الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


انا جاي على امريكا للدراسه بجامعه university of new haven

انا جاي على امريكا للدراسه بجامعه university of new haven


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية jmh

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    jmh غير معرف

    jmh , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. , تخصصى accounting , بجامعة university
    • university
    • accounting
    • ذكر
    • portland, oregen
    • غير معرف
    • Jan 2009

    August 11th, 2009, 11:23 AM

    السلام عليكم
    انا جاي على امريكا للدراسه بجامعه university of new haven
    مين يعرف عن هذي الجامعه
    كيف وضع السكن و الامان بالديره
    مين يعرف سكن نظيف ومناسب للعوايل

    اي معلومه عندك اكيد راح تفيدني كثير لذالك لاتبخل علينا

    اللي يعرف مواقع عقار على النت يفيدنا
  2. assalamo 3alaikom
    ana fee New Haven 9arly shahar w el7een blma6ar 6al3a h3
    New Haven madeena 7elwa l2noh feeha Yale University.. akeed al3amayer 7elwa
    almoslemeen ktheer mashallah
    aljam3a sa3'eera w 7elwa
    ana kont fee ELS fee aljam3a hathe
    fee 3arab ktheer fe almadeena
    belnesba llsakan fmomken as2llak l2ny ana sakant m3 ma3aref h3
    a3ref makan 9adee8ty sakna feeh mara 7elo
    w bajeeblak esmo lama aw9al D.C inshallah

    If U didn't understand what I wrote or couldn't read it then I'll write it in English
    What I said is that I am in New Haven and I have stayed here for one month now.. I used to go to ELS in The University of New Haven..
    About the University..
    It is generally good.. Small and cozy
    there are Arabic workers don't worry..
    Also, allot of Saudis >.<" hehe

    The city is hmmm not so safe but SAFE hehe
    depends on the place or hood..
    Allot of Muslims and Arabs..
    Allot of restaurants "Arabic restaurant" hh
    And about a place to live in,, I used to stay in our family friends' house but I know a good place that my friend is living in
    Unfortunately I can't remember the name.. So I will ask her as soon as I arrive to D.C
    I'm SO SORRY I really hate it that my lap top can't write Arabic!!
    I hope I helped U with anything..
    Any questions.. I'll be happy to help u ^^
    and excuse me for my poor English >.<"
    7 "
  3. اسف على المداخلة
    اختي ابرار معليش عندي كم سؤال اذا سمحتي :-
    1- انت تقولي ان المدينة غير امنة مع العلم انه نظرت للاحصائيات في الانترنت وجدت انها مدينة صغيرة والجرائم قليل جدا .فهل هذا صحيح ؟
    2- يقولوا ان السكن يعتبر غالي فيها فكم يكلف تقريبا؟
    3- سمعت انه المدينة منظمة وقيها باصات تغطي المدينة وما تحتاج سيارة .هل هذا صحيح ؟

    سامحني كثرة الاسئلة لكن ودي اعرف عنها قبل ما اروح .
    ولكي الشكر الجزيل والشكر موصول لصاحب الموضوع
    7 "
  4. 9a7eb alhema
    asfa t25rt fee alrad
    almadeena t3tmd 3ala al7ay zai ay madeena o5ra
    w alsakan bardho ye3tmd
    bs abdn mo a3'la mn D.C ow NY w almodon alkabeera
    alba9at mo a7san mn Portland
    ya3ny e4a tb3'y alba9 lazem troo7 al bus stop
    w maykoon kol makan
    y3ny yeb3'aloh mashi low ma knty sakna greeb
    ana knt amshi 10 da8aye8!!
    bs mo marra na6'eef zai D.C walla Portland showai w95 bs mo marra marra 3ady
    bs belmo8arna ya3ny hehe
    w feeh homeless ktheer
    w f8ara2 yrkbooh
    alle 3ndohom floos ma yrkaboonh
    bs alfo8ara2 w almobnta3theen haha

    safety is different from one neighborhood to another
    like any other city in the world
    when you think about it,, it might be expensive.. However.. not as much as the big cities like D.C or NY
    My friend is staying in a place with Two bedrooms and Two bathrooms with 1200$ I guess
    so one bedroom is much cheeper
    Also, if you looked in other neighborhoods you will definitely find better deals than that
    About transportations.. it's not as good as Portland
    you have to walk to the bus stop which might take you 10 minutes like wise
    but it is good
    u won't need a car that much
    but it has lots of homeless and poor people
    only poor and scholarship people use it hehe

    If u had any questions I'll be happy to answer it if I could ^^
    7 "
  5. اختي ابرار مشكوووووووووووووووووورة وما قصرتي ومعليش كثرت الاسئلة لكن لاني شايل هم كيف حتكون المعيشة هناك .
    انا ان شاء الله جاني قبول في سبتمبر فكيف يكون الطقس هناك وما هو اقرب مطار للمدينة (اذا جيت من السعودية).
    وسامحني كثرت عليكي الاسئلة لكن حاب اطمن .
    7 "
  6. WOOW
    Inshallah ykoon aljo ROOOOOOOOO3AAAA
    al2shjar alwaan zai fee al9owar awra8ha t6ee7 m 7arakay hhhh
    walla alwa8t jayed mashallah
    Connecticut mashhoora b5areefaha
    inshallah ykoon mrra mree7 lk
    bilnisba llma6ar akeed btwa8f fe Washington D.C ow New York!!
    b3deen tro7 3ala Connecticut
    3moman kollo 8reeb w low a54t al86ar btnjaaan hhh
    fee ma6ar 93'eeer w how elly ast5damnah
    esmoh Tweed airport fee New Haven
    w eljam3a fee West Haven
    hena 5aree6a llma6arat elly fee Connecticut
    atwa8a3 ha4a a8rab shai ^^

    connecticut airports - Google Maps

    bs l2nh alma6ar 9a3'eeeer al6ayara 7tkoon 9a3'eera
    elly blmaroo7a tsht3'l haha
    bs moree7a 3ady mafeeha shai
    umm ana mo mot2keda bs atwa8a3 enoh lazem twa8ef fee Philadelphia
    l2noh e7na wa8afna feeha roo7a w raj3a!!!
    bs mo mt2kda
    laken la t5af inshallah ma tt3ab ^^

    The weather is going to be GREAT inshallah
    Fall is the best season in Connecticut
    ALLOT of people LOVE it
    I hope it will make things easier for you inshallah
    All airplanes stops in Washington D.C or New York so you are going to stop there first
    And I think Tweed is the closest airport to West HAven which is where the University is located
    however, the airport is NOT located in west haven but in New Haven which is not so far from it..

    this is a map for all airports in Connecticut
    connecticut airports - Google Maps
    I think Tweed is the best one for you
    BUT the airport is SMALL really SMALL
    So the airplanes are also small
    the ones with the fan!!!
    but it is still good and comfortable

    ummm.. Do you have a place to stay in???
    3ndak makan tskn feeh???
    7 "
  7. اختي والله ما اعرف كيف اشكرك .الله يوفقكي ويخليكي .
    الصراحة كفيتي ووفيتي .لكن في حاجة صغييييييييييييييييرة ابغى اسأل عنها (انا عارف اني لطيطة)
    سمعت ان اقدر اخذ سيارة ايجار من مطار JFK وبعدين ارجعها في west haven لانها ما تبعد الا ساعة .فهل هذا ممكن ؟
    اما بالنسبة للسكن لسع ما استأجرت لانه ما وصلني الاي توني الى الان .
    مشكورة اختي الكريمة
    7 "
  8. well actually I don't know about that.. I mean it might depend on the airport or where you rent the car from!! I've never did that and don't know anyone that did that before.. But what's MOST IMPORTANT is .. DO YOU HAVE AN AMERICAN DRIVER'S LISEN ?? Because you can't drive with out it... and you have to have one from the same state from Connecticut!! I mean where you live!! that's what I know
    SORRY >.<"
    7 "

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