الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


طلب ضروري و عاجل جداُ جداُ جداُ جداُ جداُ

طلب ضروري و عاجل جداُ جداُ جداُ جداُ جداُ


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية A7MAD.CANADA

    مبتعث فعال Active Member

    A7MAD.CANADA كندا

    A7MAD.CANADA , ذكر. مبتعث فعال Active Member. من كندا , مبتعث فى كندا , تخصصى ادارة اعمال , بجامعة Thompson Rivers University
    • Thompson Rivers University
    • ادارة اعمال
    • ذكر
    • kamloops, B.C
    • كندا
    • Oct 2008

    May 14th, 2009, 08:43 AM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    اخواني واخواتي محتاج مساعدكم لعل الله يكتب الخير لي ولكم بإذن الله

    اليوم اسألتني العجوز (الهوم ستاي) عن سبب ان المسلمين حرام عليهم اكل الخنزير
    طبعا قلت لها قبل مااقولك اي شي لان لغتي الانجليزية توها بالبدايه واخاف اغلط بكلمه ولازم اكون دقيق فيه وعشان كذا عطيني مهله عشان اعطيك الجواب

    ياليت منكم ياشباب اللي انجليزيته حلوه يكتب لي رد على سؤالها ويكون فيه اقناع
    وياليت تعطوني روابط باللغه الانجليزيه عن الموضوع هذا وعن الاسلام بشكل خاص
    لاني بصراحه بحاول اني ادخل لها بتعريف الاسلام عن طريق سؤالها واحاول ارغبها باالاسلام

    انتظر ردودكم

  2. تقدر توريهم هذا الرابط و لا إذا كنت تبغى تقنعها مره روح اشتريه وسوي التجربه

    و ممكن تقولها قصه ادم عليه السلام يوم قاله الله عز وجل لا تقرب هذه الشجره .و لما امره ما قاله السبب لأنه هذا امر من الله عز و جل.و قولها رئيسك في العمل لما يأمرك تقدري تقوليله ليش ولا تقوليله حاضر "ولله المثل الاعلى"

    ولما قربها نزل من الجنه الى الارض.و احنا امرنا بأن لا نأكل لحم الخنزير
    7 "
  3. Why are Muslims not allowed to eat pork?

    The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is well known. The following points explain various aspects of this prohibition:

    1. Pork prohibited in Qur’an

    The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less than 4 different places. It is prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.

    "Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah." [Al-Qur’an 5:3]

    The above verses of the Holy Qur’an are sufficient to satisfy a Muslim as to why pork is forbidden.

    2. Pork prohibited in the Bible

    The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus

    "And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you".

    "Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you."
    [Leviticus 11:7-8]

    Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy

    "And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass."
    [Deuteronomy 14:8]

    A similar prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse 2-5.

    3. Consumption of pork causes several diseases

    The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced through reason, logic and science. Eating of pork can cause no less than seventy different types of diseases. A person can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most dangerous is Taenia Solium, which is in lay man’s terminology called tapeworm. It harbours in the intestine and is very long. Its ova i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it enters the heart it can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can cause blindness, if it enters the liver it can cause liver damage. It can damage almost all the organs of the body.

    Another dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis. A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project undertaken in America, it was found that out of twenty-four people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked the pork very well. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal cooking temperature.

    4. Pork has fat building material

    Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. It is not surprising that over 50% of Americans suffer from hypertension.

    5. Pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth

    The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck, faeces and dirt. It is the best scavenger that I know that God has produced. In the villages they don’t have modern toilets and the villagers excrete in the open air. Very often excreta is cleared by pigs.

    Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are bred in very clean and hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are kept together in sties. No matter how hard you try to keep them clean they are filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their own as well as their neighbour’s excreta.

    6. Pig is the most shameless animal

    The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate. In America, most people consume pork. Many times after dance parties, they have swapping of wives; i.e. many say "you sleep with my wife and I will sleep with your wife." If you eat pigs then you behave like pigs. We Indians look upon America to be very advanced and sophisticated. Whatever they do, we follow after a few years. According to an article in Island magazine, this practice of swapping wives has become common in the affluent circles of Bombay
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة doni32

    تقدر توريهم هذا الرابط و لا إذا كنت تبغى تقنعها مره روح اشتريه وسوي التجربه

    و ممكن تقولها قصه ادم عليه السلام يوم قاله الله عز وجل لا تقرب هذه الشجره .و لما امره ما قاله السبب لأنه هذا امر من الله عز و جل.و قولها رئيسك في العمل لما يأمرك تقدري تقوليله ليش ولا تقوليله حاضر "ولله المثل الاعلى"

    ولما قربها نزل من الجنه الى الارض.و احنا امرنا بأن لا نأكل لحم الخنزير


    الف شكر على المقطع
    انا شفت المقطع هذا بس ماحبيت اجازف فيه لحد مااتأكد منه اخاف يكون مو صدق الديدان هذي او من مااعرف كم الوقت اللي انتظر فيه عشان تطلع الديدان

    اما عن القصه والله انا لحد اللحين مااعرف انجليزي زين والا ودي اني انا اللي اقولها كل شي وانا اللي ارد عليها

    وألف شكر للمساعده والله يكتبها لنا ولك ان شاءالله
    7 "

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