الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


ياريت .. ياريت .. القى لي رد على هالموضوووووووووع .....!!

ياريت .. ياريت .. القى لي رد على هالموضوووووووووع .....!!


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5454 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية عابر سبيل"
    عابر سبيل"

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    عابر سبيل" المملكة المتحدة

    عابر سبيل" , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى المملكة المتحدة , تخصصى ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT , بجامعة SALFORD UNI
    • ذكر
    • مانشستر, MAN
    • السعودية
    • Mar 2009

    May 14th, 2009, 03:58 AM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...

    مساااااكم ورد ...

    حباااايب قلبي .. ياليت تفيدوني في تخصص Medicine Engineering ....

    انا ودي اخش هالتخصص .. لكن والله ما عندي فكره وين ممكن القى هالتخصص .. او في اي الجامعات ...

    ياليت يا شباب .. ويا بنات .. تفيدوناااااا.... ولا فيكم قصووووووور يا رب ..

    يعطيكم العافيه .. بالتوفيق جميعاً ..,
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Eng-abdullah
    حبيبي لاتدخل تخصص الا من رغبه انت وعارف شنو فيه وعارف درآآسته كيف ,,

    مو تقول مآآدري شنو التخصص وحآآب آدرسه ؟؟؟ شنو حببك فيه آآجل ؟؟؟

    قبل لاتحدد التخصص ,, حدد رغبتك ,,


    الله يعطيك العافيه .. اخوي ..,
    بس بشويش علينا الله يخليك .. حسستني انك بتطقني والله ... ههههههههههههههههههههه ...,

    ع العموم .. ياليت نلقى احد يفيدنا عن هالتخصص .. ما فيكم قصور ..,
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  3. اليوم واحد من الطلاب يقول انه بيدرس هالتخصص في لندن ..
    وجاه قبول للبكالريوس بس بشرط انه يجيب 6 في كل الاجزاء ...

    هذا الل اعرفه ... ماعرف شيء عن هالتخصص الا انه كان يقول انه مو موجود الا بجامعتين ببريطانيا
    في لندن والثانيه مادري وين ................. >>ماحس اني افدتك بشيء
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  4. هل هذا هو التعريف الصحيح لما تبحث عنه ؟؟

    وهل المرحله الدراسيه المطلوبه بكالوريوس ام ماجستير؟؟

    On the face of it “medicine” and “engineering” are the two terms that seem to be poles apart from each other. So when you hear the term “Medicine Engineering” you are naturally curious about what it could be.
    Medicine Engineering, also known as a part of the Biomedical Engineering (BME), is the application of engineering principles in the field of medical science to make it more accurate and scientific. Medicine engineering takes the theories and principles of medical science and combines it with the methodical problem solving skills available in engineering.
    This process helps to improve the health care in general, as well as facilitates you to live as a healthy individual. Importance of medicine engineering today therefore cannot be undermined.
    Engineering itself is a vast subject having multiple branches. However, medicine engineering is a relatively modern innovation. Yet it has got its own divergent avenues. The technology thus engulfs within its ambit subjects like bioinformatics, image processing, physiological signal processing, biomechanics, biomaterials and bioengineering.
    Some other important features of medicine engineering are system analysis, three dimension modeling, and data processing. Today you can find the application of the principles of medicine engineering in manufacturing of prostheses, medicines with compound and complex components, and in pharmaceutical drugs.
    Medicine on the other hand can be defined as a substance or their combination that is administered either on human beings or animals to treat or prevent diseases. It is essentially related to a balanced and appropriate combination of various components to manufacture the best of the pharmaceutical drugs.
    Most of the commercial companies keep their medicine engineering formulas patented so that they are not misused by others. Drugs that are patented by the manufacturing companies, who hold the medicine engineering formulas, are called generic drugs.
    Medicine engineering is essentially an interdisciplinary field. Its components are often influenced by various other fields and sources. In medicine engineering one cannot expect to focus on a particular subject owing to the diversities of the aspects involved in such technology.
    One science that has always been growing by leaps and bounds since the requirement of the society is almost insatiable in this regard. It is the medical science. Consequentially there has been a virtual revolution in the field of the science. Millions of medications are available today for preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic uses.
    Manufacturing of these medicines require skill and knowledge, and medicine engineering, as a subject, provides just the required expertise. Medicine engineering thus may also be called the facilitator of normal life for mankind.
    Two factors that are responsible for such advancements are improvement in the realm of biotechnology and information technology that has altogether changed the face of medicine engineering.
    Core factors in medicine engineering are the direct relationship between gene discovery and identification of new drugs. Discovery of every new gene brings up a consequential discovery of preventive or curative drugs, with more applications of medicine engineering in the value of mankind. Therefore, medicine engineering in essentiality becomes the discovery of new genetic technology to develop vaccines, used for prevention of or treatment of diseases, such as, AIDS and Cervical Cancer which could not be cured or prevented by traditional drugs.
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  5. يعطيكم العافيه جميع ...

    Joory .. DeeDee ..
    ما قصرتوا ويعطيكم الف عااااااااااااااااااااااااااافيه ....

    انا معاي دبلوم وابي اكمل بكالريوس ... يعني اما بطريق المعادله .. او ابدأ من جديد .... مشكور مقدماً

    ما قصرتي .. واذا تقدرين تسألين هالطالب اللي تقولين .. ممكن انه يفيدنا وايااااكم ... ومشكوره مقدماً كمان ...

    الله يقدرني .. واساعد كل واحد حاول بس يساعدني .. يااااااااااااارب ..,
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