الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


JIC & YIC come in and express you feelings

JIC & YIC come in and express you feelings


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4988 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية اســـ الهم ـــير
    اســـ الهم ـــير

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    اســـ الهم ـــير الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    اســـ الهم ـــير , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى Instrumentation & Control Engineering Technology , بجامعة Lane Community College
    • Lane Community College
    • Instrumentation & Control Engineering Technology
    • ذكر
    • Eugene, Oregon
    • السعودية
    • Mar 2010

    September 1st, 2010, 07:50 PM

    My topic is pretty obvious; everyone who wants to express his feelings can write here and share them with us.

    First, I would like to congratulate all candidates, and I'm sorry for those who got refused ( including me )

    I don't really know from where to start, and I don't know how to express my mixed feelings either. I'm not angry, I'm actually furious because of what happened to both Jubail and Yanbu Industrial Colleges applicants. I would like to say that I know how you feel guys and I'm terribly sorry for all of us. I guess we were not lucky enough to have a scholarship.

    Brief idea about me:

    1) College: Jubail Industrial College

    2) GPA: 3.33

    3) Major: Instrumentation & Control Engineering Technology

    Besides, I have an IELTS Certificate

    IELTS ( International English Language Testing System ) I got 6 out of 9 which is in my opinion pretty good, but not great.

    I've taken this test even though I wasn't quite ready for it. I was stupid enough to think that getting such international certificate would give me an advantage over the others.

    What the organization did was racism. I think everyone agrees with me.

    First time, they accepted 13 from JIC and 7 from YIC

    Second time, they accepted 11 from JIC and only 2 from YIC.

    Is that fair?

    I still don't understand the organization. It should have at least given us a chance to have a placement test and show them that we are qualified.
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اســـ الهم ـــير

    My topic is pretty obvious; everyone who wants to express his feelings can write here and share them with us.

    First, I would like to congratulate all candidates, and I'm sorry for those who got refused ( including me )

    I don't really know from where to start, and I don't know how to express my mixed feelings either. I'm not angry, I'm actually furious because of what happened to both Jubail and Yanbu Industrial Colleges applicants. I would like to say that I know how you feel guys and I'm terribly sorry for all of us. I guess we were not lucky enough to have a scholarship.

    Brief idea about me:

    1) College: Jubail Industrial College

    2) GPA: 3.33

    3) Major: Instrumentation & Control Engineering Technology

    Besides, I have an IELTS Certificate

    IELTS ( International English Language Testing System ) I got 6 out of 9 which is in my opinion pretty good, but not great.

    I've taken this test even though I wasn't quite ready for it. I was stupid enough to think that getting such international certificate would give me an advantage over the others.

    What the organization did was racism. I think everyone agrees with me.

    First time, they accepted 13 from JIC and 7 from YIC

    Second time, they accepted 11 from JIC and only 2 from YIC.

    Is that fair?

    I still don't understand the organization. It should have at least given us a chance to have a placement test and show them that we are qualified.

    thanks dude

    i feel really soooooooooooory for u

    my friend there is somthing you have to understand here, even if u got high GPA or even if u pass the IELTS EXAME WITHE such a good mark. you may not get what u r planning for unless u have PUSHBACK.

    IN my situation i applied for schoolership in the first batch, but they did not accept me. do u know why?!

    easy answer because there is no PUSHBACK

    now they accepted me but i am not that guy whom tracing behind such company that does not have specific policy to follw.

    anyway, have u been taken to complete your BS degree in our college

    i wish u the best
    7 "
  3. اولا اسمحلي ارد عليك بالعربي ،
    حياك يا خوي ، وياهلابك بين اخوانك ،
    صدورنا وحده وفرحتنا من فرحتكم ، وضيقنا من ضيقكم

    الخيره فيما اختاره الله ، وكل شخص ماياخذ إلا نصيبة .
    والشخص مايقف عند اول حاجز ، ولا ماشفنا احد وصل لمبتغاه ،

    معدلك ممتاز ، ولغتك بعد افضل ، واسلوبك يدل على شخصك المتواضع .
    انت غير ، ولا تترك لنفسك الحديث معها في امور سلبيه ،

    الهيئة الملكية عندكم تبتعث طلابها ،
    واكيد عندكم المعلومات عنها . ومقتصره على قولتهم " للحبايب "
    المؤسسة والهيئة الملكية بينهم مشاكل ،
    وبرنامج الابتعاث نص على الحاملين للشهاده الجامعية المتوسطة ، والنظام يمشي على الجميع .
    المؤسسة اصبحت مجبوره تاخذ من كليتي الجبيل وينبع ، وهذا من حقكم ولا فيه اي حسد منا
    وعلى العكس يحزنا ماجاكم ، وكلنا شفنا العقبات اللي واجهتكم بالتسجيل .

    اتمنى من الله يوفقكم جميعا ، ويسهل لكم اموركم ويرزقكم بأفضل من الابتعاث في هذا الشهر الفضيل .
    ولاتنسى .. تعد خطة جديده لغد ،
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حسون
    thanks dude

    i feel really soooooooooooory for u

    my friend there is somthing you have to understand here, even if u got high GPA or even if u pass the IELTS EXAME WITHE such a good mark. you may not get what u r planning for unless u have PUSHBACK.

    IN my situation i applied for schoolership in the first batch, but they did not accept me. do u know why?!

    easy answer because there is no PUSHBACK

    now they accepted me but i am not that guy whom tracing behind such company that does not have specific policy to follw.

    anyway, have u been taken to complete your BS degree in our college

    i wish u the best
    You're absolutely right

    I really appreciate your sympathy

    I thought that the organization would learn from its previous mistake in the first batch, but apparently it didn't

    Anyhow, it seems that I'm gonna continue in my college next year as a part time student

    Thank you dude,, I feel better now
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة نبض آخر
    اولا اسمحلي ارد عليك بالعربي ،
    حياك يا خوي ، وياهلابك بين اخوانك ،
    صدورنا وحده وفرحتنا من فرحتكم ، وضيقنا من ضيقكم

    الخيره فيما اختاره الله ، وكل شخص ماياخذ إلا نصيبة .
    والشخص مايقف عند اول حاجز ، ولا ماشفنا احد وصل لمبتغاه ،

    معدلك ممتاز ، ولغتك بعد افضل ، واسلوبك يدل على شخصك المتواضع .
    انت غير ، ولا تترك لنفسك الحديث معها في امور سلبيه ،

    الهيئة الملكية عندكم تبتعث طلابها ،
    واكيد عندكم المعلومات عنها . ومقتصره على قولتهم " للحبايب "
    المؤسسة والهيئة الملكية بينهم مشاكل ،
    وبرنامج الابتعاث نص على الحاملين للشهاده الجامعية المتوسطة ، والنظام يمشي على الجميع .
    المؤسسة اصبحت مجبوره تاخذ من كليتي الجبيل وينبع ، وهذا من حقكم ولا فيه اي حسد منا
    وعلى العكس يحزنا ماجاكم ، وكلنا شفنا العقبات اللي واجهتكم بالتسجيل .

    اتمنى من الله يوفقكم جميعا ، ويسهل لكم اموركم ويرزقكم بأفضل من الابتعاث في هذا الشهر الفضيل .
    ولاتنسى .. تعد خطة جديده لغد ،
    ياهلا والله فيك اخوي ,,

    تسلم ياخوي وكلامك والله عسل وصحيح 100%

    الهيئة الملكية بس تاخذ الاول على الدفعة او الاول والثاني بالكثير
    وماشاءالله الدوافير ماخلو لنا فرصة ماشاءالله عليهم

    ويلا الله يعوضنا خير

    يعطيك العافية اخوي واشكرك على وقفتك الطيبة واتمنى لك التوفيق في حياتك العملية والعلمية

    وان شاءالله خطة الغد موجودة ياغالي
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سفير كلية ينبع
    first of all no comment for us,,

    my friend you have same my specialization now i realize it ^_^ ,,

    i have immportant question for you why you didn't take BS in your college while we didn't have BS in my ***** college ..?

    don't stop your education dude not only depends on scholarship,,

    all the best

    Thank you for your support

    well, we all know that BS in both JIC & YIC isn't certified by all companies
    and I also heard that BS graduates don't find jobs easily since companies believe in KFUPM graduates only,yet this is not the reason why I didn't apply for BS in my college

    The reason is because I'm a VCGNEP student (( Aramco Program ))

    Next year I'll try to register as a part time student

    7 "
  7. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Amori
    في امكانية للتبرع بقبولي اذا امكن ؟
    هلا اخوي انا مستعد اروح معاك واتنازل بس انت انشاء الله تخصصك زيي ..
    لأن انا خلاص باكمل في كلية الجبيل ومالي بهالمؤسسة وسياستها اللي ماينعرف لها
    7 "

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