الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


محتار بين TOEFL وإلا IELTS ؟ لنتعرف على بعض الفروقات

محتار بين TOEFL وإلا IELTS ؟ لنتعرف على بعض الفروقات


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية حمودي555

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    حمودي555 كندا

    حمودي555 , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى كندا , تخصصى طالب , بجامعة جامعة أم القرى
    • جامعة أم القرى
    • طالب
    • ذكر
    • تورنتو, كندا
    • السعودية
    • Aug 2007

    March 10th, 2009, 05:12 AM

    Which Test Is Better: IELTS or TOEFL?

    The answer to this question is simple: in almost every way, and for almost every person, IELTS is the best choice. There are several reasons for this:

    1. IELTS tests English knowledge, TOEFL tests TOEFL knowledge

    In order to get a good result in IELTS, it is necessary to have good English skills as well as to have a good knowledge of the test. To get a good result in TOEFL, you must have an expert knowledge of the test, but not great English. To give an example, one former Higher Score student used to study at university in the UK, which means her English skill was very high. When she arrived in Canada she was told she must take TOEFL or IELTS. Because she did not know which test was easier, she chose TOEFL. Her score was just 53 points, which is a very low score. Next she took IELTS and easily achieved band 7, which is a very good score. This example shows that IELTS is better for most people.

    2. IELTS writing and speaking are easier than TOEFL writing and speaking

    For IELTS, students must write two assignments. TOEFL is the same. However, IELTS is different from, and easier than, TOEFL for two reasons. First, IELTS assignments can be written by hand, but TOEFL tasks must by typed using a computer. For most students, it is easier, faster and more comfortable to write by hand. Second, for IELTS you have 60 minutes to complete two tasks, and you can use this time in any way you like. For TOEFL you have just 50 minutes to complete two tasks, 20 minutes for one assignment and 30 minutes for the other. This means that IELTS writing is more relaxed and comfortable than TOEFL writing.

    In terms of speaking, the IELTS speaking test is a face-to-face interview with another person in a private room. The interviewer will ask you some questions and you will have some time to think about your answers. There is a time limit for IELTS speaking, but you do not have to worry about a few seconds. For TOEFL the situation is very different. The speaking test involves speaking into a computer microphone in a public room with many other students also talking. Each task has a strict time limit and if you cannot finish in the time, your score will go down. This means that IELTS writing and speaking are more relaxed and comfortable than TOEFL writing.

    3. IELTS results are consistent, TOEFL results are inconsistent

    With IELTS, students who score band 6.5 one month will usually score close to 6.5 the next month. In other words, IELTS scores are generally consistent. In contrast, it is common for students who take TOEFL to have very different scores each month. For example, one former Higher Score student, whose level was very high, scored 24 one month for reading but only 14 the next month. Obviously this student's reading ability did not decrease in one month, so the only reason for this decline is that TOEFL is not a well-designed or fair test. Therefore, most students will need to take IELTS less often than TOEFL. Taking a test regularly is expensive and stressful, so IELTS is a better choice for most people.

    Overall, if you need to study academic English, IELTS is probably a better choice than TOEFL.

    It's amazing that you gave us different strategies every day. Teacher taught me how to find correct answers in many ways and how to do self study.

    Motomi, Japan

  2. يسلموووو
    ومشكورة على المرور
    والسبب اللي دفعني لهذه المشاركة هو اني تعبت من التفكير واحترت بين الإختبارين وأيهما أسهل ؟
    فأول مالقيت هالمعلومات اللي أفادتني حاولت أنقلها لها المنتدى خصوصا ...

    ودعواتي للجميع بالتوفيق
    7 "
  3. والله أنا بصراحة ماني مقتنع مرة بهاذي المقارنة ,, لان حسب خبرة ناس ,, وهالشي يعتمد

    لقيت ناس كثير التوفل عندهم أحسن من الايلتس ,, مثلا في مسئلة الرايتنج بالنسبة لناس تحب تكتب بالكمبيوتر اسرع واحسن بالنسبة للسبلينج

    انا بالنسبة لي أكيد افضل الايلتس لاني درسته وعرفت وش محتوياته بس مو معناة ان الايلتس احسن من التوفل على حسب الكلام الموجود في الموضوع

    شغلة وحدة مؤيدة للكلام المذكور واهي موضوع السبيكنج تست ,, الايلتس مقابلة وحدة مع شخص مو مع كمبيوتر مثل التوفل ومع مجموعة كبيرة مما يسبب ارتباك وتداخل الافكار

    وفي شغلة بعد بالنسبة للسنننج ,, في ناس تفضل التوفل لان احنا في نورث امريكا ندرس امريكن اكسنت ,, والتوفل اكسنت بريطاني بحت جدا فهالشي يختلف تماما اذا ماكنت عارف نمط الكلام البريطاني فمعناتها انت ماراح تسوي شي في اللسننج حق الايلتس

    واخير هذي وجهة نظري ومشكور اخوي صاحب الموضوع
    7 "

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