الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


نماذج اسئلة الايلتس لبعض الدول

نماذج اسئلة الايلتس لبعض الدول


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. IELTS test in Indonesia and Australia –
    April 2010 (General Training)
    2010-04-18 07:51:27-04

    IELTS exams in Australia and Indonesia were shared by two students (thank you!), who remembered the following:
    Listening test
    Section 1. Restaurant Booking Information.
    Section 2. Site Plan of Rock Festival.
    Section 3. South Africa Eco tour.
    Section 4. Don’t remember.
    Reading test
    Passage 1. BBC TV Program.
    Passage 2. Holiday homes.
    Passage 3. Professor’s advice to students regarding selecting study materials.
    Passage 4. A text about fabrics development and different kind of designers using the fabrics. Different materials used in textile industry, including a set of names of designers who specialized in some special kind of clothing, for the future.(e.g. Liquid metal clothing-Ms. X, Radio clothing-Mr. Y).
    Writing test
    Writing Task 1 (a letter)
    You and your family have just rented an apartment and one or two problems occurred. Write a letter to the landlord. Describe the problems and tell him what you want him to do.
    Writing Task 2 (an essay)
    Nowadays young children are using mobile phones. Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it’s a negative one. Discuss. What is your opinion?
    Speaking test
    - Tell me about yourself.
    - Where are you from?
    - What do you do?
    Cue Card 1
    Talk about something that you purchased and had not used much, please say
    - what it was,
    - where you bought it,
    - why you bought it,
    - why you didn’t use it.
    Cue Card 2
    Describe a school you went to when you were a child.
    Discussion 1
    - What advantage is there to moving from a large school to a small one?
    - What is the difference between a large and a small school?
    - What qualifications should a teacher have?
    - Why teachers give so many assignments to pupils?
    7 "
  2. تفضلوا هذا نموذج الاختبار اللي دخلته

    في 17/4/2010

    Listening test

    Section 1. A conversation between a lady and an officer from the railway lost baggage claims department.
    Section 2. Organutan wildlife project.
    Section 3. About a project given to 2 students, who were discussing their assignment.
    Section 4. Don’t remember.

    Reading test

    Passage 1. Bridges in the UK, their construction and inspection.
    Questions: diagram labeling, there was a drawing explaining about bridge inspection and spaces to fill with words from a box.

    Passage 2. Human senses (hearing, speech, taste, smell, touch) compared to those of animals.
    Questions: Headings matching.

    Passage 3. About the way our mind becomes active when we watch sports.

    Writing test

    Writing Task 1 (a report)

    There were 2 charts providing information about weight of men and women in England between 1993 and 2002, by categories (healthy weight, overweight, obese, dangerously obese).

    Writing Task 2 (an essay)

    Modern means of communication have introduced relevant changes in our lives: some believe benefits outweigh disadvantage, others the opposite. Discuss your view and state your position.

    Speaking test UK

    - Do you work or study?
    - What do you like in your work?
    - Are you interested in fashion and clothes?

    Cue Card
    Talk about your latest meal, please say
    - what you ate,
    - where you ate,
    - how it made you feel.

    - What can government do to encourage consumers to eat more healthy foods?

    Speaking Test Saudi Arabia

    - What do you do?
    - Why do you find your work interesting?
    - What are your hobbies?
    - Which sport do you want to play or watch?
    - Have you played it yourself?

    Cue Card
    Describe anything that you made yourself, please say
    - What you made,
    - How you made it,
    - When you made it.
    - How did you feel about it and what was so special about this thing?

    - Tell me about artists and arts and crafts in your country.
    - Why do people find hobbies interesting?
    - What benefits do they get from these hobbies?
    - What skills are needed to accomplish one’s hobbies?
    7 "
  3. يعطيكم الف عافيه على المجهود المبذول
    انا مبتعثة في اوستن ولي سته شهور وان شاء الله باختبر الايلتس بعد اسبوعين

    ولاتنسوني من دعواتكم يالغالين

    اهم شي حابه استفسر عن طريقة الاسئلة في الولايات المتحده الامريكيه واذا احد عنده فكره حول

    الاسئلة بسان انتونيو يكون افضل

    انتظر ردودكم ..
    7 "
  4. أنا اختبرت اليوم بس ال سبيكنج لسه
    1- flight booking
    2- information about newzealand zoo
    3- a teacher giving instruction to students about writing essay
    4- lecture about computer science, psychology, genetics and zoology

    1-Irish elks
    gender gap in literacy in new Zealand 2-
    3- brain excercising

    1- line chart describing age ground who attends conemas
    2- essay about safe roads

    حابة اقول لكم انه الاختبار مو تعجيزي
    أنا صراحة حسيته أسهل من النماذج الموجودة اونلاين
    بس المشكلة الكبرى انه الوقت لم يسعفني !
    كان باقي لي ٥ فقرات في الريدينج و باقي على الوقت ١٠ دقائق
    و بالنسبة للرايتنج ما كان عندي وقت اراجع
    7 "
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