الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


مساعدة مساعدة في التقديم على معهد LCC بهيوستن

مساعدة مساعدة في التقديم على معهد LCC بهيوستن


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4461 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية angelica

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    angelica الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    angelica , أنثى. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى كيمياء , بجامعة University of Houston - University Park
    • University of Houston - University Park
    • كيمياء
    • أنثى
    • Houston, TX
    • السعودية
    • Jul 2010

    February 1st, 2012, 05:45 PM

    السلام عليكم ..
    ياليت اي احد مقدم على المعهد ذا يساعدني في التقديم
    انا عبيت الجزء الأول من الأبليكيشن أون لاين
    ولما وصلت للجزء الثاني طالبين مني اسم الكفيل اللي بدرس على حسابه وعنوانه و...
    وانا طالعه على حساب الوزارة وعندي ضمان مالي , طيب ايش اكتبلهم
    هل يغني الضمان المالي عن تعبئة ذي الورقة وارسالها ؟؟

    Language and Culture Center - Intensive English Program
    Online Application Form - Part 2

    Section 2.1 Statement of Financial Support

    You must submit proof of adequate financial support for study in the United States before you can be issued an I-20. Acceptable proof is 1) an I-34 Affidavit of Support or a letter signed by your sponsor verifying sponsorship, or the sponsor's signature after the statement below, and 2) proof of the sponsor's financial resources, for example, a letter from the sponsor's bank or the sponsor's tax records.
    If you are over 21 and have the funds to support yourself, you do not need a sponsor, but you must submit proof of your financial resources.
    This is to certify that I and/or my sponsor (as indicated by the signature(s) below) will assume full financial responsibility (a minimum of $7,186 U.S. for an academic term of 4 months) for the University of Houston Language and Culture Center intensive English program tuition and fees and all other expenses incurred while attending said program.

    __________________________________________________ ___________________________Student signature Date______________________________________________ _______________________________Sponsor signature DateSection 2.2 Sponsor Information

    If you will be sponsored, please fill in the following information about your sponsor:
    Name: __________________________________________________ _____________________ First Name Middle Name Last Name Address: __________________________________________________ __________________ Street and Number Apt.# __________________________________________________ ___________________________City State/Province Postal Code __________________________________________________ ___________________________Country Telephone NumberSponsor's relationship to student: __________________________________________ Section 2.3 Application Fee

    The $100.00 U.S. application fee must accompany this Statement of Financial Support and accompanying documents. The application fee is valid for one year from its date of receipt in the Language and Culture Center office. After that date, you will need to submit new financial support documents and repay the application fee if you wish additional I-20s.
    The application fee is nonrefundable.
    Section 2.4 Mailing Instructions

    The following documents should be mailed as soon as possible to arrive in Houston at least six (6) weeks prior to registration day.
    • this completed and signed statement of financial support,
    • the financial support documents, as specified in Section 2.1 above,
    • the $100.00 U.S.(check or money order only) nonrefundable application fee,
    • an official copy of your transcript and/or graduation diploma (with English translation),
    • copy of the identification page of your passport, and
    • if you are a transfer student, please fill out the LCC Transfer Form (http://lcc.uh.edu/__form/LCCTransferForm.pdf)
    Make check or money order payable
    to the "University of Houston"
    Please mail to:
    Language and Culture Center
    Online Application
    116 Roy Cullen Building
    Houston, Texas 77204-3014

    وايش الخطوه التالية في التقديم بعد اللي سويته
    اتمنى اي احد قدم على المعهد ذا من قبل او اي احد عندو خبره انو يساعدني

قم بتسجيل دخولك للمنتدي او

الانضمام لمبتعث

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