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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية jojojijijojo

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    jojojijijojo غير معرف

    jojojijijojo , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. , تخصصى ffff , بجامعة ffff
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    • May 2009

    August 5th, 2009, 08:24 PM

    Hi my brothers, i have a few questions , im studing engineering at u.s.a , im from K.S.A, and i dont have scholarship yet, i have found this http://kas.mohe.gov.sa/KAS5/index.aspx but it says its only for medicine peaple who can register for baccalaureus, and im engineering so i can't register? also in my case how i can register to a scholarship? please help me i'm lost and im in USA now.
  2. السلام عليكم
    الاخ جوجو انا كنت بالوزارة يوم الاحد وسمعت الدكتور عبدالله الموسى يقول اي شخص يروح امريكا قبل 10 رمضان بيلحقونه الي دارسين على حسابهم الخاص
    بالنسبه للمرحلىة الخامسه بكلريوس طب هذه للطلاب المبتعثين ببرنامج خادم الحرمين المرحلة الخامسة
    انت طالب دارس على حسابك الخاص ماعندك مشكلة
    اهم شي ترفع اوراقك بسرعه منالملحقيه
    بعدين اذا تبي تكتب عربي روح للكنترول بانل واختار لغات واختار السعوديه العربيه وتطبيق واوكي
    تمنياتي لك بالتوفيق
    7 "
  3. Thank you for your precious informations , you helped me so much , and about the arabic my pc is from u.s.a , but thanks again for your help have a nice day brother, but just a last question if you dont mind, i will be able to send my application on 2nd september also is it better if i go myself to washington to be sure my application is safe also did you guys need to show them your passport or you just need to have saudian nationality, because i dont have a k.s.a passport yet so i should go get one or it's not important ? Thanks again
    7 "
  4. Thanks for the link but it really didnt helped me so much , my question is just do i need a K.S.A passport to get the scholarship or the saudi nationality is all what i need , because i dont have a K.S.A passport and i want to know if its necessary , thanks and sorry if i have a lot of questions , im really lost allah only knows , my greetings
    7 "

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