الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


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تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4184 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. عندي نكته تضحك لكن المشكله انها +١٨ وبيني بينك هي اللي تضحك اكثر شيء لكن ما يصلح نقولها هنا او حتى انك تقولينها قدام الطلاب

    عموما هذي وحده مشي فيها حالك والله يسهل امرك

    Last semester I took macroeconomics and didn't have a clue what I was doing (as cited on the final exam). There were 80 multiple choice questions. For some reason I decided to play the game of probability and choose the letter "A" for everything. In that game, the only thing probable was that I failed.
    The following day, the professor asked to see me after class. "Is everything okay?" "Sure," I said, "why? "Well, here's your test," he said and handed me a piece of paper that was covered with red ink. "Can you explain why you chose an 'A' for everything?"
    Knowing that there was nothing I could do at this point, I said, "Well, I've always wanted to be an 'A' student."
    7 "
  2. وين ال18+ فيها !! وبعدين النكته على طالب مفرد a !!

    عندي راي خشي حشيش على قوقل وترجمي خليني اشوف الببي ذلحين

    محشش راح عزاء . سال: وش كان يشتغل المرحوم

    قالوا : حفاار قبوور
    قال: شف سبحان الله من حفر حفرة لاخيه وقع فيها هههه

    واذا ما نفعت اطبعي الكتاب في وجهها ذا المريضة (الدكتورة)
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة naif2010
    عندي نكته تضحك لكن المشكله انها +١٨ وبيني بينك هي اللي تضحك اكثر شيء لكن ما يصلح نقولها هنا او حتى انك تقولينها قدام الطلاب

    عموما هذي وحده مشي فيها حالك والله يسهل امرك

    Last semester I took macroeconomics and didn't have a clue what I was doing (as cited on the final exam). There were 80 multiple choice questions. For some reason I decided to play the game of probability and choose the letter "A" for everything. In that game, the only thing probable was that I failed.
    The following day, the professor asked to see me after class. "Is everything okay?" "Sure," I said, "why? "Well, here's your test," he said and handed me a piece of paper that was covered with red ink. "Can you explain why you chose an 'A' for everything?"
    Knowing that there was nothing I could do at this point, I said, "Well, I've always wanted to be an 'A' student."
    ماشاء الله عليك اخوي نايف هاذي قصه ماهي نكته
    7 "
  4. عندي نكته ترجمتها .. ويارب يارب تعجبك

    There was a college boy who had an exam in Birds Science, he studied very hard for it..
    but the teacher surprised them with one question & it was matching birds feet with their names
    the boy got angry & handed the paper clean & said to teacher(go to hell with your exam)
    Teacher calmly said(You'll have an F)then noticed the paper had no student name.
    he asked the boy in anger(WHAT'S YOUR NAME!!?)Boy calmly pulled his pants up showing his legs & said(Figure it out science boy)
    7 "
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