الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


اللي لغته بلبل ماشاء الله لاقوة الا بالله يدخل يقيم ترجمتي بلييييز

اللي لغته بلبل ماشاء الله لاقوة الا بالله يدخل يقيم ترجمتي بلييييز


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 3592 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية sa345

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    sa345 السعودية

    sa345 , أنثى. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى السعودية , تخصصى ادب انجليزي , بجامعة جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
    • جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
    • ادب انجليزي
    • أنثى
    • جدة, قريب
    • السعودية
    • Jan 2014

    June 17th, 2014, 11:40 PM

    مرحبا مبتعثين
    وعقبال ما اكون مبتعثة مثلكم
    انا طلب مني اخوي اترجم له شكوى من عربي للانجليزي
    وطبعا علشان تكونون عي بالصورة هالشكوى موجهه لشركة سيارات بدبي طلب منهم قطع سيارات وارسلوا بعضها وبعض منها طلع غلط وراسلهم كذا مرة ماردوا عليه فهو الان يبغى اما ارسال البضاعه او ارجاع المبلغ هذا شرح سريع للشكوى وهذي الترجمة اللي لغته بلبل لاقوة الا بالله يقيمها لي هل ترجمتي للشكوى صحيحة واستخدامي للقواعد صح او غلط ولو غلط يصححه لي مع العلم اني اول مرة اترجم واترجم شكاوي

    Dear shimpo
    This is Bander Ali ALasiri
    When I visit your company at the first time on 15 Jan 2014
    there was an agreement between us based on to export some car parts of Hyundi Sonata 2008( accessorises & leather) and I paid the half of money cash hand by hand, on condition to that when I back to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia I must transfer the rest of money. So based on the agreement after 15 days of transfer the money you will ship 256 pieces of the car parts. And after 11 days of transfer the money I sent an email to you to inform you that I had send the rest of money to your bank account and I’m waiting to receive the order as soon as possible and you replied to me that you are still waiting the order, after that I contacted you to ask about sending the order when it is available as soon as possible and to make sure that the order is Nickel but you told me that the order is Leather without Nickel. Depending on that issue I traveled to you to discuss this situation and you promised me that you will offer the wrong order to anyone and you will provide my orders according to the agreement. After 15 days you informed me that there is a person who will buy the wrong order in Dammam and you will contact me to tell me what will happen. After 10 days from the last call from your side, i did call you to ask about what happened but unfortunately you did nothing and you promised me that you will end and ship the order in a few days but from that day I was trying to contact you but I did not receive any response from you until this day. So now I should say that I will be so grateful if you would resolve this problem by sending the right order or refund my money.

    I’m waiting for your replay

    your truly
    Bander Asiri
  2. والله يا اخوي انا ما اقول لك انه لغتي بلبل بس اللي انتبهت له انه فيه مشكلتين كبيرة في الترجمة
    الاولى ,, استخدامك لجمل ممكن الاستغناء عنها و بعض الجمل ممكن ما تكون مفهومة للي يقرأها اذا ما كان اصلا يتكلم عربي
    الثانية ,, بعض الجمل طويلة جدا و الافضل لو انك فصلتها و صارت جملتين او ثلاثة

    استخدمت and كثير جدددا جدددا جدددا

    Dear shimpo
    This is Bander Ali ALasiri
    When I visit your company at the first time on 15 Jan 2014
    there was an agreement between us based on to export some car parts of Hyundi Sonata 2008( accessorises & leather). and I paid the half of money cash hand by hand, on condition to that when I back to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia I must transfer the rest of money. So based on the agreement after 15 days of transfer the money you will ship 256 pieces of the car parts. And after 11 days of transfer the money I sent an email to you to inform you that I had send the rest of money to your bank account and I’m waiting to receive the order as soon as possible and you replied to me that you are still waiting the order, after that I contacted you to ask about sending the order when it is available as soon as possible and to make sure that the order is Nickel but you told me that the order is Leather without Nickel. Depending on that issue I traveled to you to discuss this situation and you promised me that you will offer the wrong order to anyone and you will provide my orders according to the agreement. After 15 days you informed me that there is a person who will buy the wrong order in Dammam and you will contact me to tell me what will happen. After 10 days from the last call from your side, i did call you to ask about what happened but unfortunately you did nothing and you promised me that you will end and ship the order in a few days but from that day I was trying to contact you but I did not receive any response from you until this day. So now I should say that I will be so grateful if you would resolve this problem by sending the right order or refund my money.

    I’m waiting for your replay

    your truly
    Bander Asiri

    المصدر: http://www.mbt3th.us/vb/forum8/threa...#ixzz34vwqW3yU
    حفاظاً على حقوق الكاتب نرجو عدم حذف المصدر مبتعث
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
    Follow us: @mbt3th on Twitter | mbt3th on Facebook

    شوف الاشياء اللي بالاحمر معناته انه الافضل حذفها او اعادة صياغتها
    مو معناته انه القرامر فيها غلط و لكن ممكن تكون الصياغة فيها مشكلة او الافضل استبدالها بـ كلمات اخرى
    انا ممكن اكتبها بـ الطريقة التالية

    Dear shimpo
    This is Bander Ali ALasiri
    ,When I visit your company for the first time on 15 Jan 2014
    there was an agreement between us to export some car parts of Hyundi Sonata 2008( accessorises & leather). I paid the half of money cash hand by hand, and i transferred the second half to your account . 11 days later, I sent an email to you to inform you that I had send the rest of money and I’m waiting for receiving the order. you replied to me that you are still waiting the order. I contacted you again to ask about the order and to confirm that the order is Nickel, but you told me that the order is Leather without Nickel. therefore, I traveled to you to discuss this issue and you promised me that you will provide me the right order. 15 days later, you informed me that you will contact me soon to tell me what is the updates with my order. After 10 days from the last call from your side, i called you back to ask about my order, but unfortunately you did nothing. you promised me that you will ship the order in a few days. science then, i have been trying to contact you but I did not receive any response until this day. so if you did not fix this issue i would ask you to refund my money

    I’m waiting for your replay

    Bander Asiri

    المصدر: http://www.mbt3th.us/vb/forum8/threa...#ixzz34vwqW3yU
    حفاظاً على حقوق الكاتب نرجو عدم حذف المصدر مبتعث
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
    Follow us: @mbt3th on Twitter | mbt3th on Facebook

    أرجع اقول لك انا مش بلبل في اللغة و ممكن يكون عندي اخطاء كمان بس اعتقد انه الصياغة رح تكون افضل
    عموما هذا موقع لتصحيح القرامر تقدر تستفيد منه

    و ان شاء الله الاخوان يفيدوك اكثر مني
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مشعل ولد ناصر
    لغتك بصراحة انت وش مسوي ماخذه من ترجمه قوقل يبغى لك سنتين ونصف دراسة بالمجلس البريطاني
    طيب مدام انه لغتك ماشاء الله قوية لها الدرجة وقادر تكتشف انه (لغتي الصراحة وترجمة قوقل )عدل الاخطاء اللي عندي بدال ماتعطي اراء وترا ما احد جبرك ترد
    ولا شكل لغتك من جنبها علشان كذا مافهمت ولا كيف فهموا العضوين الثانين وقدروا يقيموا وانت لا
    7 "

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