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مــوضــوع مـتــجــدد ، IELTS Writing Test , Task 2

مــوضــوع مـتــجــدد ، IELTS Writing Test , Task 2


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية ●● يــزيــد ●●
    ●● يــزيــد ●●

    عضو شرف و مشرف سابق

    ●● يــزيــد ●● الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    ●● يــزيــد ●● , ذكر. عضو شرف و مشرف سابق. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى MIS , بجامعة CGU
    • CGU
    • MIS
    • ذكر
    • Claremont, CA
    • السعودية
    • Sep 2008

    July 26th, 2009, 04:35 AM

    The IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 asks you to write a short essay of a minimum of 250 words. The essay is usually a discussion of a subject of general interest. You may have to present and justify your opinion about something, give the solution to a problem or compare differing ideas or viewpoints.

    Your task will be marked in three areas. You will get a mark from 1 to 9 on Arguments, Ideas and Evidence, Communicative Quality and Vocabulary and Sentence Structure. Your final band for Task 2 will be effectively an average of the three marks awarded in these areas. Task 2 writing is more important than Task 1 and to calculate the final writing mark, more weight is assigned to the Task 2 mark than to Task 1's mark. To get a good overall mark though, both tasks have to be well answered so don't hold back on Task 1 or give yourself too little time to answer it properly.

    Arguments, Ideas and Evidence
    This mark grades you on the content of your essay. The argument is how you present your case as regards the question. The ideas part is how many and how good your ideas are in helping your argument. The evidence is the facts that you use to back up your ideas. Evidence is very important in Task 2. You need to bring in facts from your own experience in order to support your ideas. The three parts (Arguments, Ideas and Evidence) are not independent but blend together to give a good answer. Together they really present the content and substance of your essay.

    Communicative Quality
    This is how you are making yourself understood and whether the reader of your writing understands what you are saying. Are you communicating well with the reader and are your ideas that you want to present understood by the reader?

    Vocabulary and Sentence Structure
    This area looks at the your grammar and choice of words. The marker will look at whether the right grammar and words are used and whether they are used at the right time, in the right place and in the right way. Most people are predominantly worried about their grammar but, as you can see, grammar is only half of one section of three used to grade your writing. IELTS is much more interested in communication rather than grammatical accuracy.

  2. Give reasons for your answer You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
    Write about the following topic:

    Advanced medical treatments are generally expensive. People’s access to proper health care should not depend upon their level of income. All people have the right to access the best medicine available.

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
    and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
    You should write at least 250 words.

    Sample Answer
    (Time Taken: Approx. 30 minutes)

    In the world today, many people are suffering from terrible life-threatening diseases. Unfortunately adequate health care is often lacking - especially for those who are poor. It is very disappointing that individuals who are sick and in need of advanced medical treatments are not able to be treated due to their level of income.
    It is clear that advanced medical treatments are expensive and someone must pay for them. Where does the money come from, who will pay the medical bills? Will the recipient of the health care fully appreciate the value of what they have been given? Will the sacrifice of the rich individual or country that has paid for their life-changing medical treatments be fully appreciated? These are difficult questions to fully answer but nothing of worth can be free, someone has to pay.
    The overarching point however, must be the sanctity of human life. Surely a human life is worth more than a sum of money. Human life is precious and we must do all we can to save it. It is simply not good enough to say to an individual, “I could save your life but since you can not afford to pay me, you are going to die”. Unfortunately, this is the harsh reality in both the developed and developing world. Many people are dying because they cannot afford the advanced medical treatments needed to prolong their lives. Money should not determine who has the opportunity to live.
    I believe that all people should have the right to access the best medicine available. However, those given access should be educated to appreciate the value of what they have been given, the value of the gift. How wealthy a person is should not determine if an individual lives or dies.
    (294 words)

    Why this answer would score well
    In the world today, many people are suffering from terrible life-threatening diseases. Unfortunately adequate health care is often lacking - especially for those who are poor. It is very disappointing that individuals who are sick and in need of advanced medical treatments are not able to be treated due to their level of income.

    The first paragraph is effective because it:
    1. introduces the subject/topic
    2. clearly demonstrates the writer’s point of view (thesis statement)
    3. presents a general fact about the subject (life-threatening diseases)
    4. uses the key words from the question without repeating them verbatim
    5. demonstrates a good command of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
    6. is long enough (around 50 words)

    It is clear that advanced medical treatments are expensive and someone must pay for them. Where does the money come from, who will pay the medical bills? Will the recipient of the health care fully appreciate the value of what they have been given? Will the sacrifice of the rich individual or country that has paid for their life-changing medical treatments be fully appreciated? These are difficult questions to fully answer but nothing of worth can be free, someone has to pay.

    The second paragraph is effective because it:
    1. introduces an opposing point (as the question asks us to do)
    2. is long enough (contains around 80 words)
    3. is not too emphatic, but believable

    The overarching point however, must be the sanctity of human life. Surely a human life is worth more than a sum of money. Human life is precious and we must do all we can to save it. It is simply not good enough to say to an individual, “I could save your life but since you can not afford to pay me, you are going to die”. Unfortunately, this is the harsh reality in both the developed and developing world. Many people are dying because they cannot afford the advanced medical treatments needed to prolong their lives. Money should not determine who has the opportunity to live.

    The third paragraph is effective because it:
    1. introduces several good contrasting points/arguments (as the question asks the writer to do)
    2. supports the main points made with clear supporting points/examples
    3. is long enough; the writer’s opinion should be supported by a longer, more convincing paragraph
    4. is more emphatic and direct – the examiner can clearly understand the writer’s position
    5. utilises good vocabulary, grammar and punctuation

    I believe that all people should have the right to access the best medicine available. However, those given access should be educated to appreciate the value of what they have been given, the value of the gift. How wealthy a person is should not determine if an individual lives or dies.

    The final paragraph is effective because it:
    1. re-emphasises the writer’s position (as per the question)
    2. the language used gives a sense of ‘finality’ to the piece
    3. utilises good vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
    7 "
    You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
    Write about the following topic:
    Governments around the world are spending billions in support of space programs. This money would be better spent on research into improvements in human health.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
    Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.You should write at least 250 words

    Sample Answer
    (Time taken: 30 minutes)

    It is a fact that some governments are spending billions of dollars on space research each year. Recently, the USA announced that more money would be spent on their space programs. Meanwhile diseases like AIDS and cancer are continuing to claim the lives of more and more people.
    Certainly, an awareness of what is occurring out beyond our earth is an interesting endeavour for those working in the field of science. Space exploration is the cause of many thousands of jobs around the world. Additionally, an awareness of the movements of planets and meteorites and the possibility that they may fall to earth helps us to be prepared if such a thing should happen.
    It must be pointed out that the probability of a meteorite crashing to earth and killing thousands of people is very low. What will continue however, are the deaths of thousands and thousands of people caused by rampant diseases and illnesses throughout our planet. Many of these diseases are multiplied due to a lack of knowledge about them - ignorance is costly. Time and money spent on learning more effective ways to control or even eliminate them has the potential to help immeasurably the lives of people who are suffering and in pain. Consider the relief of a man in Africa suffering from disease once thought to be incurable but, due to research, a solution to his problem is found. Would the discovery of a new moon on Jupiter help this man? I think not.
    The alleviation of human suffering through health research is more important than space programs and research. The basic value of human life makes it clear that improving human health is a wiser use of government money.(284 words)

    Why this answer would score well
    • good structure to the essay
    - both sides of the issue are clearly stated
    - each idea flows logically
    • each paragraph has a specific focus
    • approximately 280 words
    • the vocabulary is of an academic standard
    • the conclusion has a solid argument for why money should be spent on humans rather than space research.

    Analysing Paragraph 1:
    It is a fact that governments are spending billions of dollars on space research each year. Recently, the USA announced that more money would be spent on their space programs. Meanwhile diseases like AIDS and cancer are continuing to claim the lives of more and more people.
    • The paragraph is brief (3 sentences) but clearly identifies the topic and establishes the sides of the argument.
    • There is a comment regarding the relevancy of the topic today (USA recently announced more money to be spent on space programs).
    • Without restating it, the opening deals with the key elements of the question - governments are spending billions on space programs, (instead of) researching into improvements in human health.
    Analysing Paragraph 2:
    Certainly, an awareness of what is occurring out beyond our earth is an interesting endeavour for those working in the field of science. Space exploration is the cause of many thousands of jobs around the world. Additionally, an awareness of the movements of planets and meteorites and the possibility that they may fall to earth helps us to be prepared if such a thing should happen.
    • Through use of appropriate English, this paragraph begins by reminding the reader of the relevance of space travel.
    • Next three examples are given which help to strengthen the argument for space research:
    1. it is an interesting study,
    2. it creates many jobs and
    3. it could aid in the protection from falling meteorites.
    • Good use of linking structures (certainly, additionally) and academic vocabulary (an interesting endeavour, space exploration, such a thing).

    Analysing Paragraph 3:
    It must be pointed out that the probability of a meteorite crashing to earth and killing thousands of people is very low. What will continue however, are the deaths of thousands and thousands of people caused by rampant diseases and illnesses throughout our planet. Many of these diseases are multiplied due to a lack of knowledge about them - ignorance is costly. Time and money spent on learning more effective ways to control or even eliminate them has the potential to help immeasurably the lives of people who are suffering and in pain. Consider the relief of a man in Africa suffering from disease once thought to be incurable but, due to research, a solution to his problem is found. Would the discovery of a new moon on Jupiter help this man? I think not.
    • The next paragraph flows well from the previous one and presents good ideas which are opposite to the previous position taken.
    • Words such as probability...is low, meteorite, rampant, ignorance is costly, immeasurably are good academic, descriptive words.
    • A rhetorical question about a new moon on Jupiter compels the reader to get involved in the discussion.
    • the ideas are succinct and definitely provide clear examples in contrast to the previous paragraph
    Analysing Paragraph 4:
    The alleviation of human suffering through health research is more important than space programs and research. The basic value of human life makes it clear that improving human health is a wiser use of government money.
    • The writer's position is made very clearly in the last paragraph.
    • The use of the word alleviation is a good academic word.
    • Note: demonstrate to the examiner your command of the English language through use of appropriate words!
    • The most convincing argument (the supremacy of human life) is restated here and supports well the 3rd paragraph (arguments for).

    How I developed this answer
    (Time Taken: 8-10 minutes)
    I read the question several times and identified the key words.
    • I underlined the following key words in the question: governments, spending billions, supporting space programs, better spent, research, human health.
    • I recalled how this is a very controversial topic in the world today.
    • I thought about what I knew concerning this topic. [NB: It can help to strengthen your answers if you are up-to-date on major world trends/events - so regularly read the news!]. Yes, I heard recently that America committed more money to space exploration.
    I would write the following summary notes on the test booklet:
    • Fact: Billions of $$ are being spent on space research
    • USA announced recently more money to be spent
    • human health is declining (AIDS, Cancer)

    Arguments For
    • I decided initially that space exploration is very interesting. We are curious about what is out beyond our planet. This interest has created a 'space industry' which, in turn, has led to many jobs. I also thought of how knowledge of space surrounding earth has the possibility of protecting humankind from danger in the form of falling space rocks or larger meteorites.
    • I did not spend a lot of time on this because I am arguing against spending billions on space research however, this part of your answer is important in presenting a 'balanced, educated argument'.
    • Note: even though I wrote 'etc' in the notes, DO NOT use 'etc' in your essay. Instead, write out exactly what you mean]
    I would write the following summary notes on the test booklet:
    • It is interesting to know about what is happening in space
    • lots of jobs created
    • may protect us from falling meteorites, etc

    Arguments Against
    • When I first read the question, the idea that came to mind is that billions of dollars seems too much money to be spending on space research [Tip: in order to save time, be sure to argue according to ideas that come most naturally and quickly to your mind]. I think the money would be better spent on continuing studies into improving human health. More money might attract better education in places like Africa where ignorance plays a big part in the illnesses that are extant there.
    • As mentioned, because I am arguing against billions being spent, I combined this category with the 'My Position' category so that I would have a total of four (4) paragraphs. [Tip: It is a good idea to combine the two categories into one paragraph].
    • I decided that the use of a question at the end of the paragraph made the argument more compelling. I felt that in this case, the question forced the reader to get more involved in the issue and to form an opinion - to either agree with me or not.
    I would write the following summary notes on the test booklet:
    • diseases are rampant
    • ignorance prolongs illness
    • MANY could be helped - Africa

    Statement of Position
    As mentioned, I decided to combine my statement of position with arguments against. I did this because I would make my arguments more compelling. Again, the reason I decided against spending billions was primarily because it was the first and, for me, most logical answer that I felt I could more easily defend.
    I would write the following summary notes on the test booklet:
    • Governments should spend $$ on research into improvements into human health
    • helps people in need!!

    The conclusion simply restated my premise. I saw that the most important point in my argument was the value of human life over the value of space rockets/machines. My conclusion is brief but restates my key idea.
    I would write the following summary notes on the test booklet:
    • value of human life!!
    • governments should spend $$ on helping human lives, not machines.
    7 "

    You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
    Write about the following topic:
    Some people think that scientists experimenting with animals in a laboratory is the only way we can guarantee new products will be safe for human use.

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

    Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
    You should write at least 250 words.

    Sample Answer

    (Time taken: approx. 30 minutes)

    There has been much debate on the topic of lab animals and product testing. Some people believe that scientists locking up animals in a laboratory environment is contrary to what nature intended – and they are probably right. Others believe laboratory animals perform a great service for humankind.

    For many years now, scientists have been working hard to develop cures for diseases. Occasionally, new medicines and drugs are created which may be a solution to a serious illness plaguing mankind. In order to determine if there is any level of danger in these drugs, lab animals ingest them and are monitored for any unusual reactions. Therefore, lab animals play a vital role in the prevention of human death caused by a possible reaction to these new drugs.

    Of course life for an animal in a laboratory environment is unnatural. If a person is said ‘to be a guinea pig’ it always carries with it a negative connotation and reminds us that an animal locked up in a cage, being fed various potentially dangerous substances is far from an enviable position! Being fed mechanically in a sterile environment all their lives, lab animals often become sluggish and fat and many of them die from hideous diseases. It is often a cruel existence.

    There is however, one key element that cannot be overlooked in the discussion – animals are not humans. Although the life of animals in a lab is regrettable, I much prefer a guinea pig to die than a human being. The human need must always come first. It is sad that any living thing must suffer however, the use of laboratory animals in testing new products made today goes a long way toward helping humankind enjoy a better tomorrow.

    (288 words)

    Why This Answer Would Score Well

    good structure to the essay

    - the topic is clearly stated in the first paragraph

    - each idea flows logically

    each paragraph has a specific focus

    the vocabulary is of an academic standard

    conclusion has a compelling argument and a clever use of ‘today’ and ‘tomorrow’ as a contrast

    Analysing Paragraph 1

    There has been much debate on the topic of lab animals and product testing. Some people believe that scientists locking up animals in a laboratory environment is contrary to what nature intended – and they are probably right. Others believe laboratory animals perform a great service for humankind.


    The paragraph is brief (3 sentences) but clearly identifies the topic.

    There is a comment regarding the relevancy of the topic today.

    Without restating it, the opening deals with the key elements of the question – scientists, experimenting with lab animals to ensure safe products for humans.

    The reader is introduced to both sides of the argument and a possible hint as to the writer’s position is given through use of the phrase “and they are probably right” (use of the word ‘probably’ makes it a possibility only).

    Analysing Paragraph 2

    For many years now, scientists have been working hard to develop cures for diseases. Occasionally, new medicines and drugs are created which may be a solution to a serious illness plaguing mankind. In order to determine if there is any level of danger in these drugs, lab animals ingest them and are monitored for any unusual reactions. Therefore, lab animals play a vital role in the prevention of human death caused by a possible reaction to these new drugs.


    this paragraph begins by reminding the reader of the relevancy of the topic (“For many years now...”).

    It sets the scene with a very current example – the development of new products for humans

    It presents a strong case in support of the writer’s position (“...lab animals play a vital role in the prevention of human death...”).

    Analysing Paragraph 3

    Of course life for an animal in a laboratory environment is unnatural. If a person is said ‘to be a guinea pig’ it always carries with it a negative connotation and reminds us that an animal locked up in a cage, being fed various potentially dangerous substances is far from an enviable position! Being fed mechanically in a sterile environment all their lives, lab animals often become sluggish and fat and many of them die from hideous diseases. It is often a cruel existence.


    The next paragraph flows well from the previous one and presents good ideas which are opposite to the previous position taken

    words such as mechanically, sterile, sluggish and hideous are good academic, descriptive words

    the example about a person being a ‘guinea pig’ demonstrates advanced knowledge of an English expression

    the ideas are compelling and succinct and definitely provide clear examples in contrast to the previous paragraph

    Analysing Paragraph 4:

    There is however, one key element that cannot be overlooked in the discussion – animals are not humans. Although the life of animals in a lab is regrettable, I much prefer a guinea pig to die than a human being. The human need must always come first. It is sad that any living thing must suffer however, the use of laboratory animals in testing new products made today goes a long way toward helping humankind enjoy a better tomorrow.


    The flow of ideas changes again and this time the reader is left in no doubt as to the writer's position.

    The most convincing argument is presented here and supports well the 2nd paragraph (arguments for).

    The final sentence gives the writing a sense of ‘finality’ and makes clever use of the contrast between today and tomorrow (present and future).

    The word count for this piece is around 290 words which is good.

    How I Developed This Answer

    (Time Taken: 8-10 minutes)


    I read the question several times and identified the key words.

    I underlined the following key words in the question: scientists experimenting with animals, laboratory, only way, guarantee new products safe for human(s).

    I recalled how this is a very controversial topic in the world today.

    I would write the following summary notes on the test booklet:

    hot topic

    new products

    cruel to animals

    protects humans

    Arguments For

    The first idea that came to my mind was that lab animals are like a kind of safety net for humans – they guard against the death of humans. Because we have this way to explore new medicines, ideas can be developed and tested without causing harm to humans.

    I would write the following summary notes on the test booklet:

    prevents human death

    ‘safety net’

    advances scientific enquiry

    Arguments Against

    One of the first ideas that came to mind was that it is cruel to house animals in labs. Although it is cruel I realised it was necessary. I decided to list ideas why it was cruel. I thought how they would get fat because of their confined areas and also that they might die of terrible (hideous) diseases caused by the experimentation.

    I would write the following summary notes on the test booklet:

    cruelty to animals

    locked up

    hideous diseases

    Statement of Position

    In this part of my argument I was tempted to add in the 2nd paragraph but I decided to wait for it until the third paragraph because I felt it was the most powerful idea in defence of my position. The basic question is animal life over human life.

    I would write the following summary notes on the test booklet:

    humans more valuable

    my guinea pig or relative?

    humans come first


    I combined the conclusion with my statement of position because I could tell that my essay was getting a bit long and I was running out of time. I wanted to make a powerful point at the end. I thought about how lab animals today allow scientists to develop (medical) ideas for the future (tomorrow). I liked the contrast of today and tomorrow so I used it in my conclusion.

    I would write the following summary notes on the test booklet:

    sad, but necessary
    labs today --> better tomorrow
    7 "
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