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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية عالم السر
    عالم السر

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    عالم السر الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    عالم السر , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى علوم طبيعية , بجامعة غير محدد
    • غير محدد
    • علوم طبيعية
    • ذكر
    • صفوى, المنطقة الشرقية
    • السعودية
    • Oct 2010

    April 2nd, 2017, 09:51 AM

    I used to be a student in the United States, I'm one of the students who was awarded in the sixth scholarship program, and I have a story I want to share it with you guys and I don't trouble or anything all I want is to share my story with you guys and I wanted to be heard, because I don't like when someone take advantage on someone else just because no one is looking or no one can do anything about it I already sent my story on the website, but just in case you guys decided to share it here it's again and I just want the Ministry of Education know that there are so many students like me who just missed their opportunities because of some sort of advisor that takes the power over you or take something that has been giving to me by our beloved government and they gave us this scholarship not so someone else can decide either I deserve this scholarship or not they gave us this scholarship because they believe in us they believe that we are doer and we can reach to the top if we want. and I'm not lying or not telling the truth in this story this all happened in Safeer and all the names are mentioned and I have the dates and everything proof and my story is :

    I'm writing this story hoping for someone to read it and understand what I've been through. When I graduated from high school my dream came true when I joined this amazing scholarship program that the government provide to their beloved citizens. I was an excellent student in high school where I graduated with 93.2 % and I was so happy that I get the chance to complete my study and learn the perfect knowledge. So I started this program in Boston,MA, and I stayed there for one year and it was the beginning for a bright future, and then I moved to Texas to start attending the university and begin this adventurous ride with a great excitement in my soul. However, just when I thought that I'll reach my the top, someone had to drag you down, and unfortunately this someone is the one who thinks that he's helping you to reach it. Everyone has ups and down, and everyone makes mistakes sometimes because we are humans and we make mistakes so we can learn from them and that how life works we are not perfect; to illustrate, I made mistakes during my time in college and I failed two of my classes in my senior year in college which let my GPA drop below the average, and as a result of that I got a one semester suspension from school, and I noticed my advisor about it and I told her the story so she put me on hold and told me that I'll be back next semester, so the days passes and I reach the day where I have to apply for a new FG and new page, and here where it starts. It took my advisor Shereen Saleh 3 months to send a one page FG to me so I can get a new I-20 and new beginning, and the semester starts and I had to miss it just because she didn't send me the FG at the right time. So she apologized and of course it not her fault it's someone else fault. Now, I missed two semester and I have one year left to graduate so one semester was my fault and the other it was someone else fault you decide which one was it. so she told me to raise a new request for the next semester and so I did, and all of a sudden I look at my account and I see that my advisor was changed to someone else, and I was shocked at first and I didn't care because it wasn't my business as long as he does his job. Until I realized that she changed it for a reason, because the new advisor when he just got to the first email he sent to me was we cannot accept your request because you've been out of school for a year and this is unacceptable, and I was like WHAT ? well it wasn't my fault that I stayed out of school for a year, my previous advisor just didn't do her job at the right time so it's her fault not mine. Long story short this new advisor Abdullah Almasini take my problem to his manager Nouf Alwadi, and she didn't want to hear a story or anything you know how this works she's busy she doesn't care about a student problem with advisor, so she just doesn't respond on my emails and doesn't pick up at all'' keep in my mind that I was in Saudi since I got the probation from the university because I cannot stay in USA if I'm in probation'' so all of a sudden she just respond with one email you've been dismiss from this scholarship and you are no longer a student!!! I mean not that I have one semester left to graduate but I graduated from high school 5 years ago and I've spent all the past 5 years studying in the USA to get to the next level to get the next degree and now I don't get it, all these 5 years went to ashes I've been looking for a job for the past 18 months and no one wants to hire me because I didn't finish my degree and my high school degree is old I don't have the experience . Do think I wanted to end like that ? For all the time that I spent dreaming of a moment that someone comes and take this moment from you, do you think that this is the right thing to do ? or do you believe that your just doing your job and doing the right decision will make you feel happy about yourself, and if so do you think you made the right decision ? I mean my life just got destroyed because nobody believe that there's another chance that everyone should get a chance. and I didn't even wanted a chance I wanted what's mine I wanted what my government gave it to me and made me happy my government wanted me to make my dreams come true and these people stole it from me. I just wanted my story to be heard I found a job now and I'm happy and moved on from this story and don't even think about it I just want people to know that there's good and bad in this life there's people who just wants to take happiness from other people life in the name of justice. I don't know if this story will be shared to the public or not, but I hope so, and if not at least I pull it of my chest

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