الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


نــمــوذج طــلــب لــماليزيا *نـــــــقاش*

نــمــوذج طــلــب لــماليزيا *نـــــــقاش*


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6300 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية shosho2007

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    shosho2007 غير معرف

    shosho2007 , تخصصى لايوجد , بجامعة قيد الابتعاث
    • قيد الابتعاث
    • لايوجد
    • غير معرف
    • ماليزيا, كوالالمبور
    • غير معرف
    • Jan 2007

    January 24th, 2007, 07:14 AM

    السلام عليكم انا عضوه جديده وحبيت استفيد من خبراتكم واقدملكم اللي يفيدكم ان شاء الله
    بس ودي اسأل عن الخطاب اللي مطلوب فيه 500 كلمه شلون نسويه كتبت كل اللي عندي وبالتفصيل الممل وماجا الا 200 كلمه بس وش اسوي:106:

    ثانيا انا سمعت ان فيه شقق مفروشه يوجد فيها حضانه للاطفال اللي عنده معلومات ممكن يدلني عليها الله يعطيكم العافيه واسعارها بدقه

    على العموم اللي يبي اي معلومات عن ماليزيا انا حاضره بس من ناحيه السياحه:86:
    ومشكورين مقدما
  2. اهلا فيك اختي وحياك بين اخوانك واخواتك... بالنسبة للخطاب فيه مكاتب تسويه لك اللي هي مكاتب البحوث للطلبه الجامعيين وانا بدوري اليوم بإذن الله رايحه الرياض وراح ادور لك ... بس ممكن اسالك وش تخصصك لأني مره حملت خطاب من الانترنت وصار تخصص حاسب ...

    بالنسبة للشقق المفروشه اذا قصدك بماليزيا اليوم في واحد يقول الوزارة تدبر لنا السكن تعطيهم نوع السكن ويجيبونه لك....!!!!
    7 "
  3. شوفوا حبايبي انا عندي 3 خطابات اخذتها من مبتعث راح انسخها لكم هنا وان شاء الله تستفيدوا ع الاقل من الصياغه .. وجزى الله من كتبها الف خير ... واعذروني ماني متأكده من التخصصات لما قلت حاسب لكن يظهر واحد طب وواحد معلومات ادرايه والثالث مااعرف اطلعوا عليها واتمنى لكم التوفيق

    Statement of Purpose
    My name is Ali Mohammad. I am 19 years old and I was born, raised, and educated in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. My personal interests cover hobbies like swimming, soccer, Ping-Pong, jogging. For that, I have always been involved in related extracurricular sporting activities involving contests and camping. I like to socialize with others and get to know people from other cultures to enrich my experience and improve my relationships with people around me.

    My educational achievement in the intermediate and secondary school has always been within the range of 85-95%. The subjects that usually attracted my attentive interest and rendered distinguished performance were Physics, Geology, and Biology. Those subjects were not only interesting to me, but I had a great passion studying and enjoying them.

    Currently, I finished my secondary school (Science Track) with a GPA of 94.48% at Ibn Abbass Schools, Secondary School Section. I now look forward to pursue my undergraduate education at your university. My overall score in the Saudi national S.A.T. was 70 on a scale of 100, which is within the range of the top 4% of Saudi students scores.

    Although, my credentials qualify me to pursue my undergraduate studies in Saudi Arabian universities, I still have a profound interest to pursue my studies in the US. That interest has always fueled my efforts to seek distinction and put every effort to turn my dreams into reality. The Saudi Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has provided me with a list of distinguished and recommended universities in the system-engineering field, among which was your university. They also granted me a full scholarship to study in the US in one of these highly esteemed schools. A number of my relatives also encouraged me and gave me all the support to take that step forward and send you my papers for your consideration.

    Since I received some help to write this statement of purpose, I have to indicate that my English is not good enough and I will need to attend ESL classes before I begin taking classes. For that, my scholarship includes one year of ESL training that I was granted before the beginning of my studies in the bachelor program. I hope that you can take that into consideration. In case of favorable decision on my file, I would appreciate a conditional admission for that reason.

    My post graduation plans for my future include plans to go to graduate college. Upon graduation, I plan to return to Saudi Arabia and find a job at a company or business that is related to my major for a few years to earn hands-on experience. Afterwards, I will apply for graduate school to pursue my post-graduate education in a subspecialty within my major.
    7 "
  4. الثاني
    Statement of Purpose
    I am Ali Mohammad. I am Saudi Arabian born in 1986. I am an applicant interested in studying Management Information Systems (MIS) at your university for the bachelor degree starting in Spring 2006. I received a full scholarship from the Saudi Cultural Mission to the USA to pursue my study in the field of MIS.

    My interest in MIS was initiated by my readings in this field. I seek to pursue this field for my ambition to specialize in a highly professional and attractive field. My plans for my career have set this major at the top of my priorities. I am sure your school is the place where my academic dreams will come true. MIS professionals are very scarce in Saudi Arabia. This area of study should make me one of those who contribute to filling that professional gap in the Saudi work market with the expertise I hope to achieve at your university.

    In the mean time, I received my secondary school certificate and I am ready to start my education. Since the processing of visa applications at the US consulate takes some time, I thought Spring 2006 would a better choice. Therefore, upon approving decision, I would like to be granted admission with an I-20 that includes ESL and BA study.

    I prepared this statement of purpose with the help of an alumnus of a US school who spoke high of the US educational system and encouraged and helped me and many other graduate and undergraduate applicants to apply to US schools. I am sure the love and respect this alumnus has shown for the US educational system is well-established and very justified. I hope to become another US education alumnus. Currently, I am in need for an ESL preparation program, especially academic English, which universities usually provide through an English language center or institute.

    When I graduate, I have plans to go back to Saudi Arabia and work as an MIS specialist. Furthermore, I plan to apply for graduate school and seek a graduate degree within the same field.

    My hope is that your consideration of my file will render a favorable decision. I am confident a decision like that will definitely change my life and put me on the verge of a bright future of which I hope your school will be the main thrust.
    7 "
  5. الثالث

    Statement of Purpose

    My name is Mohammed Ali. I was born in 1988 in Saudi Arabia. I am single and I live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I graduated from the secondary school in 2005.
    My English language proficiency now is not up to the preferred standard. For that, I got some help to write up this statement of purpose. However, my scholarship includes coverage for ESL study, which, I am confident, will be a great chance for me to improve my ESL proficiency.
    I request to be admitted provisionally so that I can improve my ESL proficiency while I wait for my application to be considered and reviewed to pursue my B.Sc. studies in medicine at your university. I have not taken the TOEFL test until now, but I plan to take the proficiency tests offered at your ESL institute as well as the TOEFL test.
    I would like to obtain an admission to the ESL program for Spring 2006 because it is required for me in order to qualify for the scholarship. However, my sponsors and I understand that my ESL program will take a minimum of one semester so that I can be ready to join the B.Sc. program in medicine. Therefore, I hope to be admitted to your university to begin my ESL study in Spring 2006.
    I am confidant that my study at your university will allow me to prepare myself to serve my country as a physician. Graduates from your school have proven high quality standards and are proving their distinction continuously. As I indicated to my sponsors that I was interested in studying at your school, they encouraged me to apply and promised me immediate processing and approval upon admission.
    I am sure that your university will be the place for me to channel my profound interest and fulfill my dreams. I hope, by joining your medicine program, that I will achieve my professional career objectives and academic goals. My future plans include coming back to Saudi Arabia for hands-on fieldwork as a physician. Then, I look forward to going back to pursue my graduate studies.
    7 "

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