الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


دورة في ال civil 3d 2012 بالرياض (طرق – مساحة – حساب كميات )

دورة في ال civil 3d 2012 بالرياض (طرق – مساحة – حساب كميات )


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية emadaref

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    emadaref مصر

    emadaref , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من مصر , مبتعث فى مصر , تخصصى مدني , بجامعة عين شمس
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    • Aug 2011

    February 23rd, 2012, 10:32 PM

    دورات في ال autocad civil 3d 2012 بالرياض (طرق – مساحة – حساب كميات )

    يسرني ان اعلن عن بداية مجموعة من الدورات في ال
    autocad civil 3d 2012

    مدرب معتمد من شركةAUTODESKدورة تدريبية على البرنامج بالرياضتمكنك فى النهاية من تصميم الطرق و القيام بكل الاعمال المساحية وحساب الكميات
    وعلي الراغبين بتسجيل الاسماء مراسلتي علي هذه الموقع او علي
    mobile :- 0582244824

    riyadh ksa

    مكونات الدورة


    1) survey database
    · creating database
    · creating prefix and suffix
    · creating line work

    2) points
    · creating ,editing and organizing points
    · settings and styles
    · description keys
    · point groups
    · points applications
    · point exporting
    · points output

    2) surfaces
    · surface definitions
    · creating & editing surfaces
    · surfaces properties
    · surface from Google earth
    · surface analyzing

    3) alignment
    · creating alignment
    · alignment geometry
    · alignment editing
    · offset alignment
    · alignment labels and styles

    4) profiles
    · profile views creating and styles
    · profile view properties
    · layout profile creating
    · superimpose profiles
    · editing profile styles
    · profile bands
    · profile geometry
    5) GRADING
    · grading creation tools
    · Explain the basic concepts of grading.
    · Create spot elevations and feature lines.
    · Edit grading criteria.
    · Create grading objects and grading groups.
    · Create a design surface.
    · Use styles and labels to create a basic grading plan
    · Explain how you calculate earthwork volumes.
    6) Roadway Assemblies and Corridors
    Create assemblies and subassemblies.
    · subassembly input and target parameters.
    · create a corridor model and list its components.
    · Create a corridor surface.
    · Create an assembly that consists of lanes, shoulders, guardrails, and match slopes
    · Map corridor targets
    · View and edit corridor sections.
    · code set style assigns rendered material styles to corridor links.
    7) intersections
    8) Roadway Plan Production
    Create view frames in a view frame group.
    · Create all plan and profile sheets in the current drawing.
    · Create all plan and profile sheets in a new drawing.
    · Create all plan and profile sheets in individual drawings.
    · Use the AutoCAD Sheet Set Manager to manage the sheets.
    9) Cross Sections and Quantities
    · Create and edit sample lines.
    · Modify the sample line group properties and add additional section data
    · Calculate the earth cut and fill and pavement structure quantities for a c
    · Create quantity reports that display quantity calculations.
    · Create a quantity report in a table and a quantity report in a web browse
    · Create section views from sample lines.
    · Create multiple section views.
    10 )Pipe Design
    steps for creating pipe networks.
    · Create a storm sewer pipe network.
    · Draw a pipe network in profile view.
    · Edit the pipe network.
    · Label pipe networks.
    · Design a storm sewer network that includes pipe sizes and invert elevation

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