelor degree has many subjects and many credits to be taken

    Furthermore, you have your own job there as well as a family to take care of

    Anyway, in the end the decision is yours

    To me, I completely agree with what the other guy told you in his post up there. If you have interest in networking or whatever courses, you can study them as technical short courses and there is no need for the degree

    It is obvious that getting a bachelor degree in Networking following by a master in security is a golden idea but handling both of them plus handling another important responsibilities such as a family and a job are tough as these studies and responsibilities can easily affect each other

    Am not sure about how many credits you will have to study because it depends on the subjects that you have done in your first degree besides the subjects that are in the new degree curriculum. the new degree's university would have a look at your first degree's transcript and find the common subjects in the both degrees and then they can make the decision on how many credit/hours they may exempt

    7 "

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