الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


University of Melbourne

University of Melbourne


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية ENG.HAMAD

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    ENG.HAMAD غير معرف

    ENG.HAMAD , تخصصى STUDENT , بجامعة KSU
    • KSU
    • غير معرف
    • غير معرف
    • Aug 2008

    August 5th, 2008, 03:49 PM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    يالله انك تصلح كل من دخل على هالموضوع
    ياخواني و اخواتي الاعزاء اخوكم في الله وده يكمل ماجستير في جامعة ملبورن و عندي بعض الاستفسارات :
    أول استفسار كيف مستوى الدراسة فيها صعب او متوسط ؟

    ثاني استفسار انا قريت برنامج فيها اللي هو ماجستير في الإدراه الهندسية وكان من الشروط للإلتحاق به ان الشخص يكون عنده خبره سنتين هل هذا صحيح علماً بأني خريج Bachelor هندسة
    Entry Requirements
    The academic requirements for admission to the Masters program are:
    > The *****alent of a University of Melbourne (engineering or science) four-year degree in a relevant discipline with an average grade of at least 65%.
    > Applicants with the *****alent of a University of Melbourne four-year pass standard degree in a relevant discipline may enter the program after completing a Graduate/Postgraduate Certificate consisting of 50 points (approximately six months of study) with a minimum grade of 65% or a semester of prescribed preliminary studies.
    > Applicants with the *****alent of a University of Melbourne three-year degree are required to complete a Graduate/Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering consisting of 100 points (approximately twelve months of study) or provide written evidence of appropriate work experience of at least two years or a combination of Graduate/Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering and appropriate work experience.
    All matters of selection, credit and progression are at the discretion of the Faculty Postgraduate Course Selection Committee.

    ثالث استفسار واتمنى اني ماطولت عليكم الله يحفظكم كم المده المطلوبه للحصول على درجة الماجستير بصراحه انا مافهمت وش قصدهم بالنقاط ؟

    Duration & Awards
    Graduate/Postgraduate Certificate (6 months)
    After successfully completing 50 points.
    Graduate/Postgraduate Diploma (12 months)
    After successfully completing 100 points. The 100 points may comprise of some higher level undergraduate subjects.
    Master of Engineering Management (100 pts; 12 months)
    Requires the successful completion of 100 points of level 5 and 6 subjects in accordance with the subject requirements this course.
    Master of Engineering Management (200 pts; 2 years)
    Candidates are required to pass 200 points of subjects. Normally this course will comprise of the Graduate Diploma (100 points) and the 100 point Masters.
    Master of Engineering Science/Applied Science (150 pts; 1.5 years)
    Students are required to complete 100 points of level 5 and 6 subjects in accordance with the requirements of the coursework masters. In addition, a grade of 70% or greater must be achieved in the subject 421-642 Research Project (or *****alent) in order to progress to the final 50 points of research (1 full-time semester).
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ENG.HAMAD
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    و عليكم السلام

    يالله انك تصلح كل من دخل على هالموضوع

    ياخواني و اخواتي الاعزاء اخوكم في الله وده يكمل ماجستير في جامعة ملبورن و عندي بعض الاستفسارات :
    أول استفسار كيف مستوى الدراسة فيها صعب او متوسط ؟

    الدراسه في ملبورن بتختلف عن كل الجامعات الموجوده في استراليا و مش ح تصدق الا لمن تجرب لكن ما اقدر اقول انها صعبه لكن شروط الدخول معقده شوي يعني لازم يكون معدلك عالي و خاصه في مواد التخصص

    ثاني استفسار انا قريت برنامج فيها اللي هو ماجستير في الإدراه الهندسية
    ( افضل تخشش )

    وكان من الشروط للإلتحاق به ان الشخص يكون عنده خبره سنتين هل هذا صحيح علماً بأني خريج Bachelor هندسة

    هاذا الكلام مردودن عليك و لسيه له من الصحه شيء لان اغلب العالم يا بني خريجون جدد و قله هم الموضفون و عندي الادله و البراهين على ذلك

    Entry Requirements

    The academic requirements for admission to the Masters program are:

    > The *****alent of a University of Melbourne (engineering or science) four-year degree in a relevant discipline with an average grade of at least 65%.
    > Applicants with the *****alent of a University of Melbourne four-year pass standard degree in a relevant discipline may enter the program after completing a Graduate/Postgraduate Certificate consisting of 50 points (approximately six months of study) with a minimum grade of 65% or a semester of prescribed preliminary studies.
    > Applicants with the *****alent of a University of Melbourne three-year degree are required to complete a Graduate/Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering consisting of 100 points (approximately twelve months of study) or provide written evidence of appropriate work experience of at least two years or a combination of Graduate/Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering and appropriate work experience.
    All matters of selection, credit and progression are at the discretion of the Faculty Postgraduate Course Selection Committee.

    ثالث استفسار واتمنى اني ماطولت عليكم الله يحفظكم كم
    هوه بقي شيء ما سألت عنه ما شاء الله

    المده المطلوبه للحصول على درجة الماجستير بصراحه انا مافهمت وش قصدهم بالنقاط ؟
    سنه: ثمان مواد على فصلين دراسيين
    سنه و نصف : على ثلاث فصول دراسيه ثماني مواد و بحث صغنن
    سنتين : و تأخد دبل دقري يعني ماستر اداره هندسيه و ماستر ادارة مشاريع هندسيه تدرس فيه 16 ماده

    Duration & Awards
    Graduate/Postgraduate Certificate (6 months)
    After successfully completing 50 points.

    Graduate/Postgraduate Diploma (12 months)
    After successfully completing 100 points. The 100 points may comprise of some higher level undergraduate subjects.

    Master of Engineering Management (100 pts; 12 months)
    Requires the successful completion of 100 points of level 5 and 6 subjects in accordance with the subject requirements this course.

    Master of Engineering Management (200 pts; 2 years)
    Candidates are required to pass 200 points of subjects. Normally this course will comprise of the Graduate Diploma (100 points) and the 100 point Masters.

    Master of Engineering Science/Applied Science (150 pts; 1.5 years)
    Students are required to complete 100 points of level 5 and 6 subjects in accordance with the requirements of the coursework masters. In addition, a grade of 70% or greater must be achieved in the subject 421-642 Research Project (or *****alent) in order to progress to the final 50 points of research (1 full-time semester).

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