الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


شرح > طبوأ هنآ نصأئح قد تفيدكم بالآيلتس .. خآصة للي يبغآ 6 بالرأيتنق

شرح > طبوأ هنآ نصأئح قد تفيدكم بالآيلتس .. خآصة للي يبغآ 6 بالرأيتنق


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4157 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة جادة جدا
    ربي يسعدك ويوفقك ...

    رح ارجع لموضوعك كثير ... واتمنى من كل قلبي يتثبت ..

    هلآ والله يأعمري أنتي ..

    يالله مرآ ونآآآآسه انتم لبآ قلوبكم
    والله مرآ انبسطت بردودكم ,,

    الله ييسر امركم وعقبال ماتبشروني بالدرجـــة اللي تتمنوهآ .
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة تراتيل الفرح
    نفس مشكلتك مع المعهد الغبي هذا

    لما ما احل يدوني خمسة ونص ولما احل يدوني خمسة ف الرايتنق

    مع العلم انه الرايتنق ما شاء الله اقوى مهارة عندي بحكم اني احب الكتابة \\
    انصحك تختبر ف مكان ثاني

    - - - مشاركة محدثة - - -

    يا قلق انا انزلها خلاص بس بعد ما اصحى

    دحين ابغى انام نومة العافية

    اهلن يا صديقة الفله والشحططــه والغربه واوم كول الهجولــــه بآامريكآ ..

    نوم العآفيه قلبو ..

    وطلع جهازكـ عقيم كمآ جهازي لن ينجبـأ خيرآ

    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة معيده ومبتعثه
    طيب يا آنسه قلق ياعمري ياقلبي انا للحين منتظره النمادج اللي فادتك بكتابتك الإساي ما أرسلتيها ^_^ نحن في الإنتظار

    وجزاك الله ألف خير ياقمره *_^

    هلآ حبيبتي
    خلأص ارسلتهــا لك ع الايميل ,
    اذا قدرتي نزليهآ هنآ وانأ بحاول من جهــأز تآني ,,

    واذا في متبرع / ــة ينزلهـ ـأ اكون من الشآ’’كرررين .
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة آنسة قلق

    هلآ حبيبتي
    خلأص ارسلتهــا لك ع الايميل ,
    اذا قدرتي نزليهآ هنآ وانأ بحاول من جهــأز تآني ,,

    واذا في متبرع / ــة ينزلهـ ـأ اكون من الشآ’’كرررين .
    مشكوووووره والله يجزاك ألف خير وربي ماقصرتي . . وعساك تتوفقي يارب ونشوفك دكتوره ئد الدنيا ^_^
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة آنسة قلق

    السلام عليكم ورحمـــة الله وبركآته ...

    الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي بِنِعْمَتِهِ تَتِمُّ الصَّالِحَاتُ"

    بفضل من آلله وبحوله قد بلغني درجـــة 6 بالايلتس .> ومآبغت تجي الحمد لله كمآ يحب ويرضــى ...

    > هنآ بعض الاشياء اللي ممكن تخدمكم وحبيت أشأرككم آيآاها لعل فيهآ نفعآ لكم . :

    واللله يبلغكم جميع آمنياتكم وكل مآفيه خير وعزه لنآ اجمعين .. > يآآآآرب

    > آنا جهازي مو كيبورد عربي يعني كتير رأح اكتب وامسح >

    لكن بمسكـ اعصابي علشآنكم واتحمل المسح الي مالو حد >>

    اولأ ..
    لازم برآكتس لان البرآكتس يخليك تفرق بين الحروف .. الاكسنت البريطاني غير مألوفين عليه
    مثلا R بالبريطاني اسمعهآ A بالبرآكتس فرقت ..
    - كمآن البرآكتس يخليك تعرف تلقط الاجآبه لمأ يكون في سترس ع الكلمه لانو ادا سويت برآكتس تحس ان هالكلمه اجآبه ..
    - الكتب تقدر تستخدم اي كـتآب خـأص بالايلتس لان التمأرين تكأد تكون متشآبهه اسمع السي دي وتدرب عليه ..
    >> في حآجه كمآن باخر الكتب
    answer key حأول تتدرب ع السبيلنق حق
    answer key لانو كتير يجيبوآ منهآ تتكرر
    يعني اي كتاب ايلتس شيكوأ ع answer key كتير تتكرر انا تكررت معأيا نيوزلند وكدآ شي كمآن ..
    في موآقع في النت اكتبوآ براكتس ايلتس واختاروا اي موقع يعجبكم وطقطقوآ عليه ..
    > كتير من صآحبآتي وانا منهم لمآ كونا مسوين فيهآ فهوله وندخل كدآ من غير برآكتس الدرجـــه نفسهآ

    بس بعد البرآكتس تفرق وحده درجتهأ 5 بعد شهر برآكتس ارتفعت 6 بالليسننق ماشاء الله ..
    كمآن شي في موآقع فيهأ الاخطاء الشأئعة في السبيلنق
    most common misspelling in ELTS
    او شي زي كدآ انا كونت اكتب بهذأ المعنى تقريبآ والي يطلع لي اشيك عليه

    >> الريدنق ..
    مآ اعرف اش اقول مع اني من عشآق القرأءه بالعربي لكن مأاحوب بالانقليش ..
    * البرآكتس كمآن يخدمك يخليك تعرف كيف تطلع الايجأبات لانو كول شي سينمم .. مافي شي صريح غألبآ

    بالصح والخطآ حاولوأ اذأ جاتكم جمله ركزوأ ع الـ
    adverb مثل always , usually توطن موطن اسأله عادة

    كمآن الاسماء لانو سهل تستخروجهآ من القطعه لانهآ بالكابيتل لتر ..
    >> معلومـــه انو القطعة الاولى اسههل > مو دآيمآ ..

    انا مرتين جأتني القطعه الاخيره اسهل شي .. مرآ عن العلماء اسماء وآضحه وايش اختراعاتهم
    والتآنيه عن مرأحل انتاج حاجه نسيتهآ

    انتبهوآ للوقت حاولوأ تقسموأ الوقت حق الريدنق هو 60 دقيقة لتلات قطع
    يعني 20 دقيقه لكل قطعه ..

    >>>> الرآيتنق ..
    *طبعآ الرايتنق قسمين الاول :
    ـ تاسك 1 عن رسم بيآني له مفردات معينه
    ارتفع انخفض شطح بقوه ماتغير زي كدآ .. تلقوهأ بالنت وبموآضيع كتير ,,
    > تركزوا ع
    زمن الفعل هل سآر زمان الكلام اللي يقولوه يعني بالمآضي ولا حيسير وتوقعات يعني بالمستقبل ولا دحين قاعد يسير يعني مضأرع > مرا مهم تحدد اي زمن حتتكلم فيه وتشرح هالرسم البياني ع آساسو ..

    طيب نجي للتآسك 2 وهنأ الكلام الكبير ..
    اول شي عندي نمآذج اذا مشيتو عليهأ تاخذوأ
    6 ان شاء الله اذا عندكم فوكأب انا وصآحباتي كونأ معلقين واوم التنآاحه ع 5 .5 بالرايتنق
    شوفت هذآ النموذج حللته شوفت كيف يسوي كونكت بالجمل وكيف يكون لمآ يدعم رآيه وكدآ
    مرآ مرا خدمتني هالبراقرافات علشان كدآ بنزلهأ لكم ومتآكده رأح تدعون ليآ من جوآ جوأ قلبكم ..
    بس خلوآ ببالكم ..
    لازم تستخدموأ
    transtions word الللي هيآ
    however , on the other hand , moreover ...etc
    مرأ مرآ مهمه كـ كآديميك ستايل تربطوأ الاسي حقكم بدي الكلمات مرآ مرآ مهمه ادعسوأ وحطوأ كول الكلمات اللي تعرفوهأ ..
    حاولوأ تستخدموا مفردات منوعه مثلا تربيه الاطفال ..
    educate و nurture و raise
    لاتعيدوا الكلام حاولوا تستخدموا السينمم ..

    >> السكبينق ..
    احلى قسم للقرقارين مثلي .. >> هههههههههههه

    > هوآ اسهل قسم تقدرون تجيبون فيه درجآت ويرفع معدلكم كتير ,,

    اول شي ,,
    >> ادخلوا على الاكزامنير كآنوأ وآحد من آصحأبك او صآحباتك ..

    كانكم جايين تتققهوآ بس لا هنتم جيبوآ الكوفي حقكم معاكم .. > لاتتحمسوآ قال يقهووكم قأل والله انكم لتحلموأ حلمآ جميلآ

    ادخلوآ وانتو جايين تقرقروآ بس بروآق وتكتكة ..
    مرآ مرآ روقوآ .. ابتسموأ اول ماتجوآ .. وحطوأ رجل ع رجل
    > > احس تقول لهآ انك وآثق بنفسك واش عندكم

    شوفوآ مقآطع باليوتوب كيف يجآبوآ لان الآسئلـــــة مكررررررررررررررررررررررررة كتير ..
    استخدموأ ايديمز يعني امثال > وآحد اثنين بالكتير دخلوآ اومهم بالهرجـــه مثل
    as a matter of fact معنآها في الوآقع

    وهوأ مثل عندهم أحس الاكسزآمنير مرأ عجبهآ لمأ استخدمتوآ ..

    >> كمآن .. استخدموأ كلمأت صعبة مثلآ big change بدلوآ بيق لانها سهله بكلمه اصعب مثلا significantchange

    لمآ تجوأ ع السوآل الثالث اللي تشرح فيه بدقيقتين .. هنآ حاولوأ تسووه زي الاسي

    تقول انترودكشن ترتب كلامك زي الاسي تقول مثلا احسن هديه اهديتهأ هي كدأ .. اهديتها لمين بمناسبه ايش ..

    وليش معنى دي الهديه غاليه لانها واشتريها من كدآ وتسوي سمري اخر شي لاهم الاشياء ..

    أخيـــــرأ ..

    >> الدعاء والتوكل على الله مع المذآكره ..

    والله يبلغكم مو بس 6 ان شاء الله السته ونص يآآآآآرب ..

    >> أ
    خـــــــر شي ..

    آمنيـــــة ليست بطلب ولكنني حقآ أتمنى واود ان >> تكرمونـــــي بهآ
    ان تذكروني بدعوه تبهج قلبي ولو بالغيب بزوأل همي وفرج كربي والتوفيق ..

    هذأ جل ما اتمنى فانا بآمس الحآجه لدعوأأأأأأأأات صآدقه قد يقول لهـأ المولى كوني بعد طول أختنآق وألم ..

    يآرب اني ابهجتكم بموضوعي هذآ ونفعتكم ولو بالقليل ..

    موووووفقين يـــــأأأأرب ,

    ويلا تعالوآ هنا بشروووني بدرجآتكم ,,,

    أختكــــــــم ..

    آنســــة قلق ,

    طيب انا ابا اجيب5ولغتي متوسطه i know speak englis k اقدر
    7 "
  6. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

    المعذره اخواني الاخ آنسة قلق ارسلتلي الملفات للاسف الشديد ما اقدر انزل الملفات ما ادري وش السبب صراحة بس بـــ نسخه وبنزله لكم هنا

    1/ Nowadays, more and more people are turning to the internet to get their news rather than other forms of media such as television and newspapers.

    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.

    Television and newspapers have always been a source for news in the last couple of generations. However, many people have recently begun to get their news from the internet. Some people think that there are disadvantages to this. Even though there are some drawbacks, I am personally of the opinion that the advantages outweigh these.

    One advantage of getting news from the internet is that a person can get information quickly and immediately. Nowadays, the internet is available almost everywhere. A person can access the internet by their phone or personal computer. This means that they can get the news right away. Another advantage of using the internet to get the news is that there are many different sources of news on the internet. Therefore, a person can be sure about whether or not the news is accurate. Thirdly, in contrast to television, when someone uses the internet to get their news, they can select which stories they want to read. For example, on a news website, there are many links. If someone is interested in reading about something specific, they can click on that link. However, when we watch TV, we must watch the whole program.
    However, there are some people who are in favor of the disadvantages. They argue that the level of journalism on some websites is lower than television or newspapers. They say that because websites are free, the writers don't care about the accuracy or quality of their stories. In addition, they claim that there are too many different opinions about the topic in the news. They conclude that we can not trust the internet as a source. However, advertising on these websites can pay for the writers. As a result, if the writer is receiving a good salary, they will produce quality stories. A person who goes on the internet can choose trusted websites. For example, in my country, many news stations and newspapers have an online source of news. This means that the news will be accurate.
    In conclusion, the major advantages of getting the news from the internet include accessing information easily, getting news from different sources, and being able to select what to read. Even though there are arguments for disadvantages, there are some solutions.


    The media is becoming increasingly influential in modern society.
    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in such a society.

    It is true that the influence of the media is rising in today's society. There are some people who believe that there are many disadvantages of living in this kind of society. However, I am personally of the opinion that the advantages outweigh these.
    One advantage of living in such a society is that many people will easily change their mind about important topics. For example, many news stories cover topics about the environment. Because the media has a lot of influence, many people in the society have begun to care more about this. Another advantage is that the economy of the society will climb. The economy is related to production, trade, and cash flow. Nowadays. many news stories cover business related topics. This means that the people of the country can be more educated about these things. As a result, they have better ways of thinking about money related topics. In addition, advertising causes people to buy and sell things. Since consumer spending is a factor that affects the economy, it follows that the economy will be stronger. This is a positive aspect of living in this kind of society.
    On the other hand, there are some people who think that there are drawbacks to living in this kind of society. They believe that the media has the power to change the people's thinking in a negative way. They argue that the media makes people more selfish. As an example, they point out that this is happening in Arab countries where they claim that the news programs encourage people to only think about money. They conclude that this negatively affects society. However, people still have a choice. They can choose to pick up a newspaper, turn on the television, or access the internet. If they exercise this freedom, they will not be affected. In addition, instead of making the people selfish, the media can inform and change the minds of business people. For example, there was one highly qualified person in one Arab country who could not get a job. The media focused on the lack of money that this person had. This caused many people in that country to protest against the government. As a result, the country developed because of the influence of the media.
    In conclusion, the major advantages of living in a media rich society include people caring more about important topics such as the environment and the strengthening of the economy. Even though there are some arguments for the disadvantages, there are some alternatives to these.


    Children should not be educated at home by their parents. Instead, all children should be required to attend a school.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    It is thought by some that it is a good idea for parents to educate their children at home. In other words, they think that it is not necessary for a child to go to school. However, I disagree with such a position. In my opinion, governments should make a law that says that children must study in a school and not be home-schooled.


    Some people think that all young people should attend some form of post-graduate institute after graduating. Others think that it is better for the young person to gain work experience before entering universtity.
    Discuss both views and give your opinion.

    It is thought by some that getting work experience before entering university is better for a young person. In other words, they believe that all young people should not be able to start university without getting a job first. However, I disagree with such a position. In my opinion, it is more beneficial for the student to enter university right away.
    1) why entering university right away is better
    2) why some people think work experience is good / attack the argument


    Every family should pay taxes that support public schools and universities regardless of whether their children attend public or private institutions.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    agree (position)
    reason 1 (body 1):
    in society, important jobs are done by people who went to public school. they should get support when they are younger and in school...we will need them in the future
    reason 2 (body 2)
    It is fair because the society and culture that we live in has certain expectations and beliefs.
    choice (families don't have to send children to private school, they choose to)

    should -> fair / not fair

    In today's technologically advanced society, computers are replacing jobs at a rapid rate.
    Describe some of the jobs that computers have replaced.
    What problems have arisen because of this situation?



    Employees at the age of 60 should be required to retire in order to create opportunities for the younger generation of workers.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    In many countries, older people are allowed to work after the age of 60. It is thought by many that there should be no law against this. In other words, they think that people who are over 60 should be able to continue to work. However, I disagree with such a position. In my opinion, these older people should be required to retire at this age because younger generations will help the economy to grow faster.
    First of all, the economy will improve if there are more opportunities for young people to work. When there are a lot of older people in the office or work environment, many people don't feel comfortable to tell them what to do. This means that not a lot of work will get done. As a result, the companies will not be as productive. However, if there are a lot of young people in the work place, they will have more energy and excitement. Consequently, they will try their best to be as productive and efficient as possible. This can only be good for the economy because production is connected to it. For example, in my country, it is easier for young people in my country to talk to young people than older people. Older people are very stubborn in my country. Because of this, not a lot of work gets done. However, when I deal with younger people, I can communicate easily. This is why workers at the age of 60 should retire.
    Second, younger generations know more about technology than older people. The world is changing at a very fast pace. Nowadays, there are many computers in the work environment. Generally speaking, people over 60 don't know as much about this technology. In addition, they don't have the energy and ability to learn. Some of them have physical problems such as problems with eyesight and with their hands. If they are required to retire, the more educated and technologically smarter young generation can do well in companies. This also means the companies will be more productive and more modern. As a result, the economy of the country will improve.
    In conclusion, workers should have to retire at the age of 60 because younger generations are more active and energetic. Furthermore, they know more about technology. The result will be a stronger economy.


    Governments spend considerable amounts of money on facilities such as sports stadiums and art museums every year. Some people think this money would be better spent on things that are more important such as health care.
    To what exent do you agree or disagree?


    Fashion trends have become extremely popular in the modern world. We should not follow these trends because it causes us to lose our individuality and personal identity.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?


    Nowadays, international tourism is a big industry in the world.
    Rather than promoting understanding, it has caused tension between different cultures.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?


    Some people think that universities should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give more practical training throughout their courses.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
    It is true that there are many kinds of ways to teach at a university. It is thought by many that universities should give theoretical knowledge to their students. In other words, they think that theory is more important than practice. However, I disagree with such a position. In my opinion, practical training should be emphasized in university because of technology and the expectations of modern society.

    Modern technology is creating a single world culture.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

    Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful.
    Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

    Television has destroyed communication among friends and family.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?
    Televison has a big influence in modern society. It is thought by some people that television does not have a negative impact on the communication between friends and families. However, I disagree with that position. In my opinion, television has made communication between family and friends bad because it attracts our attention. Moreover, it stops us from going out to meet friends.
    First of all, it makes communication between family members decrease. Communication is the language that we use to build a relationship. Good communcication means that two people are having a good conversation. In other words, they are asking and answering questions. In addition, good communication means that the people are listening to each other. Television shows steal our attention. When the TV is on, family members generally watch them. This means that there is no chance to ask or answer questions. Even during dinner time, many families in my country have the TV on. As a result, there is very little conversation at the dinner table. For example, my brother and I rarely talk because we are always watching the hockey game on TV. Unfortunately, this has caused problems for us regardng communication.
    Second, TV has also made communication between friends bad compared to the past. In the past, when people wanted to communicate effectively with their friends, they left the house and met them. Usually, they met them in the evening after school or work. However, in recent times, interesting television programs are shown in the evening. As a result, many people choose to stay home and watch those programs. Even though they enjoy those programs, they don't have a chance to go out and meet their friends. Therefore, communication between friends declines.
    In conclusion, television has had a negative influence on communication between family and friends. Family members don't talk to each other while the TV is on and friends don't go out to meet each other.

    talking, listening, asking questions, answering, saying what you want to say, having a meaningful conversation, body language
    home...living room, lunch time, dinner time

    Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in school.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #62
    The chart shows the amount of time that men and women spend doing different household tasks daily in Great Britian.
    Looking at daily tasks, we can see that females spend about 74 minutes a day cooking, washing, and baking. This is significantly higher than the amount of time that males spend doing the same tasks (30 minutes). Similarly, women spend more time cleaning the house than men (58 minutes vs 13 min) and washing clothes, ironing, and sewing (25 minutes vs 2 minutes).
    If we consider tasks which don't have to be done everyday, it is clear that men spend 26 minutes on average doing maintenace and odd jobs, which is much higher than the amount of time women spend doing the same kind of jobs (9.5 minutes). In addition, men spend more time in the garden doing those kinds of jobs than women (49.5 minutes and 21 minutes respectively)
    To sum up, females spend more time on tasks that need to be done daily. In contrast, men spend more time doing less frequent household tasks.

    This is / WAS significantly / considerably / slightly higher / lower than the amount /percentage / number of __________ who / which / that ______________________ ( )

    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #30

    The chart shows the proportion of people in Taiwan who used the internet divided according to different age groups in 3 different years.
    Looking at younger people, we can see that 53% of people who used the internet in 1998 were between 16 and 30 years old. This was significantly higher than the proportion of internet users who were under 15 in the same year (2%). However, there was a rise in this percentage over the next 2 years to 9%. On the other hand, the proportion of people who used the internet who were between 16 and 30 decreased slightly over the same period of time (53% to 44%).
    If we consider older people, it is clear that there was also a decline in the percentage of those who used the internet who were between 31 and 50 years old between 1998 and 2000 (41% to 37%). In contrast, the proportion of internet users over 50 climbed from 4% to 10% over the same period of time.
    To sum up, there was a decreasing trend in the proportion of internet users who were in the middle years of their life. The opposite is true for users who were very young or very old.

    There was a rise / growth / increase / climb in this percentage
    There was a rise / growth / increase / climb in the percentage / proportion / amount / number of ________ which / who

    The percentage / proportion / amount / number of _________ who / which slightly / significantly / considerably increased / decreased.


    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #52
    The table conveys information about how much weekly rents are for different kinds of properties in three areas. It also gives information about what annual salary is needed to live in these kinds of properties.
    Looking at weekly rents, we can see that a 1 bed in Notting Hill is 375 per week. This amount increases to 738 for a 3 bed property. On the other hand, a 1 bed in Fulham only costs 215 per week. This amount jumps to 600 for a 3 bed, which is about 50 less than the amount for the same kind of property in Regent's Park.
    If we consider salaries needed, it is clear that a high salary is required to live in all three kinds of properties in Notting Hill (98500, 127500, and 194000 for a one, two and three bed respectively). On the other hand, a lower salary is needed to live in a one bed in Fulham (56500). The amount of money needed per year for a 3 bed in the same area is 157,000.
    To sum up, Notting Hill is the most expensive area to live in while Fulham is the cheapest.

    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #6

    The diagram provides a visual representation of the manufacturing process and flow of information of consumer goods.
    At first, raw materials and manufactured components are stored. After this, the production process is planned. Once this is done, the product is assembled, inspected, and tested. Following this, it is put into a package and sent out. The last step is the sales of the product.
    Looking at the flow of information, we can see that the sales of the product help the market research. At this stage, the market research provides information about how to advertise and design the consumer good. In addition, it helps the manufacturer to package the item. Moreover, sales of the product assist with the planning process. In turn, this information can be used to make decisions about storage.
    To sum up, the manufacturing of consumer goods is a complicated process which requires many steps. In addition, information flows back from different stages.


    The table conveys information about four different areas that indicate how well the economy is in four different countries.
    Looking at developed countries, we can see that an average person earns $11100 per year in Canada. This is lower than the amount of money which is earned per person in Japan every year ($15760). In addition, the same percentage of people in both of these countries are literate (99%). People in Japan are expected to live longer than people in Canada (78 years and 76 years respectively). Moreover, A higher number of calories is consumed in Canada than in Japan (3326 vs 2846).
    Turning to developing countries, it is clear that a low percentage of adults in Zaire are literate (34%). Similarly, people in Zaire have a lower income than people in Peru ($130 vs $160). The average person in Peru is expected to live for 51 years. On the other hand, the average person in Zaire is expected to live for only 47 years.
    To sum up, the economic indicators in developed countries are much better than in developing countries.
    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #7


    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #49

    colleague: co-worker
    My colleagues are very nice at work.
    competent: able to do a job well
    I am a competent teacher. It means that I know my job well and I am able to be very professional
    promotion: get a higher a position.
    I got a promotion at work.
    I got promoted to manager of my department.
    My boss promoted me to leader of the group.
    30% of workers between 18 and 30 are affected by work environment.


    The chart shows the proportion of workers divided according to age group whose work performance is influenced by several reasons.
    90% of workers between 18 and 30 are affected by a chance for personal development. This is significantly higher than the percentage of workers who are between 45 and 60 who are influenced by the same factor (aprroximately 35%). Similarly, a higher proportion of workers between 18 and 30 are affected by a relaxed working environment (around 80%). In addition, promotion prospects influence the work performance of 80% of the workers in the survey.
    Only 20% of workers who are aged between 45 and 60 are affected by job security, which is lower than the percentage of workers who are between 18 and 30 who are affected by the same factor (40%). The same percentage of workers who are in both age groups are affected by the environment at work (30%). In the same way, team spirit influences 60% of the workers in both age groups.
    To sum up, a higher percentage of younger workers are affected by things that are related to their personal development and position than older workers.

    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #41

    sell sold sold
    The restaurant sold $2400 on Monday at lunch
    $2400 was sold on Monday at lunch.
    The table gives information about the amount of sales during a week at lunch and dinner.
    Looking at the weekdays, we can see that the highest amount at lunch was sold on Wednesday ($2595). On the other hand, the highest amount at dinner was sold on Tuesday ($3850). The restaurant sold $2400 on Monday at lunch, which was the lowest amount during the week. Similarly, the lowest amount sold at dinner was on Wednesday ($3445).
    If we consider the weekend, we can see that $2500 was sold on Friday at lunch. This was higher than the amount which was sold on both Saturday and Sunday at the same time ($1950 and $1550 respectively). In the same way, the highest amount was sold on Friday at dinner ($4350).
    To sum up, sales were generally higher at dinner time during the week of October 7-13. In addition, a higher amount was sold on the weekend.

    About 5 million Japanese tourists travelled abroad.
    2 percent of Japanese tourists came to Australia in 1985
    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #24

    The first chart shows the number of Japanese tourists who travelled abroad between 1985 and 1995. The second chart gives information about the percentage of Japanese tourists who came to Australia over the same period of time.
    Looking at Japanese tourists who travelled abroad, it is clear that in 1985, about 5 million of them went to another country. This was significantly lower than the number of Japanese tourists who travelled abroad in 1990. However, this number slightly decreased over the next year to 11 million. After this, it increased again to 15 million in 1995.
    If we consider Australia's share of this market, we can see that only 2 % of Japanese tourists came to Australia in 1985. This proportion climbed to approximately 4.8% in 1988. However, it dropped a little bit over the next year to 4.1%. Between 1988 and 1993, there was a growth once again in the proportion of Japanese tourists who travelled to Australia (4.1% to 6.1%).
    To sum up, there was an overall increasing trend in the number of Japanese tourists who travelled abroad over the 10 year period. This trend was similar to the proportion of Japanese tourists who came to Australia over the same period.
    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #38
    The chart shows the proportion of student expenditure which was for different expenses in 2 different years. The students were in the UK and under 26 years old.
    Looking at essential expenses, we can see that 23% of total expenditure was for accommodation in 1996. This was higher than the proportion of expenditure which was for the same expense in 1999 (20%). There was a slight decrease in the percentage of expenditure for food, bills, household goods over the same period of time (20% to 18%). Similarly, the proportion of expenditure for both children and courses declined between 1996 and 1999 (2% to 0% and 10% to 6% respectively).
    If we consider non-essential expenses, it is clear that there was a rise in the proportion of expenditure which was for entertainment between 1996 and 1999 (26% to 31%). In the same way, the proportion of spending on other expenses also climbed from 11% to 16% over the same 3 year period.
    To sum up, there was an overall decreasing trend in the proportion of student expenditure which was for essential sources over the 3 year period. The opposite was true for non-essential sources. The exception was travel.

    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #37
    The graphs give information about graduates in different colleges, their level and gender, and the number of these graduates divided according to level in 1999.
    Looking at different colleges, we can see that there were 547 graduates at Dubai Women's college. This was higher than the number of male graduates at the same college (426). Similarly, a higher number of females graduated from Abu Dhabi Women's and Al Ain Womens than males from the same colleges (293 and 218 respectively). This trend is repeated with Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah, where female graduates outnumbered male graduates.
    A higher number of women graduated with a certificate (approximately 695) than males (550). On the other hand, there were no male graduates with a Bachelor compared to only 50 female graduates with a Bachelor. Similarly, a higher number of females received a higher diploma than males (320 vs 180). On the other hand, the number of males who got a diploma were higher than the number of females who got the same qualification (350 vs 340).
    If we consider total graduates by level, we can see that 50% of the graduates had a certificate, which was significantly higher than the proportion of those who graduated with a Bachelors (3%). There was a similar proportion of graduates with a diploma and higher diploma (27% and 20% respectively).
    To sum up, there was a higher number of female graduates than male graduates. In addition, the highest number and highest proportion of graduates got a certificate.

    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #36
    The first chart provides information about the number of visits which were made to Australia by people who lived overseas between 1975 and 2005. The table conveys information about where these visitors came from in 1975 and 2005.
    Looking at the line chart, we can see that around 9 million visits were made to Australia in 1975. This was about 6 million lower than the number of visits which were made in 1985 (15 million). Similarly, there was a significant increase in this number over the next 20 years (15 million to 31 million).
    If we consider where the visitors were from, it is clear that the number of visitors who were from South Korea considerably increased between 1975 and 2005 (2.9 million to 9.1 million). In the same way, there was a significant growth in the number of visitors who were from Japan over the same period of time (3.2 to 12 million). In contrast, the number of visitors who came from Western countries only slightly increased.
    To sum up, there was a significant rise in the number of visits made to Australia over the 30 year period. In addition, the largest increase in the number of visitors were from Japan and South Korea.
    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #34
    The chart shows the number of people who went to prison in 5 different countries over a 50 year period of time.
    Looking at North American countries, we can see that 120 people went to jail in Canada in 1930. This was higher than the number of imprisonments in the US in the same year (100). This number rose considerably from 1930 to 1940 (100 to 130) and again from 1970 to 1980 (95 to 137). On the other hand, there was an overall decline in the number of imprisonments in Canada between 1930 and 1980 (120 to 85).
    If we consider the other countries, it is clear that the lowest number of people who went to jail was in Great Britian in 1930 (25). However, there was a growth in this number over the next 50 years to 85 in 1980. In 1970, the same number of people went to jail in New Zealand, Australia, and Great Britian (65).
    To sum up, the highest number of imprisonments over the 50 year period was in North America. The other countries showed an overall increasing trend in the number of people who went to jail over the same period of time.

    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #32
    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #23
    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #16
    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #10
    IELTS Exam Preparation - Academic Writing Sample Task 1 #8
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