الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Why women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia

Why women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5237 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية الحـــاج مـــوسى
    الحـــاج مـــوسى

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    الحـــاج مـــوسى المملكة المتحدة

    الحـــاج مـــوسى , ذكر. مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى المملكة المتحدة , تخصصى Chrome , بجامعة Google
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    • ذكر
    • London, England
    • السعودية
    • Nov 2008

    December 28th, 2009, 06:09 AM

    لما كنت أدرس في معهد الجامعة...لغة إنجليزية..

    كنت تقريباً أحب أتصدى لجميع الأمور اللي فيها تعرض للإسلام...سواء بطريقة مباشره أو غير مباشرة..

    يعني ماكنت أخلي الامور تعدي الا لما أخذ راحتي...وأتكلم...وأبين حتى أروح بيتي مرتاح الضمير والبال..

    طبعاً عرفوني مدرسين الجامعه...وصاروا يتفادون الكلام معاي في هذا الكلام....مو عشان ماعندي سالفة...لا لا لا..

    لأن توجههم في الكلام عن الدين توجه فيه استهزاء...وكنت أعطيهم على راسهم بقوة الحجة

    الموهيم...قبل نهاية الكورس تقريباً باسبوعين....طرحت أحدى المدرسات...10 مواضيع...لكل طالب حق الإختيار..اي موضوع يكتب عنه...1000 كلمة..

    وعليها %30 من الدرجة الكاملة..

    قالت: وش رايك ياحاج...بما ان كلامك كثير...ليه ماتآخذ هالموضوع...

    قلت أنا عرفت من تقصدين بإختيارك للموضوع هذا بالذات..

    ضحكت...وقالت يالله ورينا شطارتك....

    طبعاً قابلتها في مكتبها...لغرض آخر...وذكرتني بمشروع الـ 1000 كلمة..

    وقالت...أبغاك تكتب الموضوع هذا عشاني...

    أنا أقرأ عن الإسلام...ولكن بعض الأشياء ماتروق لي...ممكن تكون بسبب سوء النقل...أو عدم صحتها أو جهل الناقل...والخ من الكلام الزايد..

    أبغاك تحط في بالك...لما تكتب...انك تكتب هذا الكلام ليه..

    قلت ابشري...

    عاد انا انبسطت...

    طبعاً...انشغلت بشوية مشاكل...أشغلتني عن الموضوع..

    ولا قدرت اشتغل على الموضوع...الا في آخر يوم...والمشكله اني كنت متأخر...تقريباً بساعتين..

    ولكن...المدرسة تفهمت أسباب تأخيري...وقبلت المشروع...

    والحمد لله..

    طبعاً طرحت الموضوع...عشان يستفيد منه أي واحد يواجه مثل هالنوع من الأسئلة...ويقدر يتصرف ويعرف يرد..

    أهم شي لازم تحطون في بالكم...اللي حب يستعمل هالكلام.....لا ييقتبس إقتباس نصي...لأنهم راح يصيدونكم...بالراحة..

    مع أنو أول مكان أنشر فيه هالموضوع...هو هذا المنتدى الطيب...

    وبناء على هذا...اللي حب يستفيد...يآخذ الفكرة...ويعبر بطريقته...الخاصة...


    The why women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia

    Being the place where the religion of Islam was born 1400 years ago which has never been occupied in the colonial era, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the only Muslim country that has been implementing Islam entirely. This in fact means that any legislative matter is to be referred back to the Islamic law to begin with. Those who were the first to embrace Islam of the Arabs as their religion had to adapt according to the Islamic law. Therefore their values, traditions and culture as a whole were affected by that.

    The difference between the Islamic law and other laws is that Muslims take their rulings from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The Qur’an is the Muslim’s holy book which was divinely revealed to the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, over 1400 years ago and the Sunnah is the recorded sayings and actions of the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. One must understand the importance of these sources and why Muslims follow and practice their religion according to these two sources. This is because they believe that these sources can be used to lead the perfect way of life as they are from God. Therefore the issue of women driving in Saudi Arabia should be seen as a result of the country implementing the Islamic law.
    An important point that should be outlined with regards to Islamic law is that due to the changes in modern society since the time of the beginning of Islam new rulings must be derived. This is because some modern practices are not explicitly encouraged or forbidden in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Therefore it is upon the scholars of Islam to deduce through reason rulings to suit particular circumstances based upon fundamental guidelines from the Qur’an and or Sunnah.

    One of the basis for why something in particular is forbidden, as previously mentioned, is because it is forbidden from the Qur’an and or Sunnah. An example of such is worshipping an idol or unjustly murdering a human. Secondly, something could be forbidden because it may lead to something that is forbidden. This is known as the “Sadd Al-Dharaie” principle, defined as, the closing of doors which could lead to corruption of sinful actions. For example praying in a grave yard is not allowed as it may lead to grave worship or sitting at a table where wine is drunk may lead to one drinking it. Therefore without considering the previous points raised one might question why women are not allowed to drive when there is no similar rule outlined in the Qur’an or Sunnah. However looking at a similar example such as smoking one can see that it leads to something that is not allowed, in the case of smoking the impermissibility of the action is based on the eventual negative effect it gives to one’s health.

    Considering the previous points and looking at women driving it can be viewed that it leads to many forbidden things. Such forbidden things that it leads to are revealing the face and free mixing of men and women which lead to adultery which is forbidden in Islam. Some would say that revealing the face in a Muslim society is ok and some scholars say that it is conditional. It’s true that some scholars say that it’s ok for the women to uncover her face, but all scholars agree that if the women is beautiful and the state of the society is poor, then the women has to cover her face to avoid harassment.
    Further reasons that driving for women is not allowed is that it would lead to immoral behaviour as women would be able to mix freely with men. This could lead to such actions as dating and premarital affairs. This can also lead to adultery which is, as previously mentioned, forbidden in Islam.

    An important principle in Islam is protecting honour and moral values as they lead to many beneficial things. Women driving cars would threaten these principles because of the negative consequences resulting from it.
    If there were such laws that would allow women to drive the society would reject the women who did so. This is because of the social tradition and that women driving would be rejected from Saudi households. Such views are expressed when considering Prince Sultan had openly stated that the government will give way for women driving once they get consent from their families.

    People of the west would not understand what the point is as they haven’t been brought up in such society, lifestyle and conditions and also the Saudi people who complain about the situation usually have spent their time in the west and they are influenced by its culture therefore demand to change the original culture. It’s important to point to make that these people do not represent the people of Saudi Arabia as they are a minority.

    In Islam Women has to be treated well, the closest relative’s duties. The main duties of women are to maintain peace in the home and to guide the spiritual growth of the children in the household.

    It’s obvious that there is some exceptional circumstances that would allow a woman to drive a car such as if a woman has to take her husband to the hospital or if woman becomes a widow.

    As for traffic, Saudi Arabia has one of the highest rates of road traffic accidents in the world. Therefore there could be an increase in accidents as a result of letting women to drive. This would be a result of the increase in traffic as if women are allowed to drive then there would be more people driving. If the government allowed women to drive then before allowing it they must introduce new and strict traffic laws, similar to that in the UK, to decrease the rate of accidents.

    The topic at hand is a religious issue but what should also be considered are the economic factors. The people who own taxi companies pressure those in the government to prevent women from driving so they can keep a high rate of employment. This is because if women were to drive then it would threaten the high employment rate of taxi drivers.

    To sum up, Saudi Arabia doesn’t want to be involved in such problems that still have been happening in the rest of the world.

    __________________________________________________ ____________

    طبعاً المشروع فيه بعض العيوب اللي مالها داعي....وهذا كله بسبب اني كنت مواصل مانمت....وبغيت أخلص المشروع بأسرع وقت ممكن...حتى أسلمه قبل آخر موعد للتسليم..

    من هذا العيوب....
    قصر الخاتمه
    عدم شرح وجهة النظر المعارضة
    وكلام آخر...بيانه في رسالة المدرسة بخصوص نتيجة هالإختبار...

    Dear .....

    Thank you for your email. I hope you are well.

    Regarding your essay entitled: ‘Why women are not allowed to drive in Saudia Arabia’, you were given an overall grade of 58%.
    but the language itself you were given an overall grade of 65%

    Some positive points:

    - Generally message is clear and coherent and well thought through

    - Evidence of paragraphing

    - Some successful connections made between paragraphs

    - Generally successful attempts at complex & compound sentence structure, using appropriate linking expression

    - Appropriate register (tone & language of formality)

    Some areas for development:

    - Title indicates a ‘descriptive’ rather than an ‘argument’ essay giving 2 points of view, which was the task

    - No preview/outline of essay content

    - Few topic sentences within paragraphs

    - No references to other research

    - No comment on other research

    - Only one side presented

    - Conclusion was too short

    - No bibliography

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