الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


استفسار what does that mean?

استفسار what does that mean?


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5007 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية RealityLover

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    RealityLover كندا

    RealityLover , ذكر. مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member. من كندا , مبتعث فى كندا , تخصصى UMM , بجامعة UMM
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    • Jul 2009

    August 4th, 2010, 02:34 AM

    Alsalam alikum every one ,just was surfing the web and found this interesting webpage which states that I can take the assessment exam which could allow me to bypass the preparation year without even attending the studienkolleg. this is the link Freie Universit
    please read the part where it says without attending. after you read please answer me is that really what it means. that I can self prepare my self for the test without even atteding the studienkolleg?.
    and then after succeeding I can get addmitted to medicine .
    another qustion btw I am gonna do the a level at a university or i should say college in london ,would they exempt me from doing the preparation year this way. if yes what are the required courses that should be at the a level done?
    (sorry my brothers laptop is not arabic(
    thanks in advance
  2. guys i just heard that medicine in germany is generally based on the theoretical emphasis rather than the clinical, and having said that our performance in the USMLE steps or its *****alent in canada will be negetively affected.
    i even have heard that if your long term goal is to get your residency from north america then english medium education is far more beneficial. so what do you suggest? my father was telling me dont go to poland, hungary,or czech because they were all under the soviet occupation and that is a very down side he stressed. are these countries safe enough to pursue my dream. are their people tolurant to other cutures and religions . please guys i need your insight.the thing is ,its alot easier for me to study their because my spoken and written english is very good. but all iam afraid of is security . i was told that they have many NEIGHBORING enemies like russia and some othe scary racist states . i dont know if thats true or not or maybe my father is just bullshitting me to let me go to germany and pursue his own ultimate dream.
    7 "
  3. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
    هو يا انه محد فهم ايش قصدت او انه ما احد يعرف الاجابة . فللاختصار ما قلته هو انه في الرابط اللي حطيته يقول انه ممكن الواحد يختبر اختبار يسمحلة بالتسجيل في الجامعات من دون ما يدرس السنة التحضيرية فهل ما فهمته صحيح .
    هذا رابط اخر يقول نفس الشي
    DAAD - All about the Studienkolleg and Feststellungsprüfung
    . ومشكورين على المساعدة
    7 "
  4. heh nice one dude. but I really think that iam pretty well prepared for the test >unless if the test is pretty advanced like pure mathematics and maybe human anatomy or even worse organic chemistry in depth,.but I dont think it would be that hard would it? I mean have you ever done it before ?.german though insha allah will not be a problem ,or atleast I wish>
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة RealityLover
    heh nice one dude. but I really think that iam pretty well prepared for the test >unless if the test is pretty advanced like pure mathematics and maybe human anatomy or even worse organic chemistry in depth,.but I dont think it would be that hard would it? I mean have you ever done it before ?.german though insha allah will not be a problem ,or atleast I wish>

    the test will be in german
    so good luck with that
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة @@almoreb@@
    شوفي الرد رقم 819 في موضوعي المثبت اعلاه

    اتمنى منكم تقرأو الموضوع لان كل ه السئلة مجابه فيه أكثر من 5 مرااات

    اتمنى لك التوفيق

    آلله يجزآك خير آشهد آنك سنآفي .. لكن عندي آقترآح آفضل .. آرجؤ آن تتفضل ؤتشرف حؤآري بمرؤرك ..,,
    7 "
  7. يا اختي على اي اساس انته بتقولي هذا الكلام على المانيا؟؟؟؟ هل في مصدر تقدري تعتمدي عليه انا مصادري واضحة وقوية يا اختي بالنسبة لامانيا.يمكن الوضع هذا في هولندا لكن لالمانيا الوضع مختلف واسالي الاخ مرعب. ومشكورين.
    7 "

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